2021-01-07 Resource Management Meeting Notes

2021-01-07 Resource Management Meeting Notes



Discussion items

Minute takerJulie Brannon (old account)


  • Kristin encouraged everyone to look at the minutes since it was a full agenda.  The stakeholder group has approved the governance model with timeline and next steps for rollout.
  • Documentation update: Marsha B shared an update.  Kristin is planning to meet with her next week to better understand what the role of a SIG will be in producing materials.  Current focus for Marsha B has been on RA content.
  • Request from data migration subgroup for bulk API support.  

EDIFACT Invoice Import

Google folder with sample invoices, default profiles, etc: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ePm2M3FcHIZFVolxD4-WX8joEc1S_iVC?usp=sharing

  • Intro/Context
    • UI in data import app will allow users to create mappings and defaults for incoming data.  Ex: data is probably not sending you the vendor code, so that's something you would set as a default in the mapping profile.  
    • Foliojet and Thunderjet dev teams met to discuss how to build invoices based on data import. 
    • Focus has been on the UI during current sprint 105
    • Sprints 106 and 107 will focus on the hook up to creating invoices from the imported data
    • Texas A&M has donated 2 developers to help with this work
  • Demo
    • Marie grabbed a file - it needs to be parked somewhere that you can grab and drop it
    • Data import app:  Job profiles are the instructions to FOLIO: what kind of file this is and what you want to do with it
    • Job profiles are created in Settings/Data import
      • For EDIFACT we won't have to deal with match profiles.  There shouldn't be a case where an invoice is broken onto separate EDIFACT files.  When we get to MARC invoices we will have to deal with matching, but we don't need to worry about it for EDIFACT
      • Marie showed an example job profile.
    • Field mapping profiles are the instructions of how to map each data element from the EDIFACT file into FOLIO
      • Incoming record type = EDIFACT invoice
      • FOLIO record type  = Invoice
      • Invoice Information Section: mapping for Header/summary
      • Invoice lines
    • Default values vs. mapped values 
      • Mapped: instructs FOLIO to move the value from a specified EDIFACT field from the input file.
        • Example: In the mapping Invoice date field input "DTM+137" (Ann-Marie pulled up a sample invoice to look at EDIFACT format and to find the invoice date)
        • Mapped lock total amount as MOA+9
      • Default: user defines a value to set since those values aren't coming in from the vendor
        • Examples: Status = open or Acquisition Unit or Batch Group - 
        • Ques: is Acq unit required?  No.
    • Invoice Adjustments at the Invoice level: Once per EDIFACT vendor type, so the adjustments will be setup manually in the profile
      • Example: Description = Tax; Amount =  MOA+TAX; Type = %; Pro rate = "Not prorated".  If not prorating, then the user needs to set up the fund distribution.
        • Fund Distribution:  Fund ID = "Asian History (ASIAHIST)"; Expense Class = "Electronic"; Value = 100'
    • Vendor Information
      • Vendor invoice number: BGM+380'
      • Vendor name: Need to do the Organization lookup and attach to an existing Organization record
      • Accounting Code: The list of available codes for that organization will appear for the user to choose from
    • Extended information
      • Payment method = EFT
      • Currency - can select from the drop down list
  • Invoice Line Level Section
    • Map once to define the pattern for FOLIO to follow for each line
    • You can have a cascade of options using a ";" delimiter syntax
      • If I want the title to be POL_title 
      • If we don't have a POL or matching failed you can setup a fallback of mapping it from the input file IMD+L+050
      • Could then have a fallback to a default phrase such as "No Title"
      • So full string would be: POL_title; IMD+L+050; "No Title" 
    • Subscription start and end dates
      • Virginia: what is the term information on the header?
      • Marie - that's a typo and should say "Terms"
    • Account number
        • Virginia: professional school libraries have their own vendors in Aleph.  We weren't sure how to handle EDI.  Can we set up different accounts on the organization and select the appropriate one here?  Ann-Marie - that should work as long as the external system knows how to handle.  Also need to think through the acquisition unit implications.  The account section on the organization can store various external account numbers as needed (such as for Five Colleges).
        • Virginia: on organizations that are set as vendors there is an EDI information section.  Has the development effort happened?  Ann-Marie: No, that's why you have to download the invoice and park it somewhere that you can upload it to FOLIO.  The EDI info on the organization is more focused on if you want to send EDIFACT info out of FOLIO.  That hasn't been a big priority, so we haven't completed that development.
    • Funds
      • "Use fund distribution from POL" 
      • "Use fund distribution field mappings" allows the user to define specific mappings
      • Fall back logic - we could tweak that if needed after reviewing during bugfest.  Trying to minimize complexity.
    • Invoice Line adjustments
      • Can apply multiple adjustment lines to handle various types of adjustments (taxes etc)
  • Once loaded and you review the load you will likely need to review the invoice carefully - maybe the PO wasn't found or maybe an adjustment is needed. 
  • Providing some default field mappings with IRIS - not usable "as-is" but they should provide enough of a guide so you don't have to start from scratch for each vendor.
    • Mapping profiles only; No action profiles or job profiles will be provided
    • 12 vendors - can edit/duplicate/delete as needed for your organization
      • Working on GOBI first
  • Refer to the Default EDIFACT field mapping profiles spreadsheet to define more completely for your library.  Anywhere that there is a "blank" indicator - take a look at that and define it locally.
  • Chat - excitement about this
  • Kristin Martin - Will this be in Iris?
    • Ann-Marie: Yes.  We expect to have all 12 setup in Iris, but for now working on GOBI first to validate full process before setting up the others
    • Once we are using these to build invoices - that's when we'll need to determine how to deal with errors that might arise.  Dev teams are doing best to anticipate, but until we throw complicated invoices at it we may not know
  • Sara C:  We can't function without this so we're excited to see this.  A common error that we see is a timing thing.  If the invoice file hits before the order file.  Will we be able to link them up afterward.  Or could I delete it out?
    • Ann-Marie:  Since invoices are loading as open you can delete it entirely and then reload it after the orders are loaded. Also, you have the power to wait. 
  • Sara C: When load EBSCO the matchpoint is the ILS number.  Sometimes the PO number on our side has changed, but their systems hasn't been updated.  Aleph creates a nice report to show me which ones didn't match so I can fix them
    • Ann-Marie: Working on making the import log more detailed - another level of log will be added to allow the user to view the JSON for the records that were loaded or updated.  For all the lines where something didn't work right it might say "Error" and then you can see the JSON.  Still working on this, but that might help.  
    • Invoice App: The invoice level data is all over int he 3rd column and is difficult to scan through, wondering if it should be full screen like Holdings
  • Sara:  Field mapping profiles - can they be duplicated, tweaked and saved?  Yes.  
    • Ann-M - probably need a separate one each for monographs, serials.  


