Consortial Reporting Needs

Functional Needs

  • share ad hoc report templates
  • API access for integration with external dashboards, etc.
  • ability to run reports on behalf of library members


  • Reports have some capability to be run at the consortium level and library level
  • Reports can query and filter based on MARC and/or Instance data
  • Library level consortia reporting should be from the perspective of the reporting library interacting with others
  • Consortia level reporting should be able to be done across from all institutions

This spreadsheet includes needs carried over from the 2018 list of Consortial Reporting Needs page.  

ReportConsortial ServiceData elements / descriptionParameters for filtering/sortingPriority (critical/major/minor)Who Frequency (scheduling)Granularity (time)Requires real-time dataCommentsRelated Jira ticketsData Source - FOLIOData Source - LDP / MetadbData Source -OpenRS
Title list of all/filled/unfilled requestsResource SharingRequesting library, lending library, pickup location, title/item identifierFilled/unfilled, date rangeCriticalLibraries & Consortium  

On Demand


RA SIG related

Historical summary also


Turnaround timeResource SharingRequesting library, lending library, request timestamp, available for loan timestampRequesting library, lending library, outliers to turnaround time benchmarks (parameterized), date rangeMinorLibraries & Consortium On Demand


Nobenchmark report


Loans to other libraries countResource SharingRequesting library, lending library, patron group, request filled timestampRequesting library, lending library, patron group, date rangeMajorLibraries & Consortium On DemandDayNoRA SIG related




Borrows from other libraries countResource SharingRequesting library, lending library, patron group, request filled timestampRequesting library, lending library, patron group, date rangeMajorLibraries & Consortium On DemandDayNoRA SIG related




Borrowing ratio reportResource SharingDerived from loan count and borrow count reportsRequesting library, lending library, patron group, date rangeMajorLibraries & Consortium On DemandDayNoRA SIG related

Filled percentageResource SharingDerived from number of filled requests divided by total number of requestsLending library, date rangeMajorLibraries & Consortium On DemandDayNoShows what does not get filled. To include title list of unfilled items

Currently overdue items on loan by non-home library patronsResource SharingPatron library, owning library, Item identifier, patron identifier, due datePatron group, patron library, owning libraryCriticalLibraries & Consortium 

Daily & On Demand

YesRA SIG related

Loaned items in overdue status during reporting periodResource SharingPatron library, owning library, item identifier, patron identifier, patron group, date rangePatron group, patron library, owning library, date rangeMinorLibraries & Consortium On DemandDayNo

RA SIG related

In-App tab



Items with status of "Lost/Missing"Resource SharingPatron library, owning library, Item identifier, patron identifier, due datePatron group, patron library, owning libraryMajorLibraries & Consortium On DemandDayNoRA SIG related

Items in transit for "too long"Resource Sharinglength of time with "in transit" status, item identifier, requesting library, owning librarytime with "in transit status" (parameterized)CriticalLibraries & Consortium Weekly & On DemandSecondYesRA SIG related





Retention Commitments (with additional data elements)Coordinated Collections

# of owning libraries, retention commitment indicator, current status, current location (including library)

retention commitment (y/n), # of copies, publication date, call number range, current location (including library)MajorLibraries & Consortium On Demand

MM SIG and RA SIG related

multiple owners of materials



Collection AnalysisCoordinated Collections

Multiple filter parameters, # of owning libraries, retention commitments, call number, shelving location, publication date, etc.)  Using MARC and Instance data

 # of copies, publication date, call number range, etc. MARC and Instance dataMajorLibraries & Consortium On Demand

MM SIG and RA SIG related

multiple owners of materials

Max/min thresholdCoordinated Collections

A report of titles currently exceeding (max) or failing to meet (min) determined thresholds for copies held.

Data points - title-level identifier, Item identifier, owning librar(y/ies). Publication date, call number

Publication date, call number rangeMinorLibraries & Consortium On Demand

Target number of copies needs to be defined in the consortium

Overlap reportCoordinated CollectionsItem identifier, owning librar(y/ies), collection responsibility (i.e. which library is responsible for collecting in this area?)Publication date, call number rangeMajorLibraries & Consortium On Demand

Coordinated collections may need extra fields- data elements

Count of items retainedCoordinated Collections

Total number of items under retention commitments.

Data points - retaining library, retention commitment, item count, % of total retentions by individual library.

