2018-04-02 Reporting SIG Notes

2018-04-02 Reporting SIG Notes




Vince BareauEBSCO
Matt RenoEBSCO
xSharon BeltaineCornell University
John McDonaldEBSCO

Elizabeth BerneyDuke University
Peter MurrayIndex Data

Ginny BoyerDuke University
Erin NettifeeDuke University

Joyce ChapmanDuke UniversityxKaren NewberyDuke University

Elizabeth EdwardsUniversity of Chicago
Tod OlsonUniversity of Chicago

Claudius Herkt-JanuschekSUB HamburgxScott PerryUniversity of Chicago
xDoreen HeroldLehigh University
Robert SassQulto
xAnne L. HighsmithTexas A&MxSimona TabacuruTexas A&M

Filip JakobsenIndex Data
Mark VekslerEBSCO

Harry KaplanianEBSCOxKevin WalkerThe University of Alabama

Ingolf Kusshbz
Charlotte WhittIndex Data

Lina LakhiaSOASxOLE
xJoanne LearyCornell University
Christine WiseSOAS
xMichael PatrickThe University of Alabama

Discussion items

Assign Notetaker, Take Attendance, Review agenda

Sharon Beltaine

Previous Notetaker: Scott Perry

Today's Notetaker: Karen Newbery

KN: Holly is stepping in to help with the project manager role for the time being.

Please review tags spreadsheet and provide feedback.

Review Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings and send Sharon an email or add your ideas. 

Need a convener for 4/23.

Questions ToolPeter MurrayFrom Peter Murray: At the last product council meeting we decided to try the 'Questions' tool on the wiki as a place to gather frequently asked questions about the FOLIO software.  Coming out of that meeting I said I'd prepare a short video that explained the tool and described when to use it.  The video is on a Discuss page:


Please take a look at the link above to familiarize yourself with the new tool.

PC Meeting HighlightsSharon Beltaine

Highlights from 3/29/18 Product Council meeting

-prioritizing and Gap analysis review will begin with SIGs between April 4-April 13th; Reporting SIG has requested that Data Lake development to be prioritized for V1

-OLE Summer 2019 Implementation group forming, anyone can join to assist

-SMEs register for WolfCon here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wolfcon-smes-registration-44413486935

See full 3/29/18 Product Council Notes:


WolfCon BrainstormAll

Review current plans for WolfCon and brainstorm ways Reporting SIG can make best use of the conference time and resources.

See https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mAn8dIZsyUsJ9HgUO0VIn-Gvw9imCccT/view?usp=sharing

KN:Open in Google sheets to view the entire schedule.From 2-4 on Tuesday (Track 3) the Reporting SIG has time with the developers.

Mike highly recommends that we have a SIG meeting during WOLFcon to discuss how central reporting is to our work.

Sharon thinks that it would be good for the Reporting SIG to meet with other SIGS regarding in-app reporting. Will request a 2 hour block. External reporting - meet with developers to discuss data needs in the data lake, data elements needed in reports. Please let Sharon know if there are more topics we should consider so we can make the most of WOLFcon.

Current proposed schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nLcjOkTQm-aklqY-b6fVW_8JmVQStsqLXDRhFfvWIo8/edit#gid=1543534917

Reporting Deliverables

We will discuss strategies for translating reporting requirements into reporting deliverables

-identifying data elements needed for each report

-working with SIGs to identify candidates for in app reports

-example: Emma Boettcher, Loans PO, circ reports on loans

KN: See Reporting SIG master spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1svUM74Dkg4KvTXLzKZK_2k_SxeukX-87NnYf8CaTrYQ/edit#gid=312878932

We've identified lots of good information - how do we move forward? For within-app, suggestion that someone takes a report and the data elements that are needed, work with appropriate SIG to make sure the data points are available to create the report. For example, Acq_resource tab/ID251 work with Acquisitions to see if the data points are available, then work with PO for Acq and PO for Reporting to create user story supporting need for the requested data points.

For Data Warehouse effort, we have other reports that are going to be cross-application, by focusing on parallel in-app and Data Warehouse, we will understand more.

Proposal: have one or more contact person attached to each report in inventory list and then having the contact person meet with the involved SIGs.

Thoughts: Sounds similar to what Data Migration group is working on. Perhaps there's overlap with what we're trying to achieve. Organize reporting SIGs contacts per application? At least have a point person, and perhaps hold separate meetings to discuss reporting with the appropriate application SIG. Perhaps ask people who filled out the reporting needs on our spreadsheet to provide 1-2 contacts for a point people for that report from the application SIGs.

It's important that we bring in a broad range of voices to discuss in-app and cross-app reporting. This proposal gives us a foundation to do just that.

Sharon will help with documentation so we can proceed. Example of cross-app and cross-system ID403 resource_access tab (Circulation, Cataloging and Ares). For those that are cross-system, make sure we have documented data points.

Concerns about amount of work that needs to be done - how to organize this work? Sharon will try to start organization and coordination. We're at a point where we need to start working with the SIGs more closely to be sure we have the data elements we need. We can support this process at WOLFcon.

The Resource Access Loans PO has already contacted Sharon to ask about loan reports.

Report Requirement ContactsAllAdd Report Requirements Contacts in Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet

Action items
