2018-11-26 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion tems

15minResource Access ReportsHolly Mistlebauer

We have identified both in-app and data warehouse Resource Access reports (review document here)

  • In-app reports are being developed by the Product Owners
  • Data warehouse reports are being developed by the Reporting SIG members

Have Resource Access reports for your institution been identified?

  • View institution overview here
  • View all Resource Access reports here
  • View all User Management reports here (there may be overlap)

If there are more reports needed, what should RA SIG members do?

  • Work with your Reporting SIG member to identify reports
  • Reporting SIG members are aware of steps for adding a new report
  • One step is to contact me for help in determining if report is in-app report

20minRequest policy vs loan policy: which fields belong where

Request policy vs loan policy: which fields belong where. To answer this question we need to decide:

  • Whose patron group should be considered when deciding things like is this requestable, can it be delivered, alternate loan policy for items with existing requests, recall return interval.
    • Because there can be requests without loans, at least some of these must look at the requester's patron group
    • But others seem like they really ought to look at the borrower's patron group
    • Settings related to the borrower's patron group really ought to live in the loan policy (simpler from a development perspective and clearer from a user perspective)

Review every setting in the current request policy mock-up and decide which patron group is the determining factor

Based on the above, agree on which settings belong in the loan policy vs request policy

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to Supporting Materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue
RequestsCate Boerema (Deactivated)Q1
  • SIG is open to moving loan-related settings to loan policy - no firm decision, just an openess
  • Cate to present some revised mockups for further review and discussion

Request Policy Mockup

For later:

  • We need to discuss Rush recalls - new feature
  • We need to discuss how request queues are prioritized. SIG no longer happy with FIFO approach for v1. Recalls likely need to bump to the top of the queue
