High Level Roadmap for Bulk Edit App

High Level Roadmap for Bulk Edit App

The following is a high-level roadmap for when we expect different types of records to be available in the Bulk Edit app. 

This schedule is likely to change based on the work of related SIGs as well as availability of development resources. If you have a question about the scheduling of a particular release or a particular piece of functionality, please ask in the working group slack channel - #bulk-edits-working-group

Morning Glory (R2 2022)

Orchid (R1 2023)

Poppy (R2 2023) 

Quesnelia (R1 2024) 

Ramsons (R2 2024) - subject to change

Sunflower (R3 2024) - subject to change

Trillium  (R1 2025) - subject to change

Post Trillium  - subject to change

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