2020-05-22 Meeting notes

2020-05-22 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Minute taker?Michael Arthur

No follow-up from Product Council

Lloyd Chittenden has agreed to be the new convener for the Consortia SIG. This SIG meets every Friday at 11AM EST.

Item Status

  • Item Status group update
  • Summaries of  the outcomes of the discussions so far on the wiki

Emma Boettcher reported from the Item Status Group. The presentation can be found at:


During Q&A following the presentation Emma discussed permission for changing item status. Whether or not FOLIO will update Item Status with bulk loading is not being addressed in the Item Status Group. There is a separate group looking at issues related to bulk loading.

The group discussed the need for being able to change an order status to “on order” and then changing it back again. Some use cases were discussed. It was decided that this needs to be a future agenda item.

Testing and removing financial servicesMichael Arthur

Michael Arthur asked about the ability to delete records with transactions including orders, invoices and vendors. It is problematic to be doing testing and then not be able to wipe out test data without purging the entire system. Discussion ensued and Michael plans to reach out to EBSCO to determine best practices for testing in FOLIO.

Cross-app searching

  • different use cases
  • expected behavior

Dennis and Owen discussed Cross App searching. A feature has been developed UX PROD 2243. View this feature at: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-2243

Dennis requested feedback on the importance of pre-order searching. What amount of information should be displayed when it is being pulled from various apps in FOLIO?

Dennis will work on  mockups for pre-order searching.

Next meeting May 29, 2020: Material Type will be on the agenda.

Action items
