2022-04-12 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2022-04-12 Acquisitions Meeting notes



  • Alissa Hafele, Ann Crowley, Ann-Marie Breaux, Bethany Blankemeyer, Bill Verner, Bob Scheier, Dennis Bridges, Dung-Lan Chen, Dwayne Swigert, Emily Robertson, Heather McMillan, Jackie Magagnosc, Julie Brannon, Julie Stauffer, Kimberly Pamplin, Kimberly Wiljanen, Kristin Martin, Lauren Seney, Linh Chang, Lisa Smith, Lloyd, Lucinda, Masayo Uchiyama, Michael Phillips, Nancy Finn, Nancy Pelis, Okay Okonkwo, Peter Sbrzesny, Sara Colglazier, Sarah Dennis, Scott Perry, Scott Stangroom, Shannon Burke, Steve Selleck, Tara Barnett, Victoria Anderson, Virginia Martin, Winter White


  • Current: Tuesday, April 12, 2022            

    Housekeeping -

    • No meeting this coming Friday
    • Seeking speakers to share fiscal year rollover experiences

    Business/Implementers Topics

Discussion items

:03Housekeeping Dung-Lan
  • No meeting this coming Friday
  • Seeking speakers to share fiscal year rollover experiences
    • One institution that has done it has agreed to come talk to us about their experience. 
    • Hope to put on the agenda for the 26th. 
    • Discussion on FY rollover
 :24Implementers Topics POL & Inventory matching # 38 Dennis
  •  Instance mapping 
  • Discussion on Instance mapping 
  • Discussion on a 2nd holdings being created and how to stop that from happening. 
  • Discussion on GOBI integration 
  • Dennis asked: 
    • How would we update the instance matching to make the retrieval of instances more accurate? Or would most f you just be turning off this function?
      • From Lisa Smith to Everyone 12:34 PM
        We see isbns that are not unique to a particular title, and we don't want those to link to another instance.  Disabling instance matching seems like that would work for us.
      • From Virginia Martin to Everyone 12:38 PM
        I think we would use it if it worked better but I think Duke will turn it off with how it is now
      •  Ann-Marie: POL always deal with the 13 digit ISBN. Instance can have the 10 digit version. If you are trying to match from the po line, it may not be able to find and match to the 10 digit version. 
      • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:40 PM
        But does it also know the difference between book vs ebook, for example?
        • Ann-Marie: Books and ebooks, it depends on how clean the data is in your instance. If the print ISBN in the ebook, but is marked as invalid, then it should be ok. 
      • From Virginia Martin to Everyone 12:41 PM
        i think we can assume a lot of messy data
      • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:43 PM
        The more cleanup that libraries can do to their existing data before migration, the better. But I totally agree that having ways to deal with messy data in FOLIO are also important
    • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:44 PM
      But it is an ongoing problem. 
      From Virginia Martin to Everyone 12:44 PM
      agreed, Sara
    • From Bethany Blankemeyer to Everyone 12:45 PM
      +1 Sara, and we aren't always in a place to "clean-up" the data since a lot/most of it is created by vendors
    • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:45 PM
      Right - I totally get that, Sara - that's why have FOLIO tools to deal with messy data is important, Before migrating though, it definitely helps to try to clean up existing data as much as possible, so there's less messiness to clean up after migration.
    • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:46 PM
      And records from OCLC are so far from perfect
      Don't match anything, then what about the magic of GOBI Integration??
    • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:47 PM
      Yes - being able to correct POL-Instance matches is good.
      And maybe in the future, having configuration that allows the tenant to configure matching, perhaps based on vendor, identifier type, format
    • From Kristin Martin to Everyone 12:47 PM
      or for specific subaccounts
    • Kristin: It would be useful to start in Inventory on the record, and create the purchase order line from that work flow. 
    • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:52 PM
      Another way of approaching it might be a capability to assign different order templates to POLs on different sub accounts - and have the Inventory interaction and possible a new match option be part of the template
    • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:52 PM
      +1 Ann Marie good idea!
    • Dennis: How many incorrect matches are there? What are the most common incurrent matches?
      • From Kristin Martin to Everyone 12:55 PM We see a lot. I can get you numbers if that would be helpful.
      • From Virginia Martin to Everyone 12:55 PM i think that the number should ideally be the same as or lower than if we did it manually, or if larger, that the amount of time to fix it does not exceed the time it takes for manually matching. including the amount of time it takes to identify the mismatches. 
    • Sara C: In current system, gets a report where mismatches happen. Folio doesn't have that report yet. Need a way to catch the mismatches. 
    • From Lisa Smith to Everyone 12:58 PM
      +1 Sara - we had a daily dup report for fixing this kind of thing in the past
    • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:59 PM
      If there are 2 Instances with the same valid ISBN - previously the POL would match to whichever was the first Instance it encountered. Has that been changed, or is that still the case?
    • Dennis: How does the current system identify the errors if the system made the error? 

Action items
