2021-02-05 Resource Management SIG Meeting

2021-02-05 Resource Management SIG Meeting


Discussion items

Minute taker


  • New governance model 
    • someone from your institution should have been contacted about this WG
    • Different membership levels linked here.
    • Kristin advocates signing some kind of intent today (Feb 5)
    • A vote will come soon
  • Documentation SIG
    • Some conversations were happening behind the scenes
    • Convener for the new Documentation group : Emily Fowler (ByWater) 
    • Asking for members from all the SIGs
    • Person would liaison with a specific SIG but help to make sure the various functional pieces are taken care of
    • Kristin suggests a rep from the ERM subgroup should be there as well
    • Hoping for 2 people from RM SIG to join the Documentation group
    • Some people will be asked on the next-wednesday meeting
  • roadmap task force
    • under the purview of the PC
    • More info will be coming in the next few weeks on this

Fiscal Year Roll Over User Acceptance Testing feedback

  • Successful finishing of the testing
    • Met over a week / deemed valuable for the group who did the testing
    • Environment determined to be stable and that the data was persistent
    • Many asked for more time
      • (some did 5 rollovers) - 
    • some wanted more time in advance to share and be ready (and for planning)
    • There were no show-stopper bugs, everything was allowed to roll over a number of years
    • A number of bugs and issues have been Identified, given the following tag : acq-dev-uat 
    • Time stamping is an issue given that it is running in UTC
      • Setting to use the local time zone setting instead of a server time zone setting
      • ie: something ending today ends at 11:59:59 today
      • From the chat ("I don’t know if this is helpful but for ERM dates we work only at the Date level, not DateTime. I think Users does similar for date of birth - possibly other modules too. This avoids dealing with the time aspect ")
    • Issue at the beginning when certain finds were not rolling over when no money was allocated (fix was added for this in the middle of the bugfest)
    • Lots of helpful feedback
      • such as (there were plenty of others):
      • having a pre-screening to evaluate the rollover before actually run
      • to save rollover settings
      • Not just to deliver a report, but to walk through the decisions so the full context of the roll-over can be evaluated
      • wording and consistency through the process to be cleaned up
      • There is a way to choose encumbrances, if the re-encumbrance is not checked, then that re-encumbrance will not take effect (so, this is deemed a higher priority bug fix)
    • Next steps:
      • implement updates (fix bugs and add enhancements)
      • performance testing
      • Also, to evaluate how long the fiscal rollover will take
      • test cases will be created for this during bugfest
    • Dates and times are confusing, but Dennis wanted to know whether the new fiscal year would be started before the rollover
      • from chat (May ask us to review what the difference is between Manual and RE-encumber is? When would I ever want to check Manual? )
      • from chat (We also roll after the prev. FY has ended )
      • from chat (I think that’s normal - in my experience finance depts tend to want to commit against the year in which the goods will be received )
      • from chat (Equally payments can sometimes be made after the end of the financial year by agreement if the goods were received in the previous financial year. Its a while since I did this for real, and in different institutions there were different years )
      • Can adjust the dates if the user has the right permissions
      • Need to figure out a way to pick a previous fiscal year and roll it over even the new one has started
      • This is being looked at
      • Dennis asks of those who can join the discussion next week or through slack, to send feedback directly to him
      • Someone asks if there is a way to be 'not controlled' by time
      • need some more flexibility
      • Dennis demos to show these confusions over time and the movements of the next fiscal years (because of dates already set up that define them)
        • it was confusing that one had to select a fiscal year
        • so, just trying to figure out why these kinds of decisions are made
        • Some transactions are taking place in the accounts on the last day before the rollover
        • More coming in this (the recording and demo in the recording might be helpful to catch the nuance)
        • Clarity:
          • Will start ordering before the rollover. orders will roll over, but don't want open invoices
          • When you don't rollover until mid july, you still want to fiscal year to start july 1.
          • wait until the roll has happened and orders can be entered after the rollover
          • (Rollover and then allocate)
          • Question from the group: when would someone want to manually use to toggle
            • intended to exclude that order to be sent automatically
            • Confusion over 'manual' and 're-encumber' 
            • Currently., no auto communication is being sent to vendors
            • from chat: (My previous experience chimes with what Virigina said (but my previous experience was Aleph so maybe not surprising!) 
            • (We used to have an “acquisitions freeze” for a week or two at the FY end )
            • (But that was policy rather than system enforced )

Data Import updates: Schedule for EDIFACT, embedded MARC

EDIFACT invoices

  • coming at this from the data-import side
  • 2/3 through EDIFACT import requirements
  • who are the vendors used for EDIFACT invoicing?
  • Default Gobi profile coming with IRIS
    • name can be changed
    • edited to add details for local needs
    • can be duplicated as needed locally
  • EDIFACT field mappings are new to many
    • more complicated than mappings in MARC
    • Acquisitions units is the first place the local copy could be edited
    • for EDIFACT invoices, the 'lock total' amount would allow a number added
    • Question from the chat (In which FOLIO release are we expecting to see this functionality (EDIFACT data import) - is it Juniper? ) -  it will be in IRIS!
    • (MARC orders/invoices that won't be ready until Juniper )
    • Mostly use the description from the POL
    • Vendor field mapping will vary from vendor to vendor
    • some data in these fields are pulled from their respective drop-downs
    • Can switch to a manual mapping or defaults if POL funds are not being used in the mapping profile
    • There will be a job profile for importing files
      • action: create invoice (or something)
      • FOLIO record type: invoice, associate mapping profile
      • job profiles can be complicated, but for the EDIFACT invoice, there will be one action 
      • Will deliver 12 field mapping profiles
      • Would assign a job profile 
      • Review, make sure everything that needs to be there is there
      • everything should be connected in the next 3 weeks
      • will need a place to test
        • all the necessary elements needs to be there for the testing (could be complex)
        • MODDATAIMP-364 , linked here
        •  EDIFACT testing
        • Right now, invoices will not be using EDI from the organization's record
        • data import designed it to be usable 
        • new profiles are created on the tenant level

Action items


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