2022-09-23 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2022-09-23 Acquisitions Meeting notes



  • Alissa Hafele, Ann Crowley, Carol Sterenberg, Dennis Bridges, Dung-Lan Chen, Dwayne Swigert, Emily Robertson, Gang Zhou, Heather McMillan, Julie Stauffer, Kimberly Pamplin, Kristin Martin, Lisa Maybury, Masayo Uchiyama, Nancy Pelis, Nina Stellmann, Owen Stephens, Robert Heaton, Sara Colglazier, Scott Perry, Shannon Burke, Sven Thomsen, Tiewei Liu, Victoria Anderson, Winter White



Discussion items


From Ann Crowley to Everyone 08:01 AM
Does everyone in this group have permission to add to the implementer's page?

Answer - Anyone with a confluence account can edit the page.


  • Discuss Implementers' Topics, starting with #48 Tiewei Liu  - see Acquisitions/Resource Management Implementers
  • We are starting with this topic first since it is 9pm where Tiewei Liu is located. 
  • # 48 - Filtering receiving records   How can we get a list of physics books that a certain location received in the past year?

  • Dennis: I am trying to identify the bit of information that is missing that would allow you to filter? 
  • From Kristin Martin to Everyone 08:11 AM
    Our funds are by subject, so we would be able to get this information by fund.
  • Dennis: I wonder if the part that is missing is identifying exactly what subject area this order is for. In Morning Glory, I can search by receipt date, add a range, location.... but only one location. In some libraries, you can use the expense class if you are using the finance application. 
  • From Scott Perry (UChicago) to Everyone 08:13 AM
    There are also LDP reporting options here, I think, that could bring in the bibliographic data.
  • From Kristin Martin to Everyone 08:14 AM
    Yes, you could also use call number from the bibliographic data to identify subjects.
  • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:26 AM
    Is Ann-Marie B on the call? I bet should would suggest the use of tags … ;-)
    From Gang Zhou to Everyone 08:27 AM
    Yes, another good idea
    many solution
:29PC Updates
  • 2022-09-15 Product Council Meeting notes
  • 2022-09-22 Product Council Meeting notes
    • Both meetings focused on a debrief of issues raised at WOLFCon.
    • The Scope Criteria Group has concluded it's work and two new groups have been formed, as recommendations from that group. Happy to accept other volunteers to be on the groups.
    • PC Members are performing a SIG review, and we will work with SIG conveners to schedule conversations with each SIG. Would like to make sure the PC is doing what it can to support the needs of the SIGS. Kristin will work with Dennis and Dung-Lan to schedule a time on the agenda for Acquisitions.
    • There will also be a revisit to the Roadmap, more information coming soon, but may be another volunteer opportunity
    • New quarterly cross-council meeting will occur, working with chairs of other councils to figure out process to make this happen
  • Library of Congress plans to migrate to FOLIO
    • Discussion on how this may impact the folio community
52:Status on Implementers page
  • Adding the status bar
  • The person that adds a topic should be the one to consider it closed or not. 
  • Added a new column so others can express interest in a particular topic. 
  • How to archive older topics. 
  • On Tuesday will discuss how and when to archive topics on this page, 

Action items


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