Consortial Reporting Needs
Functional Needs
- share ad hoc report templates
- API access for integration with external dashboards, etc.
- ability to run reports on behalf of library members
- Reports have some capability to be run at the consortium level and library level
- Reports can query and filter based on MARC and/or Instance data
- Library level consortia reporting should be from the perspective of the reporting library interacting with others
- Consortia level reporting should be able to be done across from all institutions
This spreadsheet includes needs carried over from the 2018 list of Consortial Reporting Needs page.
Report | Consortial Service | Data elements / description | Parameters for filtering/sorting | Priority (critical/major/minor) | Who | Frequency (scheduling) | Granularity (time) | Requires real-time data | Comments | Related Jira tickets | Data Source - FOLIO | Data Source - LDP / Metadb | Data Source -OpenRS |
Title list of all/filled/unfilled requests | Resource Sharing | Requesting library, lending library, pickup location, title/item identifier | Filled/unfilled, date range | Critical | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Hourly | Yes | RA SIG related Historical summary also | REP-104 | Possibly | ||
Turnaround time | Resource Sharing | Requesting library, lending library, request timestamp, available for loan timestamp | Requesting library, lending library, outliers to turnaround time benchmarks (parameterized), date range | Minor | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Second | No | benchmark report | Possibly | |||
Loans to other libraries count | Resource Sharing | Requesting library, lending library, patron group, request filled timestamp | Requesting library, lending library, patron group, date range | Major | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Day | No | RA SIG related | Possibly | |||
Borrows from other libraries count | Resource Sharing | Requesting library, lending library, patron group, request filled timestamp | Requesting library, lending library, patron group, date range | Major | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Day | No | RA SIG related | Possibly | |||
Borrowing ratio report | Resource Sharing | Derived from loan count and borrow count reports | Requesting library, lending library, patron group, date range | Major | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Day | No | RA SIG related | Possibly | |||
Filled percentage | Resource Sharing | Derived from number of filled requests divided by total number of requests | Lending library, date range | Major | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Day | No | Shows what does not get filled. To include title list of unfilled items | Possibly | |||
Currently overdue items on loan by non-home library patrons | Resource Sharing | Patron library, owning library, Item identifier, patron identifier, due date | Patron group, patron library, owning library | Critical | Libraries & Consortium | Daily & On Demand | Yes | RA SIG related | Possibly | ||||
Loaned items in overdue status during reporting period | Resource Sharing | Patron library, owning library, item identifier, patron identifier, patron group, date range | Patron group, patron library, owning library, date range | Minor | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Day | No | RA SIG related | In-App tab | Possibly | ||
Items with status of "Lost/Missing" | Resource Sharing | Patron library, owning library, Item identifier, patron identifier, due date | Patron group, patron library, owning library | Major | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Day | No | RA SIG related | ||||
Items in transit for "too long" | Resource Sharing | length of time with "in transit" status, item identifier, requesting library, owning library | time with "in transit status" (parameterized) | Critical | Libraries & Consortium | Weekly & On Demand | Second | Yes | RA SIG related | Possibly | |||
Retention Commitments (with additional data elements) | Coordinated Collections | # of owning libraries, retention commitment indicator, current status, current location (including library) | retention commitment (y/n), # of copies, publication date, call number range, current location (including library) | Major | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Yes | MM SIG and RA SIG related multiple owners of materials | |||||
Collection Analysis | Coordinated Collections | Multiple filter parameters, # of owning libraries, retention commitments, call number, shelving location, publication date, etc.) Using MARC and Instance data | # of copies, publication date, call number range, etc. MARC and Instance data | Major | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Yes | MM SIG and RA SIG related multiple owners of materials | |||||
Max/min threshold | Coordinated Collections | A report of titles currently exceeding (max) or failing to meet (min) determined thresholds for copies held. Data points - title-level identifier, Item identifier, owning librar(y/ies). Publication date, call number | Publication date, call number range | Minor | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | No | Target number of copies needs to be defined in the consortium | |||||
Overlap report | Coordinated Collections | Item identifier, owning librar(y/ies), collection responsibility (i.e. which library is responsible for collecting in this area?) | Publication date, call number range | Major | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | No | Coordinated collections may need extra fields- data elements | |||||
Count of items retained | Coordinated Collections | Total number of items under retention commitments. Data points - retaining library, retention commitment, item count, % of total retentions by individual library. | Retaining library, retention commitment, publication date, call number range | Minor | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | No | Acquisitions SIG and RA SIG related | |||||
Usage of retained items | Coordinated Collections | Item identifier, retention commitment, total circulations, ILL/resource sharing usage (if distinct from circ counts) | Owning library, Borrowing Library, Circulation date, Publication date, call number range, retention commitment, | Minor | Libraries | Monthly & On Demand | No | ||||||
