2022-05-10 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2022-05-10 Acquisitions Meeting notes



Ann Crowley, Dennis Bridges, Dung-Lan Chen, Dwayne Swigert, Emily Robertson, Jackie Magagnosc, Jean Parjerek, Julie Brannon, Julie Stauffer, Kathleen Norton, Kimberly Pamplin, Kristin Martin, Lauren Seney, Lloyd, Lucinda Williams, Martina Schildt, Michael Phillips, Nancy Pelis, Okay Okonkwo, Peter Sbrzesny, Sara Colglazier, Sarah Dennis, Scott Perry, Scott Stangroom, Shannon Burke, smithli4, Steve Selleck, Suzette Caneda, Tara Barnett, Victoria Anderson, Virginia Martin, Winter White


Housekeeping -

Business -



Closed Caption


Discussion items

1 min. afterHousekeepingDung-Lan
  • Reminder to mute if not talking during meeting.
  • Reminder about UAT testing, active through this Thurs. 5/12
 4 min. afterVideo Group / WolfconDennis 
  • Booking meeting for video group, this Thurs. 5/12. Ideas for creating video content for acquisitions.
  • Put an ask into Slack about Wolfcon. 
~ 7 min. afterCreating an order from Inventory Dennis
  • Create PO automatically from Instance
  • ~ 11 min. - Walkthrough of refined workflow proposal
  • Would you need the "Title look-up" link in the POL screen when creating from an Instance record?
    • From Sara Colglazier  to Everyone 12:15 PM
      Just to confirm: If I hit cancel, then it will brake the link to the instance, right??
      • Still trying to work this out, but if you were to hit cancel no POL would be created. Presumably you would want to end up back in Inventory at the record you were initially looking at.
  • Martina: PO will still exist, but I will be back in Inventory and can link another record to the PO that was created?
    • The PO would be created already. Possible that if you hit cancel we could delete the PO for you if you want it to be deleted. Or may include PO number in a toast message so that you at least do not have to retrieve it. 
  • From smithli4 to Everyone 12:20 PM
    I prefer the PO does not get deleted.  If an auditor asked what happened to the PO, we would be in the dark.
  • Sara: If an order gets created, would prefer to land at the unfinished order. Would be concerned about having stump orders hanging out later.
  • Kristin: Have discussed coming up with a better way to view the order (both order and order line together). Would that help with this?
    • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:22 PM
      +1 to the combined order header/line view :)
    • From Virginia Martin to Everyone 12:22 PM
      I would love to revisit the idea of merging the PO and POL views.
  • When you click cancel in this scenario could take user to PO instead of back to Inventory. User can then make the decision to delete PO or not.
  • Martina: When you have multiple POLs, system would need to differentiate between whether or not there are multiple lines. In some cases you will want to go to Inventory and link another line and in others will want to delete.
  • Hearing that it is probably okay to not show the "Title look-up" and lock down the bibliographic fields because all of that data is coming from the Instance. 
    • From Sara Colglazier  to Everyone 12:28 PM
  • Could we have the clipboard (copy icon) to copy POL #s from the PO?
    • Also extend to invoice #s etc.
  • ~ 33 min. - Last step - should you return to Inventory after hitting Save & close / Save & open order?
    • Sara: Typically hit Save & close and would prefer landing in Orders to review. POL has hyperlink if need to return to Inventory quickly.
    • From Kristin Martin to Everyone 12:36 PM
      We frequently hit save and open order at Chicago. That is a setting, though, so I think you could control that.
    • Maybe make a distinction, if you Save & open end up in Inventory and Save & close end up in Orders
      • From Sara Colglazier  to Everyone 12:41 PM
        One-Time Orders, single POL ... sure I could see using save & open, and I would be okay with be taken to Inventory again, but save & close, then I would prefer to stay in Orders for like Ongoing orders or multi POLs
      • Might be helpful to indicate the behavior of these buttons since it is not usual? 
      • Maybe need help text or a different button altogether.
  • ~ 45 min. - Multi line order workflow
    • From Sara Colglazier  to Everyone 12:47 PM
      But this assumes that you can find all of the desired Instances with a given single query, right?
      • Think they persist. You could run another search such as in Invoices when adding multiple POLs.
    • Not likely that the multi line functionality would be picked up for Morning Glory. Assumption is that more often than not, you would be creating single-line orders.
      • From smithli4 to Everyone 12:51 PM
        We create more single line orders.  We also would add to inventory more often than linking to existing records.  (We rarely order 2 copies of anything.)
  • ~ 52 min. - Add titles to Package POL
    • Package titles accordion appears in Lotus.
      • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:57 PM
        Here's the JIRA for the new package accordion (Lotus): UIOR-831 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Action items
