RPWG Project List - Archived Copy

RPWG Project List - Archived Copy

(Archived 2/21/20)


-focus on P1 reports first

-have Reporting SIG find high priority reports

-bring in expenditures on ALL collections related reports

Definition of DONE

-query written and posted 

-capture testing on Cluster JIRA issue or REP issue if REP not part of a cluster

-track testing on REP keep REP issue open in JIRA until all testing is done (final stage is user acceptance testing)

Metadata Management - Inventory Data Elements for MVP Data Model

lnventory Data Elements from Christie Thomas

TitleFunctional AreaShort DescriptionReporting SIG Master Spreadsheet IDWho will lead developmentEstimated Completion DateStatus
Circ Item DetailResource AccessCollections use - physical (internal): Charges and Renewals by collection type (regular, reserve, laptops, other equipment) patron group and Library. 


REP-103 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Kevin WalkerDONE

-Angela has finished testing query


-RPWG members encouraged to test against shared LDPQDEV

-to be presented in Reporting SIG 11/18

-looking for testers

-need to test against the LDPQDEV instance. This instance is based on ldp snapshot, but has supplemented test data.

-want to test against an LDP with live data

-code for the query is in github, needs to be tested in your particular reporting application. Become a user acceptance tester !

-Cheryl will test this against her own data

-Vandana will test

-Doreen will test

-we should have a good documentation by the end of the tests

Services UsageResource AccessServices usage (service point transactions by service point, time, day, date and transaction type); See David Bottorff at Chicago for more info



Angela Zoss11/18/19

-Angela has finished testing query


-RPWG members encouraged to test against shared LDPQDEV

-to be presented in Reporting SIG 11/18

-looking for testers


ID 417 to 422 (419 and 421 have one P1); Other entries concerning eUsage are 005 (1 P1), 007 (1 P1), 008, 466, 495 and 726Sharon Beltaine, Claudius-RM clusters by 12/1/19

-part RM Cluster analysis (Sharon)

-Scott Perry and Sharon meeting on RM Clusters

Expenditures - IMPORTANT, but data not available yetResource ManagementOne model to cover several reports on expendituresID274, 261, 259 and other

Sharon and Scott?

-Sharon will ask Dennis Bridges to attend Reporting SIG meeting

-RM clusters by 12/1/19

-part RM Cluster analysis (Sharon)

-Scott Perry and Sharon meeting on RM Clusters

-the financial part is going to be quite stable in Edelweiss release

Shelf List Location, Pick List

-count number of items by location

-show call number, title, author

-filter by LC Class

Collections ManagementID322 - REP189UXPROD-882Eric Pennington (prototype), Eric and Christie Thomas (query)

-has arrays in JSON data, Eric working through

-add count of loans; make sure checkout date is not null

- Will rebrand as "pick list" and use this to meet MM pick list needs, make note that shelf list is also supported

-Eric met with Angela to go over prototype and prepare for query development

-Eric updated query reflect updates in the LDP

ACRL Report, includes IPEDs


-Title Count: Christie Thomas

-Circulation: Cheryl and Angela

-Volume Count: Christie Thomas

-Expenditures: Scott and Nancy

Kevin Walker, Michael Patrick-

-working on approach for various flavors of this report; large report with multiple subqueries

-could use help with subqueries

-parts of prototype divided up for different groups to work on 

External Statistics

without Expenditures

-include Digital Stocks, Journals, and Newspapers


 Sharon Beltaine

-Sharon, Scott, Linda, Ingolf, Veit, and Heather to define proposal; meeting scheduled for 5/14/19

-Ingolf: electronic more important (P1)

-RM clusters by 12/1/19

-part RM Cluster analysis (Sharon)

External Statistics

with Expenditures

-include Digital Stocks, Journals, and Newspapers

ID243-ID261Kevin Walker, Sharon Beltaine-RM clusters by 12/1/19-part RM Cluster analysis (Sharon)

Loan Counts by Physical Format including renewals

-material type parameter

-an audio book with 5 CDs is counted as one loan

-institution determines what formats to include

-flexible on showing formats

Resource Access
ID406 and ID407Kevin Walker

-prototype done (Kevin)

-Vandana to work on query development. Vandana is still working on it.

RA-Collections Use Cluster

UXPROD-1915 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Cheryl Malmborg, Angela
  • Cheryl Malmborg to create prototype
  • make sure related reports in the cluster are covered by the query
  • need renewal date attribute developed
  • Cheryl to update prototype to include loan type attribute
  • Cheryl to break up cluster to create additional clusters as needed working with Angela
  • will come from loan history table instead of loans
  • need to add loan type instead of material type
  • use code Cheryl and Angela develop for renewal dates, which can be used for renewal dates in other reports
  • Angela and Cheryl reviewed and Cheryl will update wiki documentation
RA-Missing Items Cluster

UXPROD-2027 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Vandana Shah
  • prototype done
  • query in progress
  • Vandana moved query to GitHub
  • Angela will review
  • Almost done, ready to move to GitHub

Sharon Beltaine
Sharon working on prototype after ERM prototype
RA-Fine/Fees Cluster

Cheryl Malmborg

-Cheryl working on prototype

-waiting on some Fine/Fees app development

RA- Delivery Services Cluster

UXPROD-2021 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Sharon working on prototype after ERM prototype
MM - Metadata Management Cluster

-Vandana, Tod, and Christie to prioritize MM cluster reports

-Laura and Christie documenting MM SIG requirements this week and will mesh them with Report requirements

-Vandana, Laura, Christie, Tod working on this 

OCLC Holdings Synchronization

-Christie has base query to adapt for ldp analytics
Un-cataloged materials

-Christie has base query to adapt for ldp analytics
ERM Reports

-documented by Ingolf

-Sharon to review with RM clustering and then start prototyping

-good to start prototyping, but not ready to get data via ERM API yet

-no ERM documentation, so use natural language