Items owned by other libraries currently housed at home library (for floating collections) | Coordinated Collections | Periodically, libraries who participate in floating collections (i.e. collections that remain at the library where the item was returned, regardless of owner) will want a report to identify items they do not own but are currently shelved at their library. | Owning library, Current location | Minor (Low) | Monthly & On Demand | Yes | Low priority until floating collections functionality is in FOLIO | ||||||
Overlap report | Buying Club Coordinated Collections | Analysis of overlap between current print holdings and/or also compare current (or potential) e-resource packages. Analysis and comparison between consortium institutions. Data points - item id, overlap (y/n), license terms, material type, coverage dates | Title, Package Name, Material type, Location, Owning Library. Call Number, Publication date, ISBN/ISSN | Major | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | No | Also for Local collections | ERM Comparisons app + Need inventory for print to complete development of this report | ||||
License terms analysis | Buying Club | Number of licenses with a particular license term, item identifier | Package name, Package Name, Title lists | Major | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | No | Filter also at the library level | Licenses app | ||||
Costs for consortially licensed packages | Buying Club | Library, package name, vendor, cost, content license source (consortium), fund source, fund allocation | Library, package name, fund, vendor | Major | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Year (fiscal) | No | Filterable by library with the ability to aggregate at the consortial level and view each libraries' percentage and actual expenditures of total consortial expenditure. | ||||
Usage for consortially-licensed packages | Buying Club | Counter-compliant statistics, filterable by library with the ability to aggregate at the consortial level and view each libraries' percentage of total consortial use. | Library, Package, Titles | Major | Libraries & Consortium | Monthly & On Demand | No | UXPROD-586 | eUsage app | ||||
Cost per use report | Buying Club | Counter-compliant statistics filterable by library with the ability to aggregate at the consortial level, Library, package name, vendor, cost, content license source (consortium) | Library, Package, Titles | Major | Libraries & Consortium | Monthly & On Demand | No | eUsage app | |||||
Read/Publish Agreement | Buying Club | Agreement, article (corresponding author, DOI, publication year), institution (on the library level: faculty, institute, department), publication type, journal, country of publication, request year, funding acknowledgement, costs (list price, deposit price, actual price, breakdown by funds, author contribution) | Libraries & Consortium | Monthly & On Demand | No | Open Access App., | |||||||
Configuration parameters report | Infrastructure | A report of each libraries configuration parameters for use in configuring other libraries in the consortium. | Library | Critical/major dependent on tennancy | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Yes | Use report results to import settings into new library | Central tenant | ||||
3rd party integration status | Infrastructure | Monitoring of external systems integrated with FOLIO. Data points - last successful connection (timestamp), system (name/id), timestamp of integration failure. | Date | Critical | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Yes | Check of system integration success might be scheduled (i.e. daily, hourly, etc.) **Might break into two reports - one operational, one analytical** | |||||
Staff account status report | Infrastructure | Account username/id, current status (blocked/expired/active), roles/permissions, home library, creation timestamp, last update timestamp | Account username/id, current status, roles/permissions, creation timestamp, last update timestamp | Major | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Day | Yes | Used for account cleanup May be privacy concerns | ||||
Patron status report | Resource Sharing | Patron identifier, current status (blocked/expired), library (i.e. which library is blocking patron), patron "home" library, date/time of block, expiration date, block reason, patron group | Current status, library (both the blocking library and home library), block reason, patron group, date/time | Major | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Day | Yes | RA SIG related May be privacy concerns | ||||
Fines/fees | Resource Sharing | Patron identifier, credit/debit, $ amount, item identifier, current status, fine/fee type, patron library, owning library, patron group, date/time, item due date | Patron identifier, patron library, owning library, patron group, date/time | Minor | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Minute | Yes | RA SIG related May be privacy concerns | ||||
Work activity report | Shared procedures | Task/activity assigned, Task/activity performed, task/activity type, date performed (start/end), staff user/team, library, record/item identifier | Library, staff user/team, task/activity type, date/time | Minor | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Minute | Yes | Tracking of staff activity needs to be optional for data privacy regulations (especially for GDPR). Could also be used as a "performance report" - i.e. does one workflow work better than another. Need development of ability to track Task/Activity assigned | ||||
Cataloguing statistics | Shared procedures | Record/item identifier, added/modified/deleted. Loading, overlays, and profile used for the activity (i.e. maintenance activity), manual/app, owning library, staff user/team, timestamp number of new catalogue records and corrections of existing catalogue records per library | Owning library, maintenance activity, staff user/team, timestamp | Minor | Libraries & Consortium | On Demand | Day | No |