2018-06-25 Reporting SIG notes

2018-06-25 Reporting SIG notes



XSharon BeltaineCornell University
Peter MurrayIndex Data

Elizabeth BerneyDuke University
Erin NettifeeDuke University

Joyce ChapmanDuke University
Karen NewberyDuke University

Elizabeth EdwardsUniversity of Chicago
Tod OlsonUniversity of Chicago

Claudius Herkt-JanuschekSUB Hamburg
Scott PerryUniversity of Chicago
XDoreen HeroldLehigh University
Robert SassQulto
XAnne L. HighsmithTexas A&M
Simona TabacaruTexas A&M

Vince BareauEBSCO
Mark VekslerEBSCO

Harry KaplanianEBSCOXKevin WalkerThe University of Alabama
XIngolf Kusshbz
Charlotte WhittIndex Data

Lina LakhiaSOASX

Michael Winkler

XJoanne LearyCornell University
Uschi KluteGBV
XMichael PatrickThe University of AlabamaXHolly MistlebauerCornell University

Discussion items

Assign Notetaker, Take Attendance, Review agendaSharon

Today's notetaker: Ingolf

Last week's notetaker: Claudius Herkt

IMPORTANT NOTE: July 2 Reporting SIG Meeting cancelled due to July 4 holiday in United States.

Holly, Michael W. and Sharon met to talk about next steps on data warehouse design. A request will be brought to PC to ask TC to put together a design proposal. For us: contribute our thoughts; the more specific, the more helpful.

Feature PrioritizationHolly, Sharon, Tod, others...

We will review results for gap analysis on reporting-related topics on the Feature Prioritization spreadsheet being ranked by first implementers this week. We will focus on in app reports, data warehouse, and data elements for the data model.


Early Implementers have been asked to look at all of the features. They were asked to classify: Can the feature wait until rollover / can wait 1 year / can wait 1 quarter / is not needed / or is needed for GoLive. Most of them have finished that work. It is being finished this week.

More than 400 features in the Priorization Spreadsheet. There are 106 features that all the July implememtors had in common.

Prioritization of fees & fines reports. Chalmers is earliest implementor. Question was: what do the July implementors need on top of Chalmers ? Results: For example "Canceled fees/fines log report" can wait. Others can wait until September 1st (GoLive for U of Alabama), needed by July implementors "within one quarter". Testing should start early.

New requirement (added by Tod): Reporting Tool will need to be able to integrate with the FOLIO data warehouse. The Reporting SIG is not specifiying the tools.

JIRA Issues

Jira Features are for the Product Owner, Jira Stories are for the Developers. We should watch both kinds of tickets. The developers will work with the PO and the SIG.

The data from the speadsheet are going to be loaded into the Jira issues. The needs of each school will be added to the Jira issues as a customzied field (e.g. "Needed by Cornell"). Person responsible in the SIG can be deduced from the Master Spreadsheet.

All developer Tickets are collected in JIRA Project "Reporting" (Key "REP") in the Jira.

Reports will be developed by us within the new data warehouse environment.

The DW environment of FOLIO will stand out from other LMS's !

Data Warehouse Design RequirementsAll

The next step for the Reference Data Warehouse is to bring our request to Technical Council for their thoughts on design of the infrastructure to build it. We'll need to communicate our design requirements, so we'll take a look at what's most important to include.


What Reporting tools are we using today - which do we expect to use in the future ?

An SQL structure would dictate how the reports are going to be set up.

Microsoft Access is not prefered - want to shift to an open source tool like BIRT, Elastic Stack, Kibana.

Data warehouse structure should be readable by common tools that use SQL.

Technical Infrastructure that we need to do Reporting against - a Docker setup ? Contact person for TAMU: Jason Root.

Pulling a Data Warehouse Consultant in / Sharon will contact Peter Murray / Christina Raus.

Sharon works on getting the TC signed up for the Data Warehouse work.

Link Your "Yes-In App" ReportsAll

(Reminder from last meeting)

Important Notes to Reporting SIG members:

  • If your report is identified as a "Yes - In-App Report": Please drop a copy in the appropriate functional area folder in the Library Stats folder in the Reporting SIG Google Drive folder and link them to the "Link to Sample" column in the Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet, if you haven' yet. It really helps Product Owners to have a report to view to understand what is needed for a given in app report.
  • Please keep track of all the reports you added to the spreadsheet as Product Owners may add questions and remarks to the spreadsheet.
  • If you do not agree with a certain report being identified as "No In-App report" please turn to Holly.
Reporting JIRA TicketsSharon Beltaine

Please note that a new FOLIO JIRA ticket was created by Cate Boerema to capture the Data Warehouse project.

See UXPROD-945

Note: In future we will take insight into the Jira Tickets.

Inventory Definition Feedback RequestedMM SIG

(Reminder from last meeting)

Laura Wright from the MM SIG has requested feedback from the rest of the SIGs on this working definition of Inventory:


Other Topics?AllAny other topics to discuss today?
Topics for Future MeetingsAll

Next week's meeting focus: Reporting Data Element Verification for Inventory Application

Review and update Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings

Action items
