2019-04-22 Reporting SIG Meeting notes

2019-04-22 Reporting SIG Meeting notes









XSharon BeltaineCornell UniversityXSara ColglazierMount Holyoke College/Five Colleges

Elizabeth BerneyDuke University
Erin NettifeeDuke University

Joyce ChapmanDuke University
Karen NewberyDuke University

Elizabeth EdwardsUniversity of ChicagoXTod OlsonUniversity of Chicago

Claudius Herkt-JanuschekSUB Hamburg
Scott PerryUniversity of Chicago


Doreen HeroldLehigh University
Stefan StadtherrMPIL Heidelberg

Anne L. HighsmithTexas A&MXSimona TabacaruTexas A&M

Harry KaplanianEBSCOXKevin WalkerThe University of Alabama

Ingolf Kusshbz
Charlotte WhittIndex Data

Lina LakhiaSOAS

Michael Winkler

XJoanne LearyCornell University
Uschi KluteGBV
XMichael PatrickThe University of AlabamaXVandana ShahCornell University

Nassib NassarIndex DataXAngela Zoss

Duke University

Veit KöppenUniversity MagdeburgXLisa DeCarolisSmith College/Five Colleges
XLinda MillerCornell UniversityXElena OMalley


GavinChina     XHolly MistlebauerCornell University

Discussion Items





Today's Attendance Taker: 

Today's notetaker:  Lisa DeCarolis

Last week's notetaker: Simona Tabacuru

General Notes on Meeting Topics Sharon

Nassib will not be able to join us for today's meeting, so I have moved the following topics to our meeting on 4/29/19, when he can attend and participate in the discussion:

  • Impact of Custom Fields in Apps on Data warehouse Development
  • Data Privacy for FOLIO Reporting

Sharon and Holly have made a first pass on the data warehouse.  Will run by the group when more solidified.

Holly and Sharon proposing moving entirely to JIRA from spreadsheets so that the group is not working in two areas at the same time.  Let us know if you have any qualms about this.  Holly assures that everything from the spreadsheet will be transferred to JIRA, and remain there.  We will talk about adding new reports later. Holly demonstrated how to create an issue in JIRA.  Holly will add group members who wish to add reports to JIRA; contact her.

Update on conference (Sharon). 

Gap analysis discussion by Holly, Sharon and Nassib; decided items 2-14 on spreadsheet do not need to be ranked. 

Reporting prototype group needs ideas for the next area to address.  Candidates:

  • ID226 Annual E-Resource counts for ARL and NCES
    • Perhaps combine 243-247 (digital stocks requests); same report, different parameters.
    • Also look into journals and newspapers requests to combine into one report
  • ID256 Acquisitions expenses (priority 1 for two institutions)
  • ID274 Very important to several institutions

We can go live right now for adding items to JIRA; spreadsheet will be frozen.

Important Note on the Reporting SIG Master SpreadsheetHolly

We would like to freeze the Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet today in anticipation of a plan to move all reporting metadata to FOLIO JIRA only. We will have more information on updates to the JIRA interface to accommodate this change for your review in an upcoming Reporting SIG meeting. 

Holly will walk through the steps today for adding new reports from today forward.

UPDATES on FOLIO Face-to-Face meeting in JuneALL


Who is attending: Sharon Beltaine, Scott Perry?, Angela Zoss, Kevin Walker, Holly Mistlebauer, Tod Olson (there but many other commitments), Steve Bischof (does OLAF reports, 5 Colleges, implementers data warehouse), 


FOLIO Face-to-Face meeting plans:


  • Settle on what groups/individual should plan to attend

  • Discuss and decide on meeting times/organization

  • Identify any significant gaps in the program

-June 17-19 in DC, $100 registration fee

-120 attendees is the target

-hotel registration must be done by May 11

-Location of June meeting: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Washington DC - Crystal City,

300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202

-large WolfCon Conference is planned for January 2020

Working document for the Face to Face meeting:


UPDATES on Reporting Rankings for April Gap AnalysisHolly, Sharon, Nassib, Angela

UPDATE: Please note that the issues under Epics UXPROD-1128, UXPROD-1449, UXPROD-330, and UXPROD-943 have been removed from the Reporting Gap Analysis ranking process. See the Comments column in the Reporting Features for Ranking spreadsheet to see the reasons why each of these issues were removed from the ranking.

It is still important for reporting representatives from each institution to rank the issues under Epics UXPROD-1319 (LDP Data Warehouse reports) and UXPROD-867 (In-App reports).


Holly will review a spreadsheet that shows what reporting features need to be ranked by each institution. Please use this template at your institution to complete your analysis, then submit it to your Product Council representative for the Gap Analysis. The Gap Analysis must be completed by April 30, 2019; check with your institution on specific deadlines for submitting your feature rankings.

Please download and use the Reporting Features for Ranking spreadsheet to rank reporting features for your institution.  (Note:  The full Gap Analysis and Feature Ranking spreadsheet includes instructions.  The Reporting Features for Ranking spreadsheet is an extract of only the reporting epics.)


Thanks to Holly, we have a new spreadsheet just for the Reporting gap analysis; we will work with our institutions to make decisions/vote on items

Go to JIRA issue filters, then Reporting Epics - we have tried to capture all of the Reporting work under 6 tickets (reviewed in April 1 meeting) - reporting feature requests, data warehouse reports, LDP reference implementation, misc functionality, in-app reports, and analytics and audit logging

Full gap analysis (full Gap Analysis and Feature Ranking spreadsheet) is a very big spreadsheet; people are going through features that are still open and applying a rank for each institution (go-live, quarter after go-live, up to a year after go-live, fiscal year rollover, do not need) - note, this is go-live for your institution

Different institutions may be doing this differently, but if you're not already involved, please be proactive, but do talk to our Product Council person to let them know that this is happening, be on the same page, then they will pull the data into the full gap analysis

There is a version of the full gap analysis that only has reporting features in it (Reporting Features for Ranking); many are in-app reports

If your institution is not included yet, you can just make a copy of the final column

Please edit the Reporting spreadsheet directly, but it's just a working sheet - make sure Product Council rep from your institution pulls it into main gap analysis

Deadline for gap analysis is April 30, so talk to Product Council rep ASAP to see if there is an internal deadline for feedback

How to Add Requests for Reporting FeaturesSharon

We are in the processing of reorganizing reporting tasks in the JIRA system. Reporting Feature Requests move from EPIC UXPROD-1149 to the Library Data Platform (LDP) project. See Feature Requests for LDP-based Reporting for step-by-step instructions on adding this issues.

  • REP-XXX issues in Resource Management
Report Prioritization for Development in Data WarehouseALL

Today, we will continue the process of reviewing the priority level of data warehouse reports in each of the functional areas to determine which should be passed along to the Report Prototype Working Group to prototype in the LDP data warehouse.

Additional Topics?All Any other topics to discuss today?
Topics for Future MeetingsAll

Review and update Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings 

Action items

  • Sharon Markus will meet with Ann-Marie Breaux on Import-Export reports and bring notes back to Reporting SIG
  • Sharon Markus to review ARES-related Resource Access reports with real-time data requirements with Darcy Branchini and bring notes back to Reporting SIG


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