2020-09-29 Meeting notes

2020-09-29 Meeting notes



Paula Sullenger

Kelly Drake


Tod Olson

Emma Boettcher

Steve Bischof

Anne L. Highsmith


Charlotte Whitt

Chulin Meng

Debra Howell

Christie Thomas

Dwayne Swigert

Ian Walls

Jacquie Samples

Jean Pajerek

Kirstin Kemner-Heek

Marie Widigson

Monica Arnold

Martina Tumulla

Molly Driscoll

Natascha Owens


Peter Murray

Tom Wilson


Tracy L Patton

Brooks Travis



Discussion items


Ranking Definitions

Where to put them?

Reporting SIG has already made a copy, so this does need to get figured out soon.

Decision: In the interest of time, we'll address this in the Slack channel.

Item statusEmma Boettcher

trying to work out a plan for if the custom item status feature doesn’t make it into the development plan before implementers go live with FOLIO.   Would like to discuss what item statuses should be prioritized for development.

Slides: Item Status

Custom item statuses are desired, but would crowd out must-have features in Iris. Would like to propose an additional set of built-in statuses, get feedback from this group.

Other item status features, including manually changing item status from item record, enhancements to In Process, creating process statuses customizing built-in item statuses (including deactivating them) and creating custom item statuses 

New feature for the item statuses to be prioritized:  UXPROD-2699 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Batch loadingAll

  UXPROD-47 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Data Import - Draft Documentation

This is an attempt at documenting the state of Data Import, including overlays. At the bottom is a list of related JIRA tickets.

At Lehigh, have been able to do batches of 5,000 at a time. Cumbersome workflow. Breaks into batches of 5K, validates with MARCEdit, does dry-run load into a test system, then can do in production. Still sometimes hangs.

Topics for next week

Tentative: Marcia B and documentation

CPT and "workaround" issues from Sept 22

The issues identified here need to be brought to attention of PC - what are priorities? NFRs for the base and put off features, or quick & dirty features to fix later?

Action items


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