Ann Crowley, Bethany Blankemeyer, Bill Verner, Dennis Bridges, Dung-Lan Chen, Dwayne Swigert, Emily Robertson, Heather McMillan, Jackie Magagnosc, Jean Pajerek, Julie Stauffer, Kathleen Norton, Kimberly Pamplin, Kristin Martin, Linh Chang, Lloyd, Martina Karlsson, Martina Schildt, Masayo Uchiyama, Okay Okonkwo, Owen Stephens, Peter Sbrzesny, Sara Colglazier, Sarah Dennis, Scott Perry, Scott Stangroom, Shannon Burke, smithli4, Victoria Anderson, Virginia Martin, Winter White
Dennis want to talk more about use cases related to creating po's from the inventory record
Are there times when you are in inventory and want to create an order record?
From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:05 AM Absolutely!!
From Virginia Martin to Everyone 08:05 AM yes
From Martina Karlsson to Everyone 08:05 AM Oh yes!
From Kristin Martin to Everyone 08:05 AM absolutely
From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 08:05 AM yes
From Martina Karlsson to Everyone 08:06 AM For ordering additional copies of a popular title. Also easier to see if it's the right instance, as Sara is describing
From smithli4 to Everyone 08:08 AM MSU searches inventory and OCLC before creating PO/POLs.
From Bill Verner to Everyone 08:09 AM Not being able to create from inventory is disturbingly inefficient, compared to what we are currently able to do in our (Duke's) system.
Some Use cases:
For e-journal often there will already be a record because we have access but not necessarily a subscription.
User will check in inventory to see if there is an instance already. In some cases the instance lookup does not show enough information to allow the user to identify the correct instance.
Workflow often begins with loading a record from OCLC. User then has to copy the HRIP and move to orders and search again for the same record.
When adding titles to a package pol we start in inventory as we have the same problem identifying instances
When memberships and other mini bundles it would be ideal to be able to add POL's while the order is in the open status
Broke up a large order deal and needed to create many individual orders to replace what had been a one order.
Selector provides multiple titles that they want to acquire. User needs to gather all of those together and make purchasing decisions for each.
There will be some orders that will need to have specific individual notes.
User creates one order at a time if at all possible. Needing to go back to an order and review it is time consuming (Transition cost) so generally user would create and open order before moving to the next title.
Discussion on creating order from the instance and from the item.
From Marmot User Services to Everyone 08:13 AM +1 link orders directly to items
From Virginia Martin to Everyone 08:13 AM But I agree for print monographs in particular
From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:14 AM Have the option for both
From Virginia Martin to Everyone 08:14 AM yes, agree, both would be great
From Bill Verner to Everyone 08:14 AM Yes, both would be great.
Dennis: Would you ever want to add a title to an existing order?
Dung-Lan, not for an on-going order.
From Kristin Martin to Everyone 08:15 AM Not for us.
From Bill Verner to Everyone 08:16 AM for Duke monographic orders we would not do this
From Virginia Martin to Everyone 08:16 AM I do wonder about, perhaps, membership orders with multiple titles that come? right, agree with Sara - packages
:21 minutes after the hour Talked about two options for what this workflow would look like.
From Kristin Martin to Everyone 08:24 AM I can't imagine a template that fills all of the required fields.
From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:24 AM +1 Kristin
From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 08:24 AM Nor can I
From Martina Schildt | VZG to Everyone 08:24 AM same here
From Martina Karlsson to Everyone 08:25 AM We would need to fill in Vendor reference numbers
From Bill Verner to Everyone 08:25 AM I can envision a template doing that if they were customizable at the user level, but not otherwise
Dennis: Would you create one order at a time, or multiple orders?
From Me to Everyone 08:26 AM situational
From Bill Verner to Everyone 08:27 AM It's very likely that you would be doing this action multiple times with multiple records.
From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:27 AM Very situational, but even when needing to creating a series/list of orders, there is too much variation
From Bill Verner to Everyone 08:27 AM +1 Sara
From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 08:27 AM Both options are possible.
From Martina Karlsson to Everyone 08:27 AM We would do one order at the time normally - then go on to create request for a user etc before going on to the next order
From Martina Karlsson to Everyone 08:27 AM We would do one order at the time normally - then go on to create request for a user etc before going on to the next order
Bill : Yes, the nature of monograph orders is that there is no single workflow that serves for every purpose, especially for those institutions ordering from smaller vendors or even from individuals at times.
From Scott Stangroom to Everyone 08:34 AM We might have a list of orders that we would place one at a time. Even if they were from same vendor, Amazon, for example. Then there are times we might think about doing one order with multi-lines, say via Japan Publications Trading Co.
From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:35 AM Cut out instance look up is already one-step faster!
From Scott Stangroom to Everyone 08:35 AM +1 Dung-Lan
From Martina Karlsson to Everyone 08:36 AM +1
From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:36 AM Also avoid the possibility of linking to a wrong instance!
From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 08:39 AM At my home library we would definitely have to go to the orders app due to very granular Workflows.
From Martina Karlsson to Everyone 08:39 AM A mix, option 2 with possibility to choose a few field to show & edit that the library specifies in settings?
From Martina Schildt | VZG to Everyone 08:41 AM +1 to Peter. In most libraries in our network we would definitely have to go to the orders app. The second option would be a nice additional option.
Dennis: You can select multiple instances in inventory. That opens up different possibilities. We could allow you to create a multi line order.
Dennis: In this workflow are you creating multiple orders, then reviewing all the orders as a group, then opening the order?
From Virginia Martin to Everyone 08:44 AM we plan on opening orders as they are created as much as possible
From Scott Stangroom to Everyone 08:44 AM create and the open so you don’t have to go back and forth and forget something in the process
From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:44 AM For us it is like your first option
From Martina Karlsson to Everyone 08:44 AM Always open orders at once
From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 08:44 AM create and open at the same time
From Julie Stauffer to Everyone 08:44 AM Open order on creation -- how else would we have accurate encumbrance
From Bill Verner to Everyone 08:45 AM In our workflows, "creating" and "opening" the orders are the same step, I anticipate doing both for each order at the poit of creation in FOLIO
From smithli4 to Everyone 08:45 AM If it's a multi-line order, we wait to open until the entire invoice is complete.
From Kimberly Pamplin to Everyone 08:45 AM We have some workflows where the orders would be left pending.
From Scott Stangroom to Everyone 08:45 AM too many distractions to cause forgetting. So I’d be plagued with the problem of getting to work and wondering if I turned the iron off, then going home and wondering if I actually opened the orders I created.
Discussed exporting of records recently.
UAT is open. Link for testing is in slack channel. Will take about an hour, hour and a half.
We have not talked about exporting records from receiving
We have talked about searching and filtering in receiving.
Would it be valuable to be able to export all the pieces for a given search?
From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:54 AM Expected Receipt Dates!!
From smithli4 to Everyone 08:54 AM It could be useful for serial check-in done in the Receiving App
From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:54 AM Yes!
From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 08:54 AM yes
Dennis: Want to put together some more ideas. One thing that is missing from this UI is you have to look at one title at a time, It sounds like it would be helpful to see all the title.
From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:56 AM WITH relevant info, like PO/POL & Vendor
From smithli4 to Everyone 08:59 AM Call # would be great!
From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:59 AM volume/issue/year data