2018-04-16 Reporting SIG Notes

2018-04-16 Reporting SIG Notes



XSharon BeltaineCornell University
Peter MurrayIndex Data

Elizabeth BerneyDuke University
Erin NettifeeDuke University

Joyce ChapmanDuke University
Karen NewberyDuke University

Elizabeth EdwardsUniversity of Chicago
Tod OlsonUniversity of Chicago

Claudius Herkt-JanuschekSUB Hamburg
Scott PerryUniversity of Chicago
XDoreen HeroldLehigh University
Robert SassQulto
XAnne L. HighsmithTexas A&MXSimona TabacuruTexas A&M

Vince BareauEBSCO
Mark VekslerEBSCO

Harry KaplanianEBSCOXKevin WalkerThe University of Alabama
XIngolf Kusshbz
Charlotte WhittIndex Data

Lina LakhiaSOAS

Michael Winkler

XJoanne LearyCornell University
Christine WiseSOAS
XMichael PatrickThe University of AlabamaXHolly MistlebauerCornell University

Discussion items

Assign Notetaker, Take Attendance, Review agenda

Sharon Beltaine

Previous Notetaker: Anne Highsmith

Today's Notetaker: Simona Tabacuru

Need a convener for 4/23/18 – Focus on Loans Reports with Emma Boettcher, Loans PO

-maybe Tod Olson (Sharon will check), if not, Ingolf can back up

The May 7 Reporting SIG meeting will be canceled due to WolfCon, but Reporting SIG members should be able to attend the WolfCon conference remotely via Zoom links for sessions. Stay tuned for more information on this soon.

Reporting PO ProposalHolly Mistlebauer, Sharon Beltaine

Holly Mistlebauer and Sharon presented a proposal for a Reporting PO to Product Council at their meeting on 4/12/18. The proposal was well received and now goes forward for final approval and resourcing.

Notes from the discussion on 4/16/2018:

Holly & Sharon have been trying to get a Reporting SIG Product Owner (PO)– who can work with the Reporting SIG and understand the Reporting SIG needs, The PO works with other POs, the UX designer, and the developers.

The Reporting SIG will get a 10 hours/week for a PO.

Holly and Sharon organized the Reporting SIG activities, added a description, and who could be responsible for that activity. Some areas that need attention immediately were broken into sub-tasks. The work will be distributed, but other people will need to step-up and do the work. We’ll have to have a developer devoted to the team. The activities highlighted in grey (3) are those that will be done by a PO. The PO role is like a project management role. PO will be the point person to the other POs and developers. PO will be the coordinator of the Reporting Master spreadsheet (144 reports). We’ll do more work on that. It will include all the in-app reports. PO will be the champion for addressing data elements gaps. The Reporting SIG PO will train us how to do mock-ups, how to write the business requirements, and user stories. For some of the reports we don’t have and will not have the data for v1. Those reports will be identified and moved post-v1. The high-priority reports are the workflow reports.

We’ll add some additional columns to reporting master spreadsheet: Category (workflow, log, statistics); Responsible Area (App PO/Reporting SIG/Institution Name); Responsible Person (done); Timeframe (v1/post-v1); Priority; JIRA Issues; Folio Data Elements Sources.

PO will manage the JIRA issues.

Sharon will work with the SysOps & Mgt SIG and Data Migration group to build a reporting test environment. There is no schedule for the test environment yet. Per Ingolf, we will need more test environments.

BibControlIngolf Kuss

Ingolf Kuss will provide an introduction to the reporting applications BibControl and KNIME, as part of our analysis of potential candidates for Reporting Tools to be used with a Folio Data Lake. See Triangle Solutions flyer for more information.

Notes from the discussion on 4/16/2018:

BibControl is a reporting tool that could be used in Folio.

BibControl= a controlling software for libraries by OCLC. In Germany is distributed by Triangle Solutions, a partner of OCLC. 70% of Triangle Solutions' clients are libraries and about 30-40 libraries are in the hbz and GBV networks.Triangle Solution offers a solution called t.i.m. (Total Information Management System) which is distributed with BibControl.  BibControl is available in English and German.

BibControl combines data from various sources, like ILS/LSP, financial system, university informatiom system, counter statistics etc. in a common data pool (data warehouse). One can add one's own data to the pool, e.g. individual planning. The Business Intelligence layer offers MIS for static reports, Enterprise Reporting for ad hoc queries with custom parameters, OLAP (online analytical processing with a graphical analysis tool), a visual Data Mining tool and an Application Builder. The visual data mining tool shows correlations between attributes immediately, even for large amounts of datasets.

Ingolf presented a slide of BibControl-a schematic overview, OCLC_BibControl_schemativc_overview.ppt.

Triangle Solutions flier – link available in the Notes.

KNIME = An open source analytics platform used for Reporting. https://www.knime.com/. Written in JAVA. Extensible. GUI driven data management applications. Good documentation. Classic ETL workflow. Statistics, Data Mining, text analytics is in the core. Used originally in pharmaceutical research. Integrates to other open source projects, like the "R" language.

The BibControl rep will give a complete demo on May 28th.

Tags - Phase 1Simona Tabacuru

Simona Tabacaru has been attending the Tags Subgroup as a representative from the Reporting SIG. She will share an overview of what is planned for Tags - Phase 1.

Notes from the discussion on 4/16/2018:

Simona went over the Tags Phase 1 PowerPoint prepared by Anne-Marie Breaux.

There were some questions about Slide 5 - Some good use case stories. Are those examples reporting codes?

Another question was about how permissions will be set-up. When the tags discussion has initially started, there were concerns that without order in the tags, they could be constantly redefined and people would just use them as they wish, for whatever info they want to add without some kind of security and it will be difficult to manage.

WolfCon Reporting TopicsAll

Review current plans for WolfCon and brainstorm ways Reporting SIG can make best use of the conference time and resources.

WolfCon organizers are working to make the May 7-10 conference sessions available by ZOOM so all project participants may join WolfCon sessions remotely. More details on this coming soon.

KN:Open in Google sheets to view the entire schedule.

WolfCon Topic Proposals: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17JmVl-XUaALDYtyqEzPGGYyHAbH8JQM63XPdl9ZxKFU/edit?usp=sharing
Current WolfCon Schedule (View Only): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jmjRAKBXJN2i1qPLOjdbeqi5xndTPyKzrDKuB8MeeBQ/edit?usp=sharing

April 23 Meeting to focus on Loans ReportingEmma Boettcher, Loans PO

During the next Reporting SIG meeting on 4/23/18, Emma Boettcher, Loans Product Owner within the Resource Access functional area, will attend our meeting to review reports related to loans to understand RA data elements needed, identify gaps, discuss in-app reporting, etc. What reports are or should be covered by RA in-app reporting? What reporting data elements are needed for RA reports via the Data Lake? Please attend if you have Circ Loan Reports in the requirements list.

Please note: if you are not the contact for your Circulation/Resource Access/Loan reports, please bring the Loan Reports contact from your institution to this meeting

Reporting Deliverables


We will discuss strategies for translating reporting requirements into reporting deliverables

KN: See Reporting SIG master spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1svUM74Dkg4KvTXLzKZK_2k_SxeukX-87NnYf8CaTrYQ/edit#gid=312878932

-thank you for adding names to each report (just a few missing at this point)

-review updated Column E ("Legacy System Data Element Sources") and new Column F ("Folio Data Element Sources")

-Reporting SIG members and new Reporting PO to work with other POs and SIGs to identify data elements needed for each report

-Reporting SIG members and new Reporting PO to work with other POs and SIGs to identify candidates for "in app" reports

-please continue to add your Report Requirements Contacts in Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet

-report contacts need to be reachable, if not part of Folio project, please add person's email address

Data Lake JIRA Ticket ConclusionsAll


Jeremy Huff (TAMU Dev) and Frances Webb (Cornell Dev) joined the Reporting SIG meeting on 4/9/18 to discuss JIRA ticket OKAPI-570 , which had been entered into the Folio Issue Tracker to capture recent discussions about concerns related to the approach taken in JIRA tickets UX-PROD-331 and UX-PROD-332. These are development tickets for building the technical infrastructure to support Folio Data Lake environments. OKAPI-570 details concerns and offers alternative proposals for the implementation of reporting features residing in OKAPI’s core, dereferencing at the time of report generation, the impact of schema mutation on report creation, and implementing message queues as an internal component of reporting and/or OKAPI core.

Since then, Vince Bareau has made comments on each of the issues raised in JIRA ticket OKAPI-570, the developers have discussed these issues, and Jeremy Huff has added Conclusions as a follow-up to each of the issues raised in the Google Doc associated with JIRA ticket OKAPI-570

We will review these Conclusions and see if there are any additional questions.

Topics for Future MeetingsAll

Review and update Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings

Action items
