- (Draft) Courses: Add additional columns to Reserves paneUXPROD-5246
- SUNFLOWER - FEATURE: Mapping Work entity components | Instance entity componentsUXPROD-5241
- Data Import - Thin ThreadUXPROD-5239
- Refinements to Inventory Statistical CodesUXPROD-5237
- Trillium - Audit log improvementsUXPROD-5235
- Add support for normalized barcode lookupUXPROD-5232
- Ability to search and browse Local authority main headingsUXPROD-5231
- Implement slicing mechanism for Bulk edit jobsUXPROD-5230
- Linked Data. Updating an Inventory instance should automatically update the third-party application entity as wellUXPROD-5229
- Linked Data. Ability to capture an entity present in a third-party application and save it in the Inventory storageUXPROD-5228
- Linked Data. Ability to perform a search in a third-party application, starting from InventoryUXPROD-5227
- MARC Migration Tool ImprovementsUXPROD-5226
- Open Access: Extend support for Institutional levelsUXPROD-5225Owen Stephens
- Add Requester's name to Search slips in Data (Lending) tenantsUXPROD-5224
- Add Requester's name to Pick slips in Data (Lending) tenantsUXPROD-5223
- Lists - support building queries based on rangesUXPROD-5222
- Lists/FQM: Return notes helper app informationUXPROD-5221
- FQM/Lists app support: eholdings appUXPROD-5220
- FQM/Lists app support: Ability to query MARC authority recordsUXPROD-5219
- Analysis: Create a UI for searching MARC fields and subfieldsUXPROD-5218Christine Schultz-Richert
- MARC Validation Rules Management User InterfaceUXPROD-5217
- MARC validation: Complete deprecation and delete rules implementationUXPROD-5216
- Trillium - MARC Validation ImprovementsUXPROD-5215
- Trillium - Spitfire - Remove PII data from logs (NFR)UXPROD-5214
- Authority - Discovery/OPAC supportUXPROD-5213
- Authority Control - Authority Source File Logic ImprovementsUXPROD-5212
- Authority Linking/Control Logic ImprovementsUXPROD-5211
- Authority Control > Stabilize > When updating an authority heading linked to multiple bib fields.UXPROD-5210
- Authority control > Controlled bib field display improvements.UXPROD-5209
- Trillium - Reindexing improvementsUXPROD-5208
- ECS Authority Control Reports - Support identifying record is Shared or LocalUXPROD-5207
- Deprecation of mod-ldpUXPROD-5205Charlotte Whitt
- Support deleting serial recordsUXPROD-5203Resolved issue: UXPROD-5203Owen Stephens
- Create composite entity type for order-invoice reports in Lists app/FQMUXPROD-5202Joseph Reimers
- Set independent ordering and receiving quantity when receipt not requiredUXPROD-5200
- NFR: Data Import/Inventory Support Bug work (Trillium)UXPROD-5199Ryan Taylor
- NFR: Data Import/Inventory Technical, NFR, & Misc work (Trillium)UXPROD-5198Ryan Taylor
- FEATURE: Trillium - Executing Work entity components / Instance entity componentsUXPROD-5197
- Spitfire NFR : General Spitfire Bugfixes/Tech Debt (Trillium)UXPROD-5196
- Allow batch allocation of funds to groupsUXPROD-5195
- Agreements: Migrate settings to app settingsUXPROD-5194Owen Stephens
- Agreements Local KB: Remote KB search integrationUXPROD-5193Owen Stephens
- Trillium - Spitfire: required work to support mod-configuration decommissionUXPROD-5192
- Eureka Documentation - Trillium R2 2025UXPROD-5191
- SysOps enhancementsUXPROD-5190
- Agreements Local KB: Delete packages / delete package contentUXPROD-5189Owen Stephens
- Agreements: Implement RBAC based access to resourcesUXPROD-5188Owen Stephens
- Acquisitions display enhancements for Order, invoice and Finance relating to Fiscal yearUXPROD-5187Dennis Bridges
- NFR: Improvement of the upload form for manual upload of COUNTER files to prevent format exceptionsUXPROD-5186Stefan Dombek
- NFR: Improved behavior of the application for reports with empty result (0-Reports)UXPROD-5185Stefan Dombek
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