2019-10-21 Reporting SIG Meeting notes

2019-10-21 Reporting SIG Meeting notes









XSharon BeltaineCornell University
Sara ColglazierMount Holyoke College/Five Colleges

Elizabeth BerneyDuke University
Erin NettifeeDuke University
XJoyce ChapmanDuke University
Karen NewberyDuke University

Elizabeth EdwardsUniversity of ChicagoXTod OlsonUniversity of Chicago
XClaudius Herkt-JanuschekSUB HamburgXScott PerryUniversity of Chicago


Doreen HeroldLehigh University
Stefan StadtherrMPIL Heidelberg
XAnne L. HighsmithTexas A&MXSimona TabacaruTexas A&M

Harry KaplanianEBSCOXKevin WalkerThe University of Alabama
XIngolf Kusshbz
Charlotte WhittIndex Data

Lina LakhiaSOASX

Andi Bihler

Munich Technical University Library

Joanne LearyCornell University
Uschi KluteGBV
XMichael PatrickThe University of AlabamaXVandana ShahCornell University

Nassib NassarIndex Data
Angela Zoss

Duke University

XVeit KöppenUniversity Magdeburg
Lisa DeCarolisSmith College/Five Colleges
XLinda MillerCornell UniversityXElena O'Malley


XMatt HarringtonDuke University     Holly MistlebauerCornell University

Jean PajerekCornell University

Discussion Items





Today's Attendance Taker: Linda Miller

Today's notetaker:  Joyce Chapman

Last week's notetaker: Vandana Shah

Updates from Various Reporting Related Groups and EffortsVarious

The Reporting SIG is using small work groups to address priorities and complete our work. Each week, we will provide updates to the Reporting SIG from these various reporting-related groups and efforts:

  • Community and coordination
    • Sharon: been talking about progress with the LDP. Came up with the first implementer's grid. We'll review that below.
  • LDP Report Working Group
    • Sharon: working on different queries. Emma Boettcher and Mark Johnson joined for last meeting. Someone is drafting a ticket for loan-related FOLIO attributes to meet reporting needs. 
  • LDP Data Privacy Working Group
    • Ingolf: group is still trying to get in touch with the national library of Hungary and to talk to the German org about whether they really need vendors' data, which is personal data according to GDPR. He'll see them Wed/Thurs to speak with them. Also reviewing reports and working on compiling list of personal data. There are three reports from GBV that have personal data in the LDP that are ranked to go live. They are REP-146 - Getting issue details... STATUS , REP-147 - Getting issue details... STATUS , REP-148 - Getting issue details... STATUS . It was two but they found another one. Three weeks ago they began reviewing the reports and are going to get the notes up from that. 
  • LDP SysOps Working Group
  • Software development
    • Nassib says it will be useful to know who has interest in reporting and ERM data. Who could work with them to implement full data downloads in the API. They can get all the data into the LDP except ERM. If we can make a case that we need the ERM API to be able to allow this, that would be super helpful. Can anyone in this group work with Nassib on this issue so we can get the reports out? Veit may work on this. Nassib has already contacted some folks at Leipzig. Sharon will ask Nassib to loop Veit and Ingolf into the discussion. Nassib needs to find some reports coming from their institutions that can help push or a full data download from the API for the ERM. He'll follow up with them. One more issue from software development: they need to know how many early adopter institutions have a strong need for ERM. This relates to the Data Privacy group. Sharon will follow up with more emails on this. They are in good shape on MARC data right now. 
  • Others?
LDP First ImplementersSharon

Reporting SIG members are invited to update the LDP First Implementers Grid on behalf of their institutions. Identifying when each institution plans to implement the LDP will help us prioritize report prototypes and query work in the Report Prototype Working Group.

This is what they've been using to prioritize their reporting tasks, was basis of what Sharon used to put together grid. Everyone on call needs to complete this as homework this week. Please work with your institution to take a look at the info, give Sharon feedback (more columns needed?), and fill out. If your institution is missing from the list, please add it. Make sure to put in a contact person: this person will be looped in to the sys-ops group for conversations. "Still deciding" is perfectly acceptable but we need to know where everyone is. 

Group goes down the "first implementers" list through each institution. Wentworth and Simmons are the two early implementers from (question), Elena reports, she is not from those institutions though. No one from Five Colleges is on the call today.

Metadata Management ClustersVandana

Vandana has some questions about MM clusters for the group. (MM = Metadata management)

Todd and Christy will take the lead on talking about this today. 

Todd: Main thing we talked about was looking at the first four tickets on the master spreadsheet (Metadata_Management_clusters) UXPROD 898, 896, 895, 893. They are all related. They need a highly granular access to items in holdings and MARC data. They think the indexing on the JSON structures currently just won't support it. These would require a query that bring back the whole of the database, basically. So these really argue for a different kind of access to the data. Maybe having the MARC data broken out into a table that we could somehow do ad hoc reporting against. Christy has been in contact with Dale and Nassib about what's been done locally but they believe this requires a new approach that can support fine grained analysis of MARC data. Query would have to move into the EPL mechanism.

Vandana: These don't cluster together in terms of we can't write one query that's going to address them all. Just want to make sure people are onboard with the inability to cluster these. Sharon: that's fine.

Sharon to Todd: Put together a ticket if that's what you want to do. That's bigger than just a report. Specialized data set.

Nassib will be providing an update about what's happening to the MARC data. He knows it's a high priority and that we need to test against it.

Resource Management Report Cluster ReviewSharon, Scott, Doreen

Sharon, Scott, and Doreen will continue to walk us through their analysis of Resource Management reports to create clusters.

  • cluster reports in the External Statistics functional area
  • review the RA-to-RM cluster list 

See the lists at:

Resource Management Clusters

RA-to-RM Clusters

External Statistics

Sharon: Shows the group a second set of reports on Resource Access reports that are left to review, not yet clustered. Google doc: "RA reports to review." Starting with line 38, we are looking at whether it's resource usage, ERM, or something else I missed. REP-118: looks like ERM and it's a count cluster? Ingolf: yes.

Group edits spreadsheet together.

Additional Topics?All 
Topics for Future MeetingsAll

Review and update Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings 

Action items

  •  Community and Coordination group to discuss how to maintain GDPR compliance for REP 147 and REP 148
  •  Vandana Shahto follow up on notes for changes to JIRA tickets for MM Reports and Report Clusters

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