Item | Who | Notes |
Minute taker? | Kristen Wilson |
Updates/Announcements | | Sprint Review 50-51 PC Updates: (Minutes) - UI Architecture problem
- Some issues have come up with the Stripes architecture data layers that will require them to be rewritten
- We're not sure yet how this will affect the timeline for the project
- The technical council will be looking into it
- Specific problems include URLs not being permanent, inefficient performance, and issues with the data layer
- Codex Vision
- Vince gave an update on Codex at the meeting
- His vision for Codex was a central search, bringing together data from different apps
- At the moment, Codex only searches e-holdings and inventory, so this vision has not been achieved
- FOLIO needs to have more discussion about how to more forward with Codex and how any decisions about it will influence the rest of the project work
- There is a tension between achieving a certain vision for the architecture and getting to V1.
- Kirstin announced that the GBV Board ahas approved ERM development for another two years.
Data Import work | | Ann-Marie did a demo and overview of the data import app - The app has three main panes:
- The jobs pane shows previews and jobs already run
- The logs pane shows most recent 25 jobs run
- The new jobs pane allows a user to select file(s) for import
- The new jobs pane is using a new component to allow drag and drop and selection of files for import
- This is a new UI component unique to data import for now
- The Stripesforce team will turn it into a reusable component for all apps to use
- ERM hopes to start working with this feature in January
- The data import team is still working on stories for the import process
- Currently, they have a demo of the upload screen
- Question: what if you want to be doing other work while files are uploading?
- You can have multiple windows or tabs open with different FOLIO functions
- You just need to leave the tab with the uploading files open
- There's also a new settings function for data import
- It will include the ability to create match profiles, actions, and field mappings
- It also allows you to define how different file extensions are handled (e.g., .mrc is a MARC file) or disallow file types from upload
- V1 supported files include MARC, Edifact, and delimited
- Question: will it be possible to integrate external scripts for data manipulation?
- Probably not in the first version
- Something that we can look at in the future
- In some cases, scripts are easier to work with
- Another future feature is ability to schedule pick up of files and jobs
- Question: Can you use any type of delimited file?
- Haven’t started planning any of the delimited file functionality yet, so don’t know
Follow up from Ann-Marie: - We discussed not being able to navigate away from the page where the file upload is happening. That might be problematic if it is a very large file that might take a few minutes to upload. Folijet confirmed that the user will be able to open a new window and continue working in other parts of FOLIO. You will not be able to open another Data Import window and start uploading a second set of files, but you can be working in MARCcat or Inventory or Users or any other app in any other window, and that will not disrupt the file upload happening in the first window.
- Will there be dependencies on Data Import once File Upload is turned into a generic Stripes component? No, there should not be. Folijet may need to do a little but of work to tease apart a few things, but that will be handled in coordination with Stripes Force as part of genericizing the component. And once that’s done, all will be documented clearly for any apps that want to implement the generic component.
Parking Lot review | All | - The parking lot page is a place where we can put ideas that aren’t in the development cycle, but that we don’t want to lose track of
- We have already begun a lot of these things:
- Licensing
- Agreements app
- Usage statistics
- Storing documents — has an epic assigned, but not sure about development status
- Data model
- Special events throughout the year for acquisitions — there is a discuss post people can add to
- Coral integration — still interest, but no work done so far
- Eric: TAMU had a call with CalTech to talk about this
- TAMU developers are working on some ideas for how to do this
- Owen: it would be helpful to understand what the Coral community is thinking about possible integrations
- Want to make sure that we’re not preventing future integrations
- People are welcome to add other topics here
Miscellaneous questions | All | Question: Is there a scheduled release for the invoice app? - We have done analysis and design phase already
- Was originally scheduled for Q1
- Depending on what happens with Q4, some of it may get spread into Q2
- This is really important for GBV
- Not prioritized because Chalmers doesn’t need it
Question: Status of files app? - Do we need a separate files app? Or will files be stored within each app?
- Ian: we will store files in modules for now, but hope there will be a central app eventually
- Might need a champion, people to revisit the discussion in a more focused way
- Kristin can bring to product council
- Source record storage vs. static documents — there needs to be some clarification about different types of documents
- Some source records are active, will be continually updated
- Others are static, like a PDF
- Need to work on requirements, then get into the detail — instead of trying to build on an existing solution that might not fit
Question: Check-in for standing orders - Ann-Marie: Check in app will allow creation of multiple instances to represent these kinds of orders
- Suggest getting in touch with Dennis for more detail
- Definite need for support for these
- We will return to this topic at a future meeting
Question: Will the licensing app be able to handle controls for physical media as well as electronic? - Owen: Nothing that inherently prevents it
- Question is how things get joined up or connected
- At the moment licenses can only be linked to agreements
- So do licenses need to attach to other things? Or do physical media need to be attached to agreements?
- More discussion needed