2020-11-06 Resource Management Meeting Notes

2020-11-06 Resource Management Meeting Notes



Discussion items

Minute taker?


The Folio Product Council worked on a paper “FOLIO Product Council Vision and Strategy”. The paper was approved by the PC last week and we want to share it now in the community and ask for feedback.

Updates to Tags and how they display

PowerPoint presentation:


  • all over the various apps
  • sprinkled liberally through RM apps
  • not currently in inventory (instances, holdings, and items)
  • nobody officially owns 'tags' as a development project
  • if Thunderjet has a little more frontend development capacity, they might be able to work on tags
  • tags will be open depending on where the panes open
    • eholdings, field mapping profiles, etc, a few open full screen, and the tags are embedded as an accordion (look at the slides above)
    • there is talk of opening Instances in full-screen (at which point, an adjustment would need to be done) but for now...
    • for eholdings, the full screen view, the tags are listed at the top of the view
    • there is talk to reorganizing accordions later
    • electronic folks bundle assignable notes and tags and want these close in the eholdings app
    • Ann-Marie recommends they go above the holdings notes in the holdings records and above the items notes in the item records
    • Main question: Does anyone have any issues with putting tags below the details and above their respective notes 
    • Conversation about opening 'edit' and tags disappear
      • remarking that this causes a workflow efficiency issue
      • Ann-Marie (tags are associated with view, not edit) (the reason for the distinction mentioned above)
      • When the edit is clicked, tags and special notes disappear
      • If they were moved to the edit screen, the conversation would need to expand (later on)
      • Comment that notes are fall below in the view (but there is a marker near the top that says there is a note)
      • Hoping to save scrolling
      • from the chat - Marie W. ('Don't remember where it landed, but did we discuss having an indication of notes already in the result list?')
      • from the chat - Owen S. ('In Agreements / Licenses that would be challenging - only the Notes app knows about Notes at the moment - so to know whether there are notes on an Agreement we have to make a request to the Notes API to find out 
        For a single Agreement result that’s not a problem. But for 100 in a results list that’s 100 requests to the Notes API to be able to display that information in the results list')
      • When filtering by tags, you know all the results are sorted
      • Suggestion that in the item record, some reference that there are notes?
      • Question from Marie W in chat ('Ann-Marie, how far away is deletion of unused tags?')
        • more difficult to take up right now (Ann-Marie)
        • the tags cross apps - this is proving to be complicated to work with in terms of time
        • involved in central management epic
        • R1 - R4 rankings, the tags don't quite get ranked highly enough
        • Question from Owen S. ('Would it be worth us having a discussion about whether having separate Tags and Notes is a sensible approach given the issues?')
      • Question for today:
        • for the holdings and the items, should tags be added according their respective notes locations (holdings notes and item notes)?
        • better to have them rather than not (priority)
        • Better to have them above or below (question coming from Owen S.)
        • Priorities about where they are, are different in different user groups <say acquisitions or cataloging>)
        • having tags would just be super helpful
        • Question about 'dream' of adding tags in batch
          • yes, in data import context
          • 3 or 4 days at more of dev work on the front-end

Cancelling invoices: UINV-175 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Dennis to talk a little about the issue of cancelling invoices (an action that is coming soon)
  • features set for R1
  • There is a story for adding an action to the UI for cancelling an invoice
  • requires a certain permission for a 'cancel'
  • those users would see the proper information
  • canceling would bring up a confirmation modal (mentioning an action that can;t be reversed)
    • can capture a cancellation note
    • Can void transactions (struckthrough visually) but would no longer count against current $s
    • can view ONLY voided transactions
    • This is just for invoices (yes, confirmed by Dennis)
    • deleted invoices would not appear there
      • but there is not currently a way to delete an invoice
    • Logic is then "total all of these transactions except for those that are voided." This will still work to help libraries both see any canceled invoices, as well as see total payments.
    • Because money wasn't actually paid, it is crossed out, but still remains because the invoice is approved
    • To prevent confusion, there is a data point in the export that says "voided." It's a check-box. This is a common practice for something like a soft delete. There is concern that this will make financial reporting confusing.

Display of the budget: UXPROD-2715 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Summarizes allocations and transfers in and out, as well as payments in two tables at the top
  • Saying "Total Allocation" could help clarify this meaning - have this stand out as a summary value in bold.
  • Would be nice to allow see the actual expenditures
    • Cash Balance = money in the bank account (only counts actual expenditures)
    • Free balance = money spend and encumbered

Action items


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