2019-06-03 Reporting SIG Meeting notes

2019-06-03 Reporting SIG Meeting notes









XSharon BeltaineCornell University
Sara ColglazierMount Holyoke College/Five Colleges

Elizabeth BerneyDuke University
Erin NettifeeDuke University

Joyce ChapmanDuke University
Karen NewberyDuke University

Elizabeth EdwardsUniversity of ChicagoXTod OlsonUniversity of Chicago

Claudius Herkt-JanuschekSUB HamburgXScott PerryUniversity of Chicago


Doreen HeroldLehigh University
Stefan StadtherrMPIL Heidelberg
XAnne L. HighsmithTexas A&M
Simona TabacaruTexas A&M

Harry KaplanianEBSCOXKevin WalkerThe University of Alabama
XIngolf Kusshbz
Charlotte WhittIndex Data

Lina LakhiaSOAS

Michael Winkler


Joanne LearyCornell University
Uschi KluteGBV
XMichael PatrickThe University of AlabamaXVandana ShahCornell University

Nassib NassarIndex Data
Angela Zoss

Duke University

Veit KöppenUniversity Magdeburg
Lisa DeCarolisSmith College/Five Colleges
XLinda MillerCornell UniversityXElena O'Malley


GavinChina     Holly MistlebauerCornell University
XAnn CrowleyCornell

XVeit Köppen

XDennis BridgesEBSCOXEric PenningtonTexas A&M

Discussion Items





Today's Attendance Taker: Linda Miller

Today's notetaker:  Tod Olson

Last week's notetaker: Kevin Walker

Updates on Reporting SIG Meeting ScheduleSharon

Please note that we will hold a Reporting SIG meeting on Monday, June 17 from 9-10am EDT, coming to you "live from the FOLIO conference" in DC.

Report Prioritization for Development in Data WarehouseDennis Bridges, Eric Pennington

We will review the RPWG Project List for the Report Prototype Working Group with updates from those who are working on each of the current report prototypes in progress. Please provide feedback on the prioritization of these projects as a representative of your institution.

  • Today, we will focus mainly on In App Resource Management reports. Dennis Bridges , RM Product Owner, will join us for this discussion. Need to know what JIRA feature will cover each given in app report need, and how it will cover the report. (20 reports).  We need to link the in app reports to JIRA reporting issues.
  • E Pennington will discuss the Shelf List Location report data model (save for June 10 if we run out of time)


Organizations API is now stable, as are Orders. Just did a substantial adjustment to Orders and no plans to change further. Looking next at Receiving and then at Invoicing. Much of the backend work has been done on Invoicing, hoping to start front-end work on Invoicing in Sprint 65.

What about Finance? APIs are old and dev team has identified a lot of technical debt. Currently plan to start to address that in Q3, expect APIs to change a fair bit. Fund distributions, encumbrances, transactions, any moving of money around the system, have yet to be implemented. All the stuff around funds and budgets. May possibly include additional element of fund groups. Probably not ready to look at Finances for reporting.

Can look at vendors, orders, invoice, voucher.

In-App reports:

For invoices, planned features around invoices for search, filter, and sum, which should be implemented in a way that can be reused through different areas in Acquisitions and other parts of FOLIO. Could also export results. Finance App is still very undeveloped, but see much potential to apply this pattern to fund, group, and ledger.

Dennis will write up JIRA ticket for search, filter, calculation (e.g., sum) pattern. There is already existing functionality for export to CSV: see UXPROD-1760

SIG will go through reports and note which can be addressed by above pattern, these can become user stories. The rest are for the data warehouse.

JIRA Updates

Holly added a whole new set of JIRA issue filters so you can see reports by functional area. See the Reporting JIRA Issues Filters page. 

-UXPROD in app report issues now include Report IDs from the Master Spreadsheet, the functional areas, and the report contacts

-filters have been added for each functional area

Data Privacy for FOLIO ReportingALL

Any updates or questions from the Data Privacy Subgroup?

Additional Topics?All No additional topics
Topics for Future MeetingsAll

Review and update Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings 

Action items

  • Sharon Markus will meet with Ann-Marie Breaux on Import-Export reports and bring notes back to Reporting SIG
  • Sharon Markus to review ARES-related Resource Access reports with real-time data requirements with Darcy Branchini and bring notes back to Reporting SIG
  • Sharon Markus will update the Reporting Functionality ID numbering system

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