2018-06-18 Reporting SIG notes

2018-06-18 Reporting SIG notes



XSharon BeltaineCornell University
Peter MurrayIndex Data

Elizabeth BerneyDuke University
Erin NettifeeDuke University

Joyce ChapmanDuke University
Karen NewberyDuke University

Elizabeth EdwardsUniversity of ChicagoXTod OlsonUniversity of Chicago
XClaudius Herkt-JanuschekSUB HamburgXScott PerryUniversity of Chicago
XDoreen HeroldLehigh University
Robert SassQulto

Anne L. HighsmithTexas A&MXSimona TabacaruTexas A&M

Vince BareauEBSCO
Mark VekslerEBSCO

Harry KaplanianEBSCOXKevin WalkerThe University of Alabama
XIngolf Kusshbz
Charlotte WhittIndex Data

Lina LakhiaSOAS

Michael Winkler

XJoanne LearyCornell University
Uschi KluteGBV

Michael PatrickThe University of AlabamaXHolly MistlebauerCornell University

Discussion items

Assign Notetaker, Take Attendance, Review agendaSharon

Today's notetaker: Claudius Herkt

Last week's notetaker: Sharon Beltaine

Gap Analysis and ReportingHolly MistlebauerHolly discusses the Gap Analysis currently underway to identify project issues and prioritize them: Early implementers get access to a feature priorization spreadsheet, which allows each institution to specify their individual priorities. This helps developers to deliver the needed features on time.
Next Steps for In-app ReportingHolly Mistlebauer

Holly reviews her work to move In-App Report work into JIRA tickets along with other POs, and discusses next steps for in-app reporting.

-All Product Owners are trying to get In-App reports identified for upcoming gap analysis.

-Holly added a new "In-App Report" worksheet to Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet, which lists each in app report with its associated JIRA ticket and gets crossreferenced with the original report listed in the rest of the spreadsheet.

-Holly is working with the rest of the Product Owners to turn our In-App Report candidates into JIRA tickets for developers to build within the appropriate microservice; the Product Owners are reviewing the Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet to identify In-App Reports and document them in JIRA tickets for development.

-It is important that In-App Reports are identified and documented for the FOLIO project gap analysis that is underway; we need to understand how much work needs to be done to build the FOLIO release.

-In the spreadsheet a new column is introduced telling for every report whether it is an In-App Report or not, and who is responsible. If the entry says "Online" this means that this report does not require a reporting functionality because in FOLIO it will be possibile to retrieve all the information needed directly from the system via filters.

-We will continue to discuss In App reports in our upcoming Reporting SIG meetings so Holly can bring questions Product Owners may have as they work through our list of reports.

Important Notes to Reporting SIG members:

  • If your report is identified as a "Yes - In-App Report": Please drop a copy in the appropriate functional area folder in the Library Stats folder in the Reporting SIG Google Drive folder and link them to the "Link to Sample" column in the Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet, if you haven' yet. It really helps Product Owners to have a report to view to understand what is needed for a given in app report.
  • Please keep track of all the reports you added to the spreadsheet as Product Owners may add questions and remarks to the spreadsheet.
  • If you do not agree with a certain report being identified as "No In-App report" please turn to Holly.
Reporting JIRA TicketsHolly Mistlebauer

Please note that 3 new FOLIO JIRA tickets have been added to describe tasks for the Reporting SIG:

UXPROD-862 Create a Reporting Dashboard

UXPROD-863 Identify Data Elements Needed for Reporting

UXPROD-865 Build a Data Dictionary for Reporting

Inventory Definition Feedback RequestedMM SIG

Laura Wright from the MM SIG has requested feedback from the rest of the SIGs on this working definition of Inventory:


Data Warehouse Proposal reviewSharon, Tod, Kevin

Sharon presented the Reporting SIG's Reference Data Warehouse Environment Proposal to Product Council on 6/7/18:

See the full written proposal: Reporting SIG Proposal to FOLIO Product Council for a Reference Data Warehouse

See the presentation slides: Data Ware House Proposal Presentation

-presentation was well received and generated some additional questions

-the data warehouse will need developer and other resources so Product Council decided that this will be prioritized in the Epic process and resources will be assigned according to priorities and the Technical Council should review the Reporting SIG’s proposal

-New JIRA ticket created for Data Warehouse development: see UXPROD-864

-Cate Boerema suggested a development team be assembled right away; Sharon meeting with Holly Mistlebauer and Mike Winkler to identify staffing for data warehouse development team

-questions on distinction between data lake vs data warehouse, proof of concept vs "reference" environment

-questions about the source of the data for the data warehouse

-Christopher Spaulding suggested bringing the technical design to the new Technical Council

-reps from participating institutions in support of data warehouse development

Other Topics?AllAny other topics to discuss today?
Topics for Future MeetingsAll

Next week's meeting focus: Reporting Data Element Verification for Inventory Application

Review and update Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings

Action items
