2018-08-27 Reporting SIG notes

2018-08-27 Reporting SIG notes



XSharon BeltaineCornell University
Peter MurrayIndex Data

Elizabeth BerneyDuke University
Erin NettifeeDuke University

Joyce ChapmanDuke University
Karen NewberyDuke University

Elizabeth EdwardsUniversity of ChicagoXTod OlsonUniversity of Chicago
XClaudius Herkt-JanuschekSUB HamburgXScott PerryUniversity of Chicago

Doreen HeroldLehigh University
Robert SassQulto

Anne L. HighsmithTexas A&M
Simona TabacaruTexas A&M

Vince BareauEBSCO
Mark VekslerEBSCO

Harry KaplanianEBSCOXKevin WalkerThe University of Alabama

Ingolf Kusshbz
Charlotte WhittIndex Data

Lina LakhiaSOASX

Michael Winkler


Joanne LearyCornell University
Uschi KluteGBV
XMichael PatrickThe University of AlabamaXHolly MistlebauerCornell University
XNassib NassarIndex Data

Discussion items

Assign Notetaker, Take Attendance, Review agendaSharon

Today's notetakers: Tod Olson, Sharon Beltaine

Last week's notetaker: Doreen Herold

NOTE: Reporting SIG meeting next week, Monday September 3rd at 9am EST, will be canceled to due the Labor Day holiday in the U.S.

Report PrototypesNassib

A small workgroup within the Reporting SIG is being formed to design our initial report prototypes for the data warehouse. Please let Sharon know if you would like to participate in this effort. We are looking to start with report prototypes in the areas of circulation, inventory, and potentially users.

  • Many Reporting SIG members would like to participate. Shall we use the Reporting SIG meetings for this work?
  • What is Nassib's timeframe?


-schedule one meeting soon

-select a few reports as examples representative of the larger set of reports

-select some reports that would be simple and quick to implement

-flesh out reports at schematic level; see what transformations are needed

-looking for a small number of people to flesh out an example quickly: Sharon, Tod, Nassib, Kevin, Scott, Charlotte (Inventory)

-Nassib: would be useful to have a report prototype example with a dataset that has been transformed for some purpose (e.g., interaction with university financial system); Scott will provide this for the small workgroup

JIRA Interface for ReportsHolly

Holly has drafted a new interface to the data warehouse reports for the FOLIO JIRA ticketing system, including ways to include Consortia SIG reports. She will look for Reporting SIG feedback on both of these. The two tracking systems will be cross-linked.

-need to make sure "Related Functional Areas" dropdown menu items are correct and complete

-need to clean up ID numbers (i.e., remove DB XX, etc.)

-timing to upload reports into production JIRA


-Holly showed group new interface to track reports in JIRA

-custom fields in JIRA: ID (report ID number which links from Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet); related functional area (can add more than , Test Reporting Application, Test Dataset used, and Results of Test

-Email Holly if would like to be on the list of people to be notified if there are additions and significant changes to reports in JIRA

-you can also make yourself a watcher of reports (if you want to choose specific reports to monitor)

-Reporting SIG response was that this interface would work well to start (we can always make changes later)

-Holly will upload our reports into the JIRA system

New ReportsHolly

Review How to Add a New Report

-if you need to add a new report, be sure to follow the instructions in How to Add a Report to make sure the information is synchronized; be sure to add new reports to the end of the list

Historical DataSharonWork on request from the Data Migration subgroup: Reporting SIG - Historical Data Migration - Planning Questions for Functional Areas
Topics for Future MeetingsAll

Review and update Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings

Other Topics?AllAny other topics to discuss today?

Action items
