2021-03-26 Resource Management SIG Meeting

2021-03-26 Resource Management SIG Meeting


Kristin Martin

Jesse Lambertson


Lisa Maybury

Paul Trumble

Dwayne Swigert

Norma Flores

Nancy Pelis

Paul Trumble

Julie Brannon (old account)

Martina Tumulla

Amelia Sutton

Monica Arnold


Abigail Wickes

Scott Stangroom

Dennis Bridges

Virginia Martin

Christie Thomas

Eric Hartnett

Kathleen Norton

Martina Schildt

Molly Driscoll

Nancy Finn

Owen Stephens

Sara Colglazier

Lloyd Chittenden

Peter Sbrzesny

Discussion items

Minute taker
  • Update of process for Kiwi development
  • Technical Council updates, lots of things going to the wiki and to the parking lot
  • New set of elections coming up
    • interim leadership (there will be)
  • Wolfcon: 
    • unsure about timezone for a virtual conference, so maybe 9:30-12:30 window to allow for room for the global attendees to join sessions

Discussion on Structure for the RM SIG going forward

Draft page


  • Getting a better feedback loop through this new structure
  • Formalizing that structure more explicitly
  • Question to ask: where do I want to be active, where do I want my library to be active?
  • We will still use this RM time for higher level information gathering
    • there may be some duplication, but because the group is different, the conversation will be different at RM meetings
  • from chat (I think Serials is supposed to be under the purview of the Acquisitions Group)
  • meeting times are challenging because of bringing together folks from a wide spectrum of time zones
  • Implementer topics will also be part of the flow
  • from chat (Acquisitions Group does discuss serials - ordering, receiving (print), invoicing etc. 
  • from chat (In terms of the Acq process, serials are discussed in the Acq Subgroup. In terms of licenses and access, eSerials are also discussed in ERM 
  • want to make sure there is consistency across slack channels for those who want or need to join them
    • various name conventions are suggested
    • from chat (I can’t see any reason not to rename #erm-team to a common naming convention either - although not my call (Martina T and Martina S should be the people to say this is fine) 
  • If a separate group for serials is created, the issue of time and people come to the fore as a challenge, and how to fit that group into the larger FOLIO dev flow
  • It seems that serials have not gotten the billing that monographic work has
  • There is also the issue of dev resources to commit to get things done that a serials group would work propose
  • people are really wanting to get clear on what is proposed, and what will actually be available at implementation
    • these features would weight differently for different institutions
  • from Susan M in chat (I would be happy to work with you, Virginia on creating a list of serials issues you would want raised in the Acq Group)
  • Kristin is always open to agenda topics, so don;t be afraid to bring them up
    • Serials related topics will surely be coming up more
    • We really need to see some serials examples presented
  • ref: UXPROD-2373

EDIFACT Invoicing with Texas A&M data

  • EDIFACT syntax is harder than the MARC syntax
    • need to be able to adjust them manually before approving them
    • invoice level adjustments need to be made manually
  • the lock total:  going to pull the total from the EDIFACT invoice, and this can be used to check match before approving
  • Vendor name is not already populated by default
  • EXT accounting codes, if multiple, you would need to pick the correct on
  • Defaults in the EDIFACT invoicing profile can be duplicated 
  • Opening up one of the current EDIFACT files from the vendor to check information there
  • in DEMO: actions not yet connected to import profile or action profile
  • EDIFACT data looks kinda like a MARC record, in a way, lines and codes and data
    • Vendor Invoice number from the BGM field
    • Nothing mapped to the accounting code field
    • Description comes from the POL title
    • POLs in FOLIO will always end in -1, -2, -3, etc (but the vendor may not work the same way)
      • this allows for a fall back match such as any vendor reference fields
    • the field matching helps the process
    • Would upload the file
      • the .EDI extension shows the EDIFACT profiles automatically
      • .mrc would bring up others, etc
      • A bug fix will allow all profiles to be shown
      • run the file
      • when it finishes, it will pop to the top of the log area in data-import
        • found a bug (adding a 1 to every invoice line number)
      • multiple or dupe invoices can be deleted
      • calculated total amount, and the lock total amount did not match. and this process allows for checking what has happened with adjustments that will need to be made manually before approving
      • there is a matching on POL, then it will fall back on vendor reference line, if there is neither, there is a third option 
      • Question from chat (Can you map the Subscription from and to dates from the edifact file?  / And the variable data (such as v.3) etc.)
      • There is also a possible duplicate check, which is good
      • These adjustment will allow for the two totals mentioned above to match
      • Question from chat (What does the invoice dedupe on: amounts, vendor code etc? )
        • Answer: looking for the same invoice, vendor, and date
      • If there was a link to the wrong POL, then the link can be broken and then relinked to the correct POL
      • question from chat (Can you map free text segments to a note field in the invocie )
        • Answer: YES
      • Would a duplicate Invoice be able to be deleted?
      • Mention of funds 
      • Question from chat (

        Can FOLIO accept alternate date formats? (every vendor formats in traditional style, but FOLIO converts to its style, but will be display in local style

      • question from chat (Is there a tax example? ) (not yet)

      • ::
      • Other topics
        • notes in serials
        • Question of whether an implementer meeting would take place next week
Agreements and Licenses Iris Release Summary
  • Owen will update in 2 weeks

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