2022-07-15 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2022-07-15 Acquisitions Meeting notes



Alissa Hafele, Bethany Blankemeyer, Dennis Bridges, Dung-Lan Chen, Dwayne Swigert, Emily Robertson, Heather McMillan, John Ballestro, Julie Stauffer, Kathleen Norton, Kimberly Pamplin, Kristin Martin, Linh Chang, Lloyd Chittenden, Lucinda Williams, Mark Arnold, Martina Schildt, Masayo Uchiyama, Peter Sbrzesny, Sara Colglazier, Scott Perry, Scott Stangroom, Tara Barnett, Victoria Anderson, Virginia Martin, Winter White


  • Housekeeping -

    • Morning Glory Bug Fest starts next Monday (July 18) and will run for two weeks - more info see Bug Fest R2 2022 Morning Glory.  Any question regarding Bug Fest or if you need a TestRail acct, please reach out to Anton Emelianov via Slack
    • WOLFcon 2022 schedule and registration info - see WOLFcon 2022.

    PC Updates (Kristin Martin ) -

    • 2022-07-07 Meeting notes
    • 2022-07-14 Product Council/SIG UpdatesMeeting notes
      • Conversations around PC role for the FOLIO product/project and using WOLFCon to clarify role and set strategic goals for next year
      • New officers: Jesse Koennecke stepping down from co-chair, Alexis Manheim coming on as co-chair; Kristin Martin continuing as co-chair and Peter Murray as secretary
      • Interest from Implementers SIG as well for implemented institutions to share rollover experiences

    Business -

Discussion items

  • Morning Glory Bug Fest starts next Monday (July 18) and will run for two weeks - more info see Bug Fest R2 2022 Morning Glory.  Any question regarding Bug Fest or if you need a TestRail acct, please reach out to Anton Emelianov via Slack
  • WOLFcon 2022 schedule and registration info - see WOLFcon 2022.
  • Dung-Lan - Is there an interest in hearing from libraries that have finished FY rollover? A separate meeting than the normal acq meeting time. 
    • From Kristin Martin (University of Chicago; she/her) to Everyone 08:03 AM
      Implementers SIG is interested in rollover experiences as well.

  •  Kristin - Conversations have been more internally focused.  Have new officers after elections.
  • 2022-07-07 Meeting notes
  • 2022-07-14 Product Council/SIG UpdatesMeeting notes
    • Conversations around PC role for the FOLIO product/project and using WOLFCon to clarify role and set strategic goals for next year
    • New officers: Jesse Koennecke stepping down from co-chair, Alexis Manheim coming on as co-chair; Kristin Martin continuing as co-chair and Peter Murray as secretary
    • Interest from Implementers SIG as well for implemented institutions to share rollover experiences
:08 and :46

Acquisitions/Resource Management Implementers


  • Acquisitions/Resource Management Implementers #46

  • Control default values in Settings
  • Prompted by Slack discussion on 1/15/22. Request to control default values in settings.  This relates to topics #24, #32, and #36 on this page.  The ability to control default values for key fields in the Orders and Invoices apps would enable libraries to align the UI with their needs and improve the user experience.
  • Will address this later when the people that put it on the list are in attendance. 
  • :46 
    • Dennis: Can we get some more detail about this use case?
      • John: Specific default was checking the re encumber button when creating a po.  In Voyager could create individual defaults and would like to see that in FOLIO as well. 
      • Dennis: User templates can help with this. But understands not all users are not using templates. 
      • From Kristin Martin (University of Chicago; she/her) to Everyone 08:46 AM
        We've shifted to using more templates over time.
      • Dennis: Lets add to slack more settings as we think of them that are problematic and come back to this. 
      • From Virginia Martin to Everyone 08:54 AM
        yes, I think you're correct that release encumbrance is desirable for some orders and not others
      • Dennis will create a wiki page for collecting use cases for additional default settings. 

Acquisitions/Resource Management Implementers # 39

  • Acquisitions/Resource Management Implementers # 39
  • Add a field for the mail address of a direct contact person to the cards in the accordion "contact information". If I need to contact an organization on e.g. shipments I rarely use general mail addresses but rather direct contact people.
  • Martina Schildt 
  • Primary issue is understanding who to add as 'attention to' when you are sending communication to an address. 
  • Dennis: Would it make sense to add an "Attention to" field?
    • Yes
  • Dennis: Should it be a contact person or a free text field?
    • Free text
:23Acquisitions/Resource Management Implementers # 47
  • Addressed in Morning Glory
  • Sara: Related Question: If you link inventory record and the POL, there is no way to get rid of the receiving record without getting rid of the order. 
    • Dennis: I think the ability to change the instance connection will possibly resolve that for you. 
    • After further conversation: Dennis added no.81 "Receiving titles are not removed when package POL instance links are changed." 
  • From Virginia Martin to Everyone 08:38 AM
    Will there ever be a way to relink a POL and instance without unopening and reopening the ordre?
    • Dennis: Yes - in Moring Glory there is an action called "change instance connection"
    • From Virginia Martin to Everyone : okay, thanks, I was basing my question off of Julie's description from January
      oh lovely! that is fantastic!

From Sara Colglazier  to Everyone 08:56 AM
Dennis, when you had what I was describing about Packages and Receiving etc, have you "published' it? I cannot see it but thought I saw you type it
I would like to add something

Action items
