LC Tenants Structure support > Bulk-edit (Firebird)


In scope :

  1. Bulk editing item records from the central tenants

    1. The concept is to enable the modification of inventory items across various instances and data/member tenants through a unified bulk-edit operation. Only a specific set of item fields are permitted for modification. To initiate a bulk-edit, users submit a list of item identifiers without specifying their tenant association. The Bulk-Operation application is then responsible for identifying the tenant affiliation for each item in the list and executing the corresponding operations within the appropriate tenant scope for each item.

    2. The bulk edit job is driven from the central tenant and the user is guided with the standard bulk edit flow:

      1. display matching records

      2. define the changes

      3. preview proposed changes before they are committed

      4. confirmation screen after the changes are committed

      5. error reporting if any

      6. files generated during the bulk edit are available in the central tenant logs.

    3. The behavior is the same for bulk edit jobs triggered with a query

    4. If the user does not have affiliation with the given tenant then the record is not updated and that is reported under bulk edit errors. - the same behavior would be for the user without the required permissions within the tenant.

  2. Bulk editing holdings records from the central tenant

    1. Only FOLIO holdings records are supported. MARC holdings are out of scope.

    2. The concept is to enable the modification of inventory holdings across various instances and data/member tenants through a unified bulk-edit operation. Only a specific set of holdings fields are permitted for modification. To initiate a bulk-edit, users submit a list of holdings identifiers without specifying their tenant association. The Bulk-Operation application is then responsible for identifying the tenant affiliation for each holding in the list and executing the corresponding operations within the appropriate tenant scope for each holding.

    3. The bulk edit job is driven from the central tenant and the user is guided with the standard bulk edit flow:

      1. display matching records

      2. define the changes

      3. preview proposed changes before they are committed

      4. confirmation screen after the changes are committed

      5. error reporting if any

      6. files generated during the bulk edit are available in the central tenant logs.

    4. The behavior is the same for bulk edit jobs triggered with a query.

    5. If the user does not have affiliation with the given tenant then the holdings record is not updated and that is reported under bulk edit errors.

  3. Bulk editing shared instances in central tenant

    1. FOLIO and MARC instances are supported.

    2. All fields that bulk edit supports in non-ecs environment are supported (see Additional information for details)

  4. Bulk editing shared instances from member tenant is out of scope

  5. Bulk editing local instances from member tenant should be the same as bulk editing instances in non-ecs environment.

  6. Bulk edit of shared users from central and member tenants

    1. User records will only live in the Central Tenant and the Congressional Tenant. And the Congressional Tenant Users should not be updated by the Central Tenant.

    2. csv approach is not supported for the initial implementation


Additional information:

Fields supported by bulk edit:


Fix versions

Development Team



Solution Architect

Parent Field Value


Parent Status


is defined by



TestRail: Results





PO Rank


Front End Estimate

Medium < 5 days

Front End Estimator

Front-End Confidence factor


Back End Estimate

XXXL: 30-45 days

Back End Estimator

Back-End Confidence factor



Ramsons (R2 2024)

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created November 20, 2023 at 4:12 PM
Updated December 6, 2024 at 7:05 PM
Resolved November 11, 2024 at 11:52 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs