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November 18th recording has not yet been uploaded. Peter Murray is investigating, and this appears to be related to a closed captioning issue.
Martina Schildt – there is a new group forming around the new prioritization process, set to commence in 2023. The new group will be tasked with taking care that the prioritization process is done. It will work closely with the existing roadmap group. Please contact Martina, Kristin, and/or Jesse with questions.
Dennis related that they have begun work on version history in the Orders app and showed some demo data in Snapshot.
When a record is deleted, we have previously discussed indicating “Data lost” (e.g. Source may be “Data lost” if the user who created the record has since been deleted)
Suggestion is that we should update to “Data not found”
“Lost” suggests a screw-up rather than a deliberate action in the system – agreed by many
Has any thought been given to retrieving last known value?
Need to be careful with “not found” as this is used in other areas in FOLIO when there is a system error
Other suggestions: “Unable to retrieve”, “Data does not exist”, “Record deleted on…”, “Invalid reference”, “Data deleted”
Question: can you delete an organization that is referenced by a PO?
Yes, you can currently do this.
Invalid Reference is also what shows up on a PO if it's organization record is deleted
Next step: Dennis to add poll to Slack for a vote on preferred verbiage
What is expected/desired behavior when receiving against a closed order?
Chicago – we think of our order status as equivalent to our payment status – so fully paid would close the order; the re-opening of the PO when receiving against closed orders was surprising. Re-opening is a big issue around FYRO, but has not been top of mind since this was completed.
Dennis needs to retest this on MG and write up a bug if the behavior reported does not resolve. à May require further discussion with this group after testing
Dennis asked Sara to write up behavior she described that seems similar/related but a different use case.
Just resolved a bug for MG HF #1 that was causing an issue editing POLs that have multiple product IDs.
Logic is different for one-time versus ongoing orders
Useful when staff are covering to view who did what during a coverage period; also for approvers who need to review invoices submitted by select staff
Useful for large organizations
Supported in chat
Filter would be for who created the invoice, not the invoice lines
Additional discussion around being able to filter on who created or linked an invoice line. This would be more complicated, especially with the introduction of EDIFACT invoice import.