Joining the Reporting SIG
Reporting SIG Onboarding Videos
We have created a short introductory onboarding video to cover basic information about the activities and scope of the Reporting SIG.
If you'd like to learn more about the technical details of Reporting SIG development efforts and the reporting solutions we work most closely with, there is a second onboarding video.
If you are a new member of the Folio Reporting SIG, welcome! We're glad to have you participate in our group. A great place to start getting oriented to all that we do is the home page on the Reporting SIG wiki, where you find many links to more information.
Reporting SIG Meetings
See the top of the Reporting SIG Meetings and Notes page for meeting times and Zoom links.
Getting Set Up to Work with the SIG
Please review the checklist below to make sure you are fully integrated into the group's resources. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the Folio Reporting SIG Co-Conveners, @Sharon Beltaine and @Angela Zoss (Old) .
Reporting SIG notes and meeting recordings are public. (See our Google Drive for older videos or our recordings page for recordings beginning on January 31, 2022.) If you want to contribute to pages in our wiki environment, where our meeting notes are stored, you’ll need to set up a wiki account. (Actually, you create an account for the FOLIO JIRA system, and then you use the same username and password to log into the wiki.) The Google Drive folder for the SIG should also be public, but sometimes it seems to require signing in with a Google account.
Please subscribe to our SIG mailing list, though typically the only emails on the list are weekly meeting reminders. (You can go to the general lists page and use the form on the left to choose “FOLIO Reporting SIG” and subscribe.)
We’re also fairly active on Slack, if you’re interested in joining that community discussion space. You can first join the FOLIO Slack, then you can add yourself to the #reporting-general channel. You can also join the Metadb/LDP Slack for more detailed discussions about that platform. If you're new to Slack, Slack offers a getting started with Slack guide.
We also ask each Reporting SIG member to join a subgroup to work on developing reports. Information about how to join a team is available in our SIG meeting notes. We have the following teams:
MM/RA/UM Team (Metadata Management, Resource Access, and User Management)
ACQ Team (Acquisitions Management)
ERM Team (Electronic Resources Management)
Please update your entry in the Reporting SIG Roles table on the Reporting SIG Home page in the Folio Reporting wiki. Please also list your subgroup and indicate what activities you will participate in (prototype/query/test/consult).
An Introduction to the Reporting SIG
See our introductory onboarding video, also linked above.
One way to get a good overview of the work we do in the SIG is to read/skim through our public reporting documentation (including specific documentation on the Library Data Platform and our FOLIO Analytics query repository).
Another way to learn about the SIG might be to check out our previous FOLIO Forum presentations, which are up on YouTube. A good starting place may be our talk from summer 2020 and/or this update from February 2021. Our Product Owner Nassib also gave a talk at WOLFcon 2021 that describes some of the different reporting systems we contribute to.
You can also review past meeting agendas and minutes to see what we have discussed. A video recording of every past meeting is also available for your information in the Recordings folder in the Reporting SIG Google Docs folder.
An Introduction to FOLIO
YouTube video introductions from the Open Library Foundation:
Additional videos:
A window into FOLIO, by IndexData. May 2020. 1 hour, 9 minutes. More videos at IndexData's FOLIO playlist
Orientation Checklist
pointer to this page
schedule time with new members and provide walkthrough of FOLIO Reporting