2021-05-28 Meeting notes

2021-05-28 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Minute taker?Jesse Lambertson


Kristin Martin

PC focus on data import and FOLIO architecture and data integrity issues (working to figure out)

  • Chicago delaying implementation
FOLIO and Open Access ManagementBjörn Muschall

Slide deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1l0uCvozTYsCu98vIth4qtAdZ2yAkMpBAcYeiCze0j2M/edit?usp=sharing

FOLIO hopes to support more open-access publishing models

  • want to push this data to open APC (related to open access publication expenditures)
  • Next steps >>>
  • reach out to various groups
  • makes note of communications channels, slack, etc
  • from chat (This looks great. Thank you. Is there interest anywhere in capturing and tracking other open scholarship investments, such as infrastructure/platforms/software, advocacy organizations and as another content type, open educational resources? )
  • want to have a comprehensive account for how the libraries involved in FOLIO are supporting scholarship in tandem with OER
  • the focus will be on the content and the content costs (associated with the platform, etc)
  • labor time is usually not counted in the library system, but resource payments usually are
  • this is the first major work relate to open scholarship in FOLIO
  • wide support for the scope of the project - although, it won't capture everything
  • from chat (Some OER funds include support for infrastructure such as Pressbooks, local grants to faculty to create OER, memberships (but that's already covered but would want a code so we could pull this out as OER expenditure) and of course the nebulous labor costs. )
  • Q: Is there a place to capture the license connected to the publication?
    • A: A place will need to be found for that
  • There are still spots open to join this WG
  • from chat (another idea is to record where indexed such as DOAJ, DOAB, etc. )
  • Doodle poll time preferences for weekly meeting
  • Wiki page: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RM/Open+Access+Group

  • Slack: #open-access-management

  • Mailinglist: folio-rm-oa

FOLIO Documentation Update

Julie Brannon (old account)

Much information for RM and RA in the Documentation pages now (more coming)

  • this is v.1 for sure
  • no graphics or screenshots yet
  • following google dev style guide
  • glossary v.1 is on its way shortly
  • the editing of the docs takes place in google, then is converted to markdown for publishing to GH
  • link to the documentation will be surfacing in the Juniper release
  • will a link to DOCS.FOLIO.ORG go to the current documentation or to the version being used by the people using said version
  • question from the chat (Would the documentation link eventually link to the version of FOLIO that is your version? )
  • comment from chat, AM (It's may be good to attend a docs mtg and have this convo, since I think they're in the best position to talk about it )
  • comment from chat (

    This may already all been thought of - I’ll have a look at the tickets and then comment if I feel it needs consideration)

  • Jira for Access Help Site from FOLIO: UIhttps://issues.folio.org/browse/UXPROD-2842 

UpdatesDennis Bridges

some updates (PO links to Inventory) - expected in Juniper

  • will help receiving much
  • the more match points the better across the system

Column sorting exercise?

Action items


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