2020-11-13 Resource Management Meeting Notes

2020-11-13 Resource Management Meeting Notes



Discussion items

Minute taker?


The Folio Product Council worked on a paper “FOLIO Product Council Vision and Strategy”. The paper was approved by the PC and we want to share it now in the community and ask for feedback. Deadline extended: November 20

Features that need RM SIG Review

Updates to Tags and how they display

Issues that need RM SIG review.

  • expanded understanding of order lines and inventory and how the receiving app interacts (Kristin M)
    • Dennis: UXProd1925 / UXProd2373
      • allowing for the display of piece info on holdings records
      • orders is the back end for receiving (orders does not have its own backend module)
      • In the Interface, you can see the info related to the item record
      • Piece record links to the item record
      • This relationship can't currently be created in Inventory
      • Item shows pieces and an item record for each piece
      • from Ann-Marie in chat ("One small announcement from over in MM SIG and Data Import land: for libraries who start their ordering process by importing an OCLC record. Index Data is starting work on that functionality (start in Inventory and import a specific OCLC record to create or update an instance). The Data Import devs and Index Data devs have worked out the details of the behind-the-scenes process and record flow.")
      • in the receiving app, a piece is created to represent that order, which represents the item 
      • Lloyd (asks, what is the difference between an item and a piece?)
      • some libraries create item records for long standing serials, but right now in FOLIO, the piece gets created, those items are not showing up in inventory (this is part of that relationship between order and inventory)
      • Create a piece, receive it, and then create an instance, holding, item (if the button for such a creation is ticked)
        • But at the item record at the moment, there is no receiving info
      • Sara from MtHolyOke: What about where your order record is a 'cover record' for different titles coming in on the same order record?
      • When creating a new package, you are always manually adding pieces (in Dennis's demo)
      • Ann-Marie: creating titles in the piece-world
      • Virgina: Asks, do the titles display on the POL?
        • (Dennis: no)
      • Also looking at a new way to communicate between the apps (receiving and inventory)
      • Ann-Marie wondering about seeing these links more explicitly (but, right now, they are backend stuff)
      • Sara: wondering about how to connect standing orders for the sake of reporting (currently, an aleph user)
      • Virginia, also uses a form of reporting to gather this data (aleph user)
      • Question about donor updates:
        • uXPROD
        • can one connect a donor to a PO, through some ebook plate to connect the fund to the item?
        • Expense class being used? (need to display what is plated, then need to tie it back into how much is paid for an item)
          • Dennis: a POL might represent multiple items (as opposed to just that item from a donor and its cost)
          • Can include a quantity to divide
        • But at the moment, it would be a report
        • Sara from MtHolyOke: why would we not create a different POL for each title (anglo-norman text society)
          • Ann-Marie: how will the vendor interact on those?
          • Kristin: Would you divide the costs for the titles, or use one POL?
          • Ann-Marie: use on PO to represent all titles or use some kind of note situation to reference the other titles
          • Virginia: link to something external info for orders (say, stored on box)
          • From Owen S on chat ("What would you want to be able to do in terms of filtering on Supplementary Documents?")
          • ("A “titles received” note type might work for this scenario right now?")
          • issue of filtering vs searching on supplementary documents (or notes)
          • Want space to link to documentation or a spreadsheet to help manage these pieces if info
          • Ann-Marie (voting for at the PO level)
        • Suggesting to put Dennis first if the time-change issue lasts until Spring (schedule issue with a dev team)
        • Ann-Marie (if I am in instance in inventory, 'let me create an order from the instance")
          • Here's the feature for creating orders from Instances: UXPROD-961 - Getting issue details... STATUS
        • Kristin: wants to make sure we use the right acquisition method down the road
        • Sara asking about an issue about moving orders to a new titles (based on a continually changing ISSN/title french magazine)
          • FOLIO does not currently operate in that structure (I think as explained by Ann-Marie)
          • Suggests closing a POL, and starting a new one for the vendor to operate around the new POL for that new title
          • Question about whether notes can be used?
          • from Alice D in chat ("The feature to create orders from instances is very important to The University of Alabama.  
            It allows acquisitions staff to being in OCLC records for foreign language titles that we don't order in GOBI, and it provides a seamless workflow for beginning the order process.
            • UXPROD961
            • UXPROD-961 - Getting issue details... STATUS
              • Currently working on EDIFACT invoices loading

Updates to tags:

Action items


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