2022-01-25 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2022-01-25 Acquisitions Meeting notes



  • Heather McMillan, Dung-Lan Chen, Dennis Bridges, Adam Hudnut-Beumler, Ann Crowley, Ann-Marie Breaux, Bethany Blankemeyer, Beverly Geckle, Shannon Burke, Swayne Swigert, Emily, Robertson, Jackie Magagnosc, Janet Ewing, Hean Pajerek, Julie Stauffer, Kathleen Norton, Kimberly Pamplin, Kristin Martin, Lisa Smith, Lisa Maybury, Lucinda Williams, Marcia Lee, Martina Schildt, Masayo Uchiyama, Michael Phillips, Nancy Finn, Okay Okonkwo, Peter Sbrzesny, Robert Scheier, Sabrina Bayer, Sara Colglazier, Sarah Dennis, Scott Perry, Scott Strangroom, Steve Selleck, Toni, Victoria Anderson, Winter White, Zeynep Buyukonal


  • Current: Tuesday, January 25, 2022      

     Business -

    •   Continue to discuss review order/invoice export to csv requirements
    •   Discuss UXPROD-3525 UXPROD-3525 - Extend Piece "Receiving history" information from holdings display to public display DRAFT Please rank if possible as it'd be very helpful to know how important this feature is for your library
    •   Discuss another implementer topic from Acquisitions/Resource Management implementers list if time permits

Discussion items

  • Ann-Marie - good news
  • Michigan State
  • Was able to load one edifact file, 1 invoice, that was 499 line items 
  • Worked on Kiwi Bug fest. 
  • Of the 499, 0 had matched to pol's. They are still on Juniper version. 
  • Michigan State is single line po's. 
  • Fixed error (added a -1 to all po's) , got all but 7 to load. 
  • Okay - Who is going to approve the invoice? What is the approval process?
    • Lisa G Smith - there is a serial person that will will review, then another person that will review for price increases, , then back to her for final approval. 
    • Okay - Navigation is difficult, Every time you click in a line, then back out, it starts you over at no.1. 
    • Ann-Marie - We have talked about making the navigation better. It's on the radar, but not sure what version it will be in. 
    • Usually two reasons an invoice wont approve; 
      • Lock total and calculated total doesn't match
      • If fund information is coming from the po line, and the invoice line didn't match to a pol, then the invoice cannot be approved. 
  •  Libraries who send edifact orders to vendors, do you ever send with two currencies and two prices?
  • We want to be invoiced in Euros and we know you quote in dollars..... 
    • GBV libraries: No
  • Goal is to get something out that can be read, and refine after LOTUS. 
  • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 12:11 PM
    I just approved our first batch for export to accounts payable.  Will know by Thursday if everything worked when we receive the confirmation file back from accounts payable and update the vouchers in FOLIO with the disbursement information.
  • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 12:12 PM
    The review and approval all take place in FOLIO.

UXPROD-3525 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • When Dennis was talking about the mapping table: Sample EDIFACT Orders
  • Extend Piece "Receiving history" information from holdings display to public display

  • Would be implemented in an application that communicates to external systems. 
  • This data point will become hidden in FOLIO until it is working. 
  • Please rank this feature if it is important to you
  • Dung-Lan: Talked about their issues that are not barcoded, and checked in on the holdings inventory receiving history, they display in Vufind to the public. 
  • Dennis: Is specifically talking about from the receiving app
  • In the receiving app, talking about receiving an issue that you checked 'display on holding', that is literally all it's doing. It's not yet being harvested by the system to allow it to be displayed to the public. 
  • Julie Stauffer: We would have two sections of the receiving history: 1 you add to the holdings that does display, and the other receiving history that is tied to the receiving history. 
  • So now, anything you receive in the receiving app, will now display in the receiving history. 
  • Sara Colglazier: If the display on holdings is checked in the receiving process, and also created item, does both display, or just the item record?
    • Dennis: You can have both, Both it has to be received to display. 
    • So if my item is on order, it wont display until I receive it. ... 
  • From Beverly Geckle to Everyone 12:33 PM
    MTSU "checks-in" by adding receipts to the holding. We do not use the receiving app. Our checkin issues Do Not show in EDS or VuFind.
  • From Kristin Martin to Everyone 12:33 PM
    We use VuFind. Like MTSU
    Our recent issues do display.
  • Kristin Martin: We do have vufind, are receiving on holdings record in the receiving history, and they are displaying to the public.
  • From Beverly Geckle to Everyone 12:35 PM
    Item data and summary statements from holdings are pulled using RTAC. OAI MPH would be more for new bib records
  • Dennis: OAMPH would be getting the holding data, receiving history. In theory, you could modify the request to include that data. 

  • Leipzig (question)  team has decided to pick up the organization types feature
  • Being able to organize your organizations by type. 
  • ie: Auction house, Book trade.... 
  • Will be able to filter by type, and can select more that one type. 
  • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 12:41 PM
    And this can be applied whether it is a vendor or not?
    • Dennis: Yes
  • Developer question: Is this an 'or' or an 'and' ?
    • Martina: In current system can only assign one type, the 'or' would be helpful.  Is this a configurable list?
      • Dennis, yes
  • Another question: Frozen checkbox. Is this critical to your workflow?
    • Martina: There might be types no longer used. It would be good if we could indicate that, and if they would not appear in the filter list. 
  • Last question: Reference to having a code for organization types: what is the use case?
    • To make it easier to apply?
    • Martina: I don't think we would need that in FOLIO
    • Peter: I agree
12:48Continue to discuss review order/invoice export to csv requirementsDennis
  • Problem: Users are not easily able to export invoice data to run financial reports without a reporting tool
  • Want to export po lines that includes invoice information
  • Use cases we talked about so far, seems it would be possible you would want all invoice data for a given po line. Would that need to be limited by FY? If exporting order data, and you want to see invoice data, are there situations you would want to see invoice data from all fiscal years?
    • Dung-Lan: If you want to see price increase over the years, then you would want to see multiple years. 
    • From Lisa G Smith to Everyone 12:50 PM
      MSU mainly uses a single FY, but sometimes a range of years is needed.
    • Ann-Marie:  This sounds like reporting. Reporting functionality vs an in app report. 
    • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 12:51 PM
      Isn’t this handled by a reporting tool?
    • Dung-Lan: Don't usually need to send an invoice back to vendor. 
      • From Bethany Blankemeyer to Everyone 12:56 PM
        +1 Dung-Lan, usually just use invoice#
    • From Lisa G Smith to Everyone 12:56 PM
      If proof of payment is needed, I supply a check # or wire confirmation.
    • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 12:56 PM
      +1 Lisa
    • Dennis: Please add ranking to this feature as well. 
    • UCPROD 3435
    • From Ann Crowley to Everyone 12:57 PM
      I pull payment information from our University information, because they have check #'s and check dates
    • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 12:58 PM
      Yes, it does come back as a file with “check” numbers and disbursement dates.  We’ve already successfully loaded a test file and will know with many more vouchers on Thursday.

Dennis will have some mocks up for receiving to review next week. 

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