2021-03-05 Resource Management SIG Notes

2021-03-05 Resource Management SIG Notes


Discussion items

Minute taker
  • Voting for Community council: open to all registered wiki/slack users
  • WolfCon (June 1-3)
  • Roadmap being tweaked to be for adaptable to the future
  • Possible new ranking process coming
    • not sure about rollout or timeframe

UXPROD-2373 - Getting issue details... STATUS Allow for the display of piece information on Holding records in inventory
  • Display of Piece Info on Holding records (in Inventory)
  • UXPROD-2373 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • example focused on enumeration and chronology
  • There is a 'display on holdings' toggle in the receiving are
  • also a 'suppress from discovery'
  • can choose a location selection to pick a new holding for a piece if needs be
  • from chat (Will there be a default holdings to which the PO is attached? )
  • Possible conflict about 2 features about displaying holdings in receiving
  • from chat (Question: to clarify what I am seeing: Should we be putting Volume 1 rather than just 1 in the Enumeration field? )
  • Setting up a default for receive locations for a title
    • Maybe should expose the location in the POL in receiving if that default needed to be chaned
  • from chat (Virginia, it is tentatively given a location, but made 'official' by the cataloger? local workflow?  // Answer: yes, and it's just info that resides on the order and we ignore forever after (at Duke))
  • Some have started using subscriptions records because it allows some ease of use in some things (In Aleph)
  • There is a publication pattern functionality as part of this process
  • From chat (What’s the purpose of the Enumeration field? )
  • Enumeration data can point to the item level (important for the public)
  • helpful to the machine
  • What about keeping the caption field, but adding the enumeration and chronology fields?
  • So, in inventory, enumeration and chronology can be seen in the receiving history
  • from chat (Owen S) (I think MARC holdings supports 6 levels of enumeration and four levels of chronology )
  • say: season, year on chronology side / volume, issue on the enumeration side (4 pieces of side that relate to the item in a serial holdings record)
  • from chat (The MARC approach is complex (natch) but it’s designed to allow for a lot of real world variance )
  • from chat (in 855 MARC use the following subfields: Subfield Codes Enumeration caption: $a - First level of enumeration (NR) $b - Second level of enumeration (NR) $c - Third level of enumeration (NR) $d - Fourth level of enumeration (NR) $e - Fifth level of enumeration (NR) $f - Sixth level of enumeration (NR) $g - Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR) $h - Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR) Chronology caption: $i - First level of chronology (NR) $j - Second level of chronology (NR) $k - Third level of chronology (NR) $l - Fourth level of chronology (NR) $m - Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR) )
  • Question from chat (Why not follow the MARC standard? )
  • from chat (I think that there has been some debate or back and forth on the MM SIG about supporting MARC holdings in FOLIO / not sure where that landed)
  • from chat (this is a good example: 853 22$81$av.$bno.$u4$vr$i(year)$j(season)$wq$x22 863 41$81.1$a3$b1$i1944$j22 )
  • from chat (I think MARC is a good source for understanding the complexity - I just don’t know if we want to just tie our implementation to MARC )
  • from chat (at this point I am hoping to just better understand what those fields mean and do ... as in FOLIO / What is Enum, what is Chron, what is Volume on the Item screen ... and what do they do )
  • from chat (the problem is the editors who sometimes use volume, other times numbering, whatever they want to invent as numeric and chronological )
  • We want to make sure that info captured in receiving in represented in Inventory
  • Dennis will work on one more update to the piece layout
  • By default, the FOLIO displays in discovery at receipt (and is not suppressed)
  • Also, displaying in receiving history accordion on the holdings record
  • Dennis says to add comments on the wikipage or on the JIRA issue noted in the left column
  • from chat (We would not create item records in Inventory for issues that are received as parts in Receiving, but have items for the bound volume) (Same for UChicago)
  • need some way to browse the received items
  • can search receiving for titles and see those items received associated
  • Please rank feature: UXPROD2893
  • ##
  • Question: How to get a history of what is received?
    • esp as related to cat seps?
    • being paid for on a continuation record
    • how to think about a 'container' record
  • next week

UXPROD-2893 - Getting issue details... STATUS Print/save order and order lines as PDF

Action items


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