Lists apps Permissions


As a system administrator, I want my library staff to only have access to lists that they have permissions to view records So that sensitive/confidential data is only available to library staff who must have access to it.

Phased planned for implementation

  • Q CSP release: Implement granular permissions for all entity/record types released

    • Support non-Eureka

    • Support Eureka

  • Ramsons release: Implement granular permissions for all entity/record types merged to Ramsons main branch

    • Support non-Eureka

    • Support Eureka

    • ECS consideration

Current Lists app permissions:

  • Lists (Admin): All permissions

  • Lists (Delete): Can create, edit, refresh, and delete lists

  • Lists (Edit): Can create, edit, and refresh lists

  • Lists (Enable): Can view lists

  • Lists (Export): Can create, edit, refresh, and export lists

Lists app

Implementation: Check entity’s existing permissions. In other words, check if a user has all “Get permissions” to view a entity type (aka record type). Second column represents the UI permissions that should align with Get permissions per entity/record type

  • Spreadsheet with analysis of current UI permissions that relate to each entity type

Note to KG: This requires very good release notes.

UX Workflow



Lists app results list: Expected outcome

Lists app detail record: Expected outcome

Query plugin Expected outcome




Lists app results list: Expected outcome

Lists app detail record: Expected outcome

Query plugin Expected outcome



User has all entity types “get” permissions assigned AND has a Lists app permission assigned

  • Record types filter > Show all entity types

  • Show shared and private lists for all entity types

  • Show active and inactive lists for all entity types


Create a new list: Record type selection > Show all entity types

Edit a new list: No change

Export a list: No change

Duplicate a list: No change

Delete a list: No change

Refresh a list: No change

Show columns: No change



No change - only show the fields based on record type selection



User does not have all entity types “get” permissions assigned AND has a Lists app permission assigned

  • Record types filter > Show only entity types that the user has all “get permissions” assigned to view all available Lists app fields

  • Visibility filter: Show shared and private lists for only entity types that the user all “get permissions” assigned to view all available Lists app fields

  • Status filter: Show active and inactive lists for only entity types that the user has all “get permissions” assigned to view all available Lists app fields

Create a new list: Record selection type > Show only entity types that the user has all “get permissions” assigned to view all available Lists app fields

Edit a new list: No change

Export a list: No change

Duplicate a list: No change

Delete a list: No change

Refresh a list: No change

Show columns: No change

Same as above



User has no entity type “get” permission assigned AND has a Lists app permission assigned

Do not display first pane, instead

  • Show full pane

  • Display in the center of the page this message: User does not have required permissions. Please contact your system administrator for help.


User cannot take any detail record action

User cannot access or do anything with query plug-in



User had a entity type “get” permissions assigned but no longer has that permission assigned AND has a Lists app permission assigned

See scenario 2



MW - This seems like basically the same as scenario #2. Is this worth worrying about with special handling of this edge case at this point or should we leave it alone for now?


User has an entity type “get” permissions assigned BUT has no Lists app permission assigned

User cannot use the Lists app. Unsure it is possible to access the Lists app without… permissions to do so. This scenario should already be handled but should be tested.





Deferred for Q and Ramsons: User is assigned an entity type “get” permission that does not return all fields AND has list app permission assigned

See Scenario 2

New - No change

Duplicate - Only allow user to show/view fields they have access

View - Only allow user to show/view fields they have access

Export - Only allow user to export fields that have access

Refresh - only allow user to show/view fields they have access


Only allow user to create/edit a query on fields they have access

Only allow user to show/view fields they have access