Retaining library, retention commitment, publication date, call number rangeMinorLibraries & Consortium On Demand

Acquisitions SIG and RA SIG related

Usage of retained itemsCoordinated CollectionsItem identifier, retention commitment, total circulations, ILL/resource sharing usage (if distinct from circ counts)Owning library, Borrowing Library, Circulation date, Publication date, call number range, retention commitment,MinorLibrariesMonthly & On Demand

Items owned by other libraries currently housed at home library (for floating collections)Coordinated CollectionsPeriodically, libraries who participate in floating collections (i.e. collections that remain at the library where the item was returned, regardless of owner) will want a report to identify items they do not own but are currently shelved at their library.Owning library, Current locationMinor (Low)
Monthly & On Demand
YesLow priority until floating collections functionality is in FOLIO

Overlap report

Buying Club

Coordinated Collections

Analysis of overlap between current print holdings and/or also compare current (or potential) e-resource packages.  Analysis and comparison between consortium institutions.

Data points - item id, overlap (y/n), license terms, material type, coverage dates

Title, Package Name, Material type, Location, Owning Library. Call Number, Publication date, ISBN/ISSNMajorLibraries & Consortium On Demand
NoAlso for Local collections
ERM Comparisons app  + Need inventory for print to complete development of this report

License terms analysisBuying ClubNumber of licenses with a particular license term, item identifierPackage name, Package Name, Title listsMajorLibraries & Consortium On Demand
NoFilter also at the library level
Licenses app

Costs for consortially licensed packagesBuying ClubLibrary, package name, vendor, cost, content license source (consortium), fund source, fund allocationLibrary, package name, fund, vendorMajorLibraries & Consortium On DemandYear (fiscal)NoFilterable by library with the ability to aggregate at the consortial level and view each libraries' percentage and actual expenditures of total consortial expenditure.

Usage for consortially-licensed packagesBuying ClubCounter-compliant statistics, filterable by library with the ability to aggregate at the consortial level and view each libraries' percentage of total consortial use.Library, Package, TitlesMajorLibraries & Consortium Monthly & On Demand
UXPROD-586eUsage app 

Cost per use reportBuying ClubCounter-compliant statistics filterable by library with the ability to aggregate at the consortial level,  Library, package name, vendor, cost, content license source (consortium)Library, Package, TitlesMajorLibraries & ConsortiumMonthly & On Demand

eUsage app 

Read/Publish AgreementBuying ClubAgreement, article (corresponding author,  DOI, publication year), institution (on the library level: faculty, institute, department),  publication type, journal, country of publication, request year, funding acknowledgement, costs (list price, deposit price, actual price, breakdown by funds, author contribution)

Libraries & ConsortiumMonthly & On Demand

Open Access App.,

Configuration parameters reportInfrastructureA report of each libraries configuration parameters for use in configuring other libraries in the consortium.Library


dependent on tennancy

Libraries & ConsortiumOn Demand
YesUse report results to import settings into new library
Central tenant 

3rd party integration statusInfrastructure

Monitoring of external systems integrated with FOLIO.

Data points - last successful connection (timestamp), system (name/id), timestamp of integration failure.

DateCriticalLibraries & Consortium On Demand

Check of system integration success might be scheduled (i.e. daily, hourly, etc.)

**Might break into two reports - one operational, one analytical**

Staff account status reportInfrastructureAccount username/id, current status (blocked/expired/active), roles/permissions, home library, creation timestamp, last update timestampAccount username/id, current status, roles/permissions, creation timestamp, last update timestampMajorLibraries & Consortium On DemandDayYes

Used for account cleanup

May be privacy concerns

Patron status reportResource SharingPatron identifier, current status (blocked/expired), library (i.e. which library is blocking patron), patron "home" library, date/time of block, expiration date, block reason, patron groupCurrent status, library (both the blocking library and home library), block reason, patron group, date/timeMajorLibraries & Consortium On DemandDayYes

RA SIG related

May be privacy concerns

Fines/feesResource SharingPatron identifier, credit/debit, $ amount, item identifier, current status, fine/fee type, patron library, owning library, patron group, date/time, item due datePatron identifier, patron library, owning library, patron group, date/timeMinorLibraries & ConsortiumOn DemandMinuteYes

RA SIG related

May be privacy concerns

Work activity reportShared proceduresTask/activity assigned, Task/activity performed, task/activity type, date performed (start/end), staff user/team, library, record/item identifierLibrary, staff user/team, task/activity type, date/timeMinorLibraries & Consortium On DemandMinuteYes

Tracking of staff activity needs to be optional for data privacy regulations (especially for GDPR).

Could also be used as a "performance report" - i.e. does one workflow work better than another.

Need development of ability to track Task/Activity assigned

Cataloguing statisticsShared procedures

Record/item identifier, added/modified/deleted. Loading, overlays, and profile used for the activity (i.e. maintenance activity), manual/app, owning library, staff user/team, timestamp

number of new catalogue records and corrections of existing catalogue records per library

Owning library, maintenance activity, staff user/team, timestampMinorLibraries & Consortium On DemandDayNo