Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings
Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings
This is a list of topics the Reporting SIG is considering for future meetings.
- Follow-up on MARC status, Quickmarc/Data Import conflicts
- How to strengthen connections to SIGs and their developers to be kept in the loop about changes to the data model
- Show and tell
- how are institutions using the LDP
- examples of using the local schema
- Cornell's report ticketing system
- Rollout plans from institutions
- Ask someone on the sysadmin side to talk about LDP administration (Jason Root?)
- What is done in JIRA? (JIRA clean up)
- Training topics
- adding test data in FOLIO snapshot
- How to do ad hoc querying with the derived tables
- How to use the LDP app
- using KNIME to build reports (LDP edition)
- use of local schema for custom tables
- more on MARC (ask Jennifer)
- using different applications (other than DBeaver)
- Insomnia for API queries?
- LDP to metadb
- Metadb implications
- if schema changes, will that be relatively seamless? old fields still in history, but new fields in current?
- if fields are deprecated and removed, what happens if they come back again?
- how will deleted records show up?
- Git/GitHub
- Panorama
- LDLite (again?)
- Discussion:
- how to rank clusters with institutional rankings going away?
- consortia SIG is talking about a central office app of some kind; that app might need to deal with consortia-wide reporting
- how to train:
- wiki pages with examples? form a small project team? (e.g., how to pull from marc, how to use local schema)
- each dev team create training about the data structures in that area?
- Query style (ask Nassib)
- Gathering institutional query repositories; someone can propose a new page or a new addition to an existing page on FOLIO Analytics?
- Follow up on how devs can work with SMEs better to decide on and advertise data model changes
- Upcoming:
- SQL advice/query optimization (Axel)
- query demo - MARC (Tod)
- Intro to SQL training (as time allows)
- revisit discussion on openness/transparency in communication and open source software; decide as a group what we would like to advocate for
- reports from implementers on experiences with hosting solutions