2024-01-09 Acquisitions Meeting notes: prioritizing Acq. SIG topics

2024-01-09 Acquisitions Meeting notes: prioritizing Acq. SIG topics



Aaron Neslin

Julie Stauffer

Peter Sbrzesny

Alissa Hafele

Kathleen Norton

Sara Colglazier

Ann Crowley

Kimberly Pamplin

Scott Perry

Catherine Tuohy

Kimberly Smith

Stephanie Larrison

Daniel Huang

Kimberly Wiljanen

Steve Selleck

Dennis Bridges

Lisa Smith

Susanne Gill

Dung-Lan Chen

Martina Schildt

Susie Skowronek

Dwayne Swigert

Molly Driscoll

Suzette Caneda

Heather McMillan


Sven Thomsen

Jean Pajerek

Nancy Pelis

Sylvia Hamann

Joe Reimers

Nina Stellmann

Timothy Nelson

John Banionis

Peter Breternitz

Winter White


Discussion items

  • Housekeeping -

    • Reminder - User Acceptance Testing for donor functionality will run January 10-16, details see Quesnelia UAT - Organizations - Donor Information.  Updates regarding this UAT will be posted in #acquisitions-uat Slack channel, feel free to reach out to Joseph Reimers if you have any question
    • Reminder - The first small group meeting to discuss "Data Alignment Through Serials, Receiving, Inventory and Discovery" will take place this Friday at 9 am Eastern (use the Zoom link for Acq. SIG Friday meetings)
    • Poppy Release Notes for those who are migrating to Poppy soon (or already)
    • Next meeting, Tuesday, Jan. 16th, at 1 pm Eastern
  • Molly Driscoll added the summary of updates made to the acquisitions related documentation for the poppy release. 
  •  Discuss prioritizing Acq. SIG topics (Dennis Bridges)
  • acquisitions resource Page
  • It would be helpful to have a better sense of the general level of interest in these stories. 
  • Ann Crowley 12:14 PM
    What about using the impact on functionality or workflow?  
    • It would be helpful if the story could include how it impacts more than just the one issue submitted in the ticket. 
  • Susanne Gill (BVB) 12:15 PM
    Doesn't jira has a "vote for"?
  • Dennis: We don't need a complex metric. Right now, internally makes his own assessment on what may be a priority based on his experience. 
  • Sara: Have a recorded meeting where people with requests give a 5 minute round robin type presentation on why it's important. Then we all vote on the JIRA. 
  • Martina: I like the idea of the SIG voting on the tickets in an asynchronous way. Also 2nd Sara's idea of having 5 minute presentation on the importance of the JIRA. Then link the meeting to the Jira ticket. 
  • Molly Driscoll 12:31 PM
    Sorry if I missed this, but has there been a recommendation from the FOLIO Prioritization and Roadmap Working Group that we could use? (FOLIO Prioritization and Roadmap Working Group)
    • Dennis: I think this is more high level
  • Molly Driscoll 12:33 PM
    Jira/Confluence accounts can be created here: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/Signup!default.jspa
  • Dennis: Action item - will confirm that we can use the voting feature in the JIRA. Martina will confirm. 
  • Dennis: Worth having a discussion on the length of time it takes to go through the implementers list.  Aron has picked up a lot of the stories in the list. 
  • Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) 12:44 PM
    +1 to Scott's suggestion of grouping!
  • Dung-Lan Chen 12:49 PM
    Dennis, can the label "acq-sig-topics" be "acq-sig-topics-orders," "acq-sig-topics-finance," … etc.?!
  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:54 PM
    Would comments on JIRAs add priority?
  • Dennis: Consider having a retrospective meeting for the year.  What has gone well, what hasn't.... 

Action items


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