Requests in-app report: Requests overdue/missing in transit list


Purpose: Institutions that allow items to transit between service points to fill requests will want to run a report periodically - probably daily - that lists items that are in transit to or from a particular service point that should have arrived by now, based on expected transit times. The report must contain bib information, item call #, item barcode, etc as well as the service point an item is coming from, where it is going to, and when it became in transit.

NOTE - The concept of "average travel time" between service points has been discussed in passing but not defined or analyzed. An expected transit time is probably needed for any time an item is travelling between service points, not just to fill a request.

Some thin thread implementation ideas:

  • Augment Requests csv to include "Date in transit" (the date the item went in transit), "From service point" and "To service point"

  • OR create specialized csv for this purpose with Requests that are in Transit, "From service point" and "To service point" and "Days in transit"

  • AND/OR modify the Requests app search results to add this data as additional columns (but the list of columns is already too long to fit on one page...)


Fix versions


Development Team



Solution Architect

Parent Field Value


Parent Status




TestRail: Results



Cate Boerema September 11, 2019 at 11:41 AM

Discussed this feature with the RA SIG on 2019-08-07. It turns out they really need a list of items in transit. There is a separate feature for this which Emma created ( which is tagged cap-mvp. I will close this as a duplicate of that feature.

Cate Boerema July 30, 2019 at 8:52 AM

Thanks . I have marked this po-mvp based on SME feedback on its importance

(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee July 24, 2019 at 3:29 PM

I followed up on this with Duke's rep to the reporting SIG.

We can expect that request and in-transit fields would be available in the LDP once a report is spec'd for the LDP that is using those fields. There is an existing report in the requested reports list - "Items in transit for too long" - REP-172 - that would probably get close to what's here.

Because the Reporting SIG is in the middle of moving reports into UXPROD to be included in capacity planning, I don't know how we would know if this would be available for go-live. My sense is the thin-thread approach needs to move ahead, given the important of this for RA needs.

Anya March 29, 2019 at 11:05 PM

Comment from the March meeting : the ability to pull a CSV or get to the data is a must .

Tania Hewes March 27, 2019 at 3:21 PM

- was closed earlier this month as a duplicate of this one




Potential Workaround

Cate Boerema: There is no workaround for this report using the current Requests app or Requests csv. Most on SIG feel strongly that we need at least a thin thread implementation for mvp. Erin Nettifee investigating whether this info would be available in the LDP. If not, we probably need to add at least the following to the requests csv: Status update date, Service point to, Service point from.

PO Rank


PO Ranking Note

2019-07-18: Bumping PO rank per discussion with SIG. This seems higher priority than default pickup service point for users 2019-07-12: Keeping PO rank same as calculated rank (with potential minor adjustments to avoid having two features with same rank)

Estimation Notes and Assumptions

estimates based on other appreport features

Analysis Estimate

Medium < 5 days

Analysis Estimator

Front End Estimate

Medium < 5 days

Front End Estimator

Front-End Confidence factor


Back End Estimate

XL < 15 days

Back End Estimator

Rank: FLO (MVP Sum 2020)


Rank: 5Colleges (Full Jul 2021)


Rank: Cornell (Full Sum 2021)


Rank: Chalmers (Impl Aut 2019)


Rank: GBV (MVP Sum 2020)


Rank: hbz (TBD)


Rank: Hungary (MVP End 2020)


Rank: TAMU (MVP Jan 2021)


Rank: Chicago (MVP Sum 2020)


Rank: U of AL (MVP Oct 2020)


Rank: Leipzig (Full TBD)


Rank: Lehigh (MVP Summer 2020)


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created June 13, 2018 at 5:07 PM
Updated September 16, 2020 at 9:18 PM
Resolved September 11, 2019 at 11:42 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs