2022-10-04 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2022-10-04 Acquisitions Meeting notes



  • Alissa Hafele, Ann Crowley, Carol Sterenberg, Dennis Bridges, Dung-Lan Chen, Dwayne Swigert, Emily Robertson, Heather McMillan, Jackie Magagnosc, Jean Pajerek, Julie Brannon, Julie Stauffer, Kathleen Norton, Kimberly Pamplin, Kimberly Wiljanen, Kristin Martin, Lisa Maybury, Lisa Smith, Lucinda Williams, Martina Schildt, Masayo Uchiyama, Okay Okonkwo, Peter Sbrzesny, Robert Heaton, Sara Colglazier, Shannon Burke, Steve Selleck, Sven Thomsen, Tara Barnett, Victoria Anderson, Winter White


  • Housekeeping -

    • Reminder - next meeting is this Friday, Oct. 7
    • October 18 (Tuesday) meeting will be demo/show and tell package orders by Sara Colglazier and WOLFCon 2022 presentation "Cross-app workflow" by Heather McMillan
  • Business

Chat log: meeting_saved_chat.txt

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Discussion items

  • Housekeeping -

    • Reminder - next meeting is this Friday, Oct. 7
    • October 18 (Tuesday) meeting will be demo/show and tell package orders by Sara Colglazier and WOLFCon 2022 presentation "Cross-app workflow" by Heather McMillan
 :02Business  Kristin Martin
  •  At Wolfcon it was decided to do a check in with the SIGS , Feedback will help guide direction. 
    1. Can you share the purpose of your SIG: functional area/cross cutting/affinity group, etc?
    2. What areas does your SIG have responsibility for?
    3. What do you feel like your SIGs purpose is currently? Has it changed over time?
    4. Do you have product owners who regularly work with the SIG? Do you feel that your requirements are being successfully developed into FOLIO?
    5. How do you feel about the resources allocated in the development areas that are focused on?
    6. What are some of the challenges facing your SIG/subgroup? Are there ways in which you feel the SIG has been unable to accomplish it's mission?
    7. If you work on areas of development, do you feel like there are areas of development not resourced at all or significantly under-resourced?
    8. What has been successful with the SIG? What things contributed to that success?
    9. What could the Product Council do to help the SIG?
    10. Do you feel like the Roadmap accurately represents the work of your SIG (both desired and already accounted for)?
    11. How can we improve our communications with the SIG? Does the current monthly reporting work? Would have a dedicated PC meeting for your SIG be helpful?
    12. Is the SIG comfortable communicating with the PC and have a sense of when a PC conversation would be helpful?
    13. What functions should the PC be accomplishing and how would the SIGs like to have those need met?

  1. Can you share the purpose of your SIG: functional area/cross cutting/affinity group, etc?
  2. What areas does your SIG have responsibility for?

Acquisitions SIG Home 

"The Acquisitions SIG works with developers to define essential functions for acquiring and managing all types of materials: fund structures, orders, receiving, payment, claims, maintenance, usage and other statistics, other possible evaluation tools, and reporting.  The SIG will consider options to show relationships between resources, and mechanisms and workflows needed to support these functions. The SIG will also need to evaluate the potential for applications supporting selection, decision-making, and analysis with the aim of ensuring that current work does not limit future innovation. The Acquisitions SIG advises developers on the coordination needed between its operations and other functions, such as metadata management and electronic resource management.  It coordinates closely with Metadata Management and ERM SIGs.  It also advises developers on the interactions needed between libraries, vendors, and other parties necessary for successful resource management."

  • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:05 PM
    Looks generally accurate to me 
  • From Martina Schildt to Everyone 12:05 PM
    same here
  • Sara: This SIG doesn't really deal with "usage and other statistics, other possible evaluation tools, and reporting. " Maybe this is to futuristic. 
  • Ann Crowley: I think it's in there because at one point we talked about trying to get that functionality in Acq without going to reports. But we are still focused on functionality and haven't made it that far yet. 
  • Kristin: How do you feel about the pace of development?
  • Sara: The description doesn't discuss invoicing or data import. 
  • Dung-Lan - We can tweak the description, but I think as development happens the focus shifts. 
    • To answer pace: it does seem slow and that we are still missing basic functionality
  • Kristin: Many meetings now a days are focused on implementers topics. Are there some areas that you feel are under developed or need more resources. 

3. What do you feel like your SIGs purpose is currently? Has it changed over time?

  • It has changed over time, moving from a small subgroup to being the main group. 
  • Kristin: Do you feel the work of the SIG is still moving forward well?
    • Sara: Acquisitions is complex. Lot's of cross app applications. 

  • Kristin: Many meetings now a days are focused on implementers topics. Are there some areas that you feel are under developed or need more resources. 
    • Sara: Acquisitions is complex. Lot's of cross app applications. 
    • From Lisa Smith - Mich State to Everyone 12:19 PM
      After going through a year+ in FOLIO, I'd like to see monthly accounting reports and a fiscal year end report.  These would be useful for problem solving.
    • Sara: We need the underlying functionality before we can look at functionality like reports and stats
    • Martina: Acq is very complex, and it does seem progress has slowed down.  Perhaps that is because now that more institutions are in it, there is more to talk about with improving functionality. 

Kristin: I am hearing that interaction with other apps, accounting reports, fiscal year reports. 

  • Opportunities to check in with other SIGS on who is working on what. 
  • Roadmap for Acq may be helpful for what is being worked on, and what is planned, and the rough idea of a timeline.

From Jackie Magagnosc to Everyone 12:23 PM
I really like the idea of developing a specific roadmap for Acquisitions.


Kristin: Challenges and successes

  • Julie: Implementers page works well. But I do still wonder how things are prioritized. It does seem there are things that were of high prioritized, but are not being worked on. 
  • From Lisa Smith - Mich State to Everyone 12:26 PM
    For me the SIG has evolved from my learning not only how FOLIO functions, but also how enhancements can happen. The SIG likely didn't evolve, but my use the of SIG!
  • Jackie: I agree the Implementers page works well.  Sometimes it seems that there are things developed as required, but sometimes that was to specific. 

Kristin: For those that don't normally speak up - why do you come to the meetings, what do you get out of it?

  • Alissa: Started attending just to get a sense of everything folio.  What's been challenging for me is that each SIG is run a little differently.  From the Acq one, I get a really good feeling of how the workflow happens with Dennis, but I don't get that from every SIG. 
  • From Kimberly Wiljanen to Everyone 12:30 PM
    I learn how to work with Folio through listening to others and see how others work with it
  • From Carol Sterenberg to Everyone 12:31 PM
    Same here, we are still in the planning phase and haven't decided yet. However, FOLIO is likely going to be our choice. So, it's information gathering and networking.
  • From Tara Barnett to Everyone 12:33 PM
    I come for information, primarily. Learning how to do things, but also understanding what is important to actual users, and understanding the context/origin of various concerns and conversations.
  • From Sven Thomsen to Everyone 12:33 PM
    I'm also relatively new to FOLIO. So joining These SIG Meetings helps me to get to know FOLIO better and to be/stay up to date and find out what is being discussed.
  • From Steve Selleck to Everyone 12:33 PM
    Colorado has not yet switched to FOLIO.  However, I use the SIG as a learning process for when the switch does occur and the issues we might face.
  • From Carol Sterenberg to Everyone 12:34 PM
    I have to leave. Another meeting. I enjoy coming to these and hearing what is going on. Hopefully we will learn from what has already been done.

  • Do people feel like the roadmap is reflecting the work of the SIG, both what's desired and what's already accounted for?
    • From Alissa Hafele to Everyone 12:35 PM
      I have looked at it once or twice 🙂
    • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:35 PM
      I don't refer to it as often as I should 🧐
    • From Ann Crowley to Everyone 12:36 PM  I refer to it when I am looking for a feature that we are looking for
    • From Jackie Magagnosc to Everyone 12:36 PM
      I'm looking at it now, and it's fine as far as it goes, but there's so much more that could be useful
      • : 40 Kristin: What do you think would helpful?
        • Getting better at interoperability. 
        • Binding
        • Thinking about what else needs to be developed beyond the roadmap.


Kristin: Communication lines with the SIGS - right now we have reports from the SIGS to the PC, are those helpful? Is there anything different we can do?

  • Dung-Lan, The PC updates you do for us in the Acq meetings is very helpful. 

  • From Dennis Bridges to Everyone 12:42 PM
    Prioritization is definitely the biggest issue for me at the moment. It seems the mechanisms we do have are sort of incomplete and/or aging. Users seem to be unclear where they add priority indicators. I would love to have one clear metric that indicates what the "Majority" of the community is interested in.
  • From Jackie Magagnosc to Everyone 12:44 PM
    Exactly. I don't know who has the "power" to vote
  • From Dennis Bridges to Everyone 12:44 PM
    Obviously myself and my team are Funded by a specific organization that has certain objectives/goals to meet. I'm always doing my best to align those goals with the goals of the general community. A clearer ranking structure would make that easier.
  • Kristin: At one point we had more development teams and capacity planning. That type of community prioritization is not the same as it was. Different funders set their own priorities and work on what their constituents need. 


  • Martina: There is a group that has received funding and is looking at serials management, they will present their information in October. 
  • Dennis: Is meeting with Owen and Ian tomorrow to discuss that. As PO of Acq, his goal is to collaborate with that group to try and align needs of both groups. 
  • Dennis: Leipzig picked a feature they wanted a sooner rather than later,  took the stories that were written, and developed it to add back into the community. 
    • From Dennis Bridges to Everyone 12:57 PM
      This is the feature they delivered UXPROD-2553 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Add a configurable 'Organization type' field to organization record

  • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:57 PM
    Asking for documentation purposes - do those externally developed stories show up on the Morning Glory release notes so that I'll know to include that in the documentation?
    • Kristin: I think so.  
    • Dennis: Yes. The feature was still assigned to me. It was still a part of Bugfest for Morning Glory.
  • Dung Lan: As a group, with each new release can we have a discussion on what Acq functions are in the new release? 
    • Dennis: Yes. I have presentations I give to others and I can do that in this group as well. 
    • Kristin: Yes that would be great. 
    • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 01:02 PM
      +1 Kristin!!
      and esp. around Permissions
    • Dennis: The release notes have an entire list. We can filter that down and do an overview of the Acquisition functionality and features added.