Reporting SIG Documentation Subgroup

Reporting SIG Documentation Subgroup

Group Members: Axel, Linda, Sharon

Current Homework

-Sharon to follow up with Nassib to ask about linking to the Reporting Documentation page from https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FOLIOtips/Information+and+User+Guides+for+FOLIO+Apps. If he approves, Sharon to update the wiki. 

-Axel to create data flow diagram for introduction

-Linda to review Reporting SIG wiki and list pages that may be outdated


-how to do local derived tables

-how to bring in non FOLIO data

-relationship between LDP and FOLIO Analytics repository and FOLIO applications; create diagram to show relationships

Work on "Starting" Page

  • need to verify that all links are pointing to information that is current and correct
  • ask Documentation SIG how deep information needs to be; Marcia is a good source of guidance 

FOLIO Documentation Group

  • would be good to have all of us attend the first meeting



  • 1/14/21: Sharon has contacted Kelly Drake and Marcia Borensztajn convener of the Support SIG, to get access to make changes to https://docs.folio.org/docs/
  • would be good to have a central page as a starting point in the wiki
  • some documentation is static, and some is dynamic; easier to put static docs on GitHub and dynamic on wiki
  • it's important for the FOLIO community that we have a documentation presence on the FOLIO wiki; important to document information on GitHub too
  • Also need to talk about Accessibility for documentation: how do we make sure documentation in GitHub and on the wiki are accessible
  • (To be updated; no longer doing: When you have a stub for the prototype on the wiki, contact Angela Zoss (Old) to have a new prototype issue created in the LDP-QURY project. The JIRA issue will include a link to the wiki page and will be connected to the JIRA issue for the cluster or report being prototyped.  Angela will assign the issue to you when it has been created so you can keep track of all of your tasks. The workflow status will be changed to "In Development."  Building Report Prototypes and Queries (old procedure)  )
  • Where do we put our documentation (Axel spreadsheet)

Types of Documentation

Central Page for Reporting SIG Documentation

Documentation Updates Needed