Concerned about how to test this fully - the librarians who will be testing aren't accountants.  

Ann-Marie will share documentation link on slack which will help understand the business logic.

User Acceptance Testing for Fiscal Year Rollover
  • Hoping to run UAT in scratch environment similar to what we did with expense classes UAT in the scratch environment https://thunderjet.ci.folio.org/  
  • Target start date TBD - earliest would be Wed of next week
  • Duration: approx 1 week. 
    • Run 3 FY within the week (each one lasting 2 days or so)
    • Create ledgers, groups, funds
    • Process some orders and invoices
    • Rollover
    • Repeat at least twice
  • Looking for volunteers to participate - Dennis will post about this in the RM slack channel once details are finalized
  • Demo of the feature will be coming in the Acquisitions Small group and/or at the RM SIG 
  • Question from Kristin M:
    • It would be helpful to have a higher volume of orders for testing
    • VM via slack "Good question - Kristin. I am also wondering about plans for performance testing. We usually have many thousands of open orders at the end of a fiscal year that have to be rolled over. And I'm also wondering about making sure all of the complex accounting math works out properly. "
    • Dennis - for this effort a low volume of orders is OK
    • Kristin will explore whether Chicago could provide a dataset of orders
  • Virginia asked about the FY on the ledger
    • Dennis: The FY is the fiscal year series - if you have an FYA2019 FYB2019.  When you select a fiscal year for the ledger you're selecting a series of fiscal years.  When you roll over you'll only see as possibilities the FY choices within that same series (ex: FYA).
    • Virginia:  Why is this an option? It was confusing to see the FY on the ledger.  It seems confusing to allow changes to the FY at the ledger level.  Even though it seems unlikely that someone would do that, but it would be very bad if people did
    • Dennis: This is the kind of feedback that we're looking for - we left things open since we weren't certain how things would move forward
    • Virginia: Overall it looks great, this is just one thing that jumped out at us when we explored Finance app.

Action items


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