2022-04-08 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2022-04-08 Acquisitions Meeting notes



  • Ann Crowley, Dennis Bridges, Dung-Lan Chen, Dwayne Swigert, Emily Robertson, Eric Hartnett, Heather McMillan, Jackie Magagnosc, Jean Pajerek, Julie Brannon, Julie Stauffer, Kathleen Norton, Kimberly Pamplin, Kimberly Wiljanen, Linh Chang, Lisa Maybury, Lisa Smith, Lucinda Williams, Martina Karlsson, Martina Schildt, Masayo Uchiyama, Owen Stephens, Peter Sbrzesny, Sara Colglazier, Sarah Dennis, Scott Perry, Scott Stangroom, Shannon Burke, Tara Barnett, Victoria Anderson, Virginia Martin


  • Housekeeping

    • Discussion topics in the planning – Fiscal Year Rollover

    PC Updates (Kristin Martin ) - written only, away today

    • No PC meeting April 14 or April 21 - Happy Spring Break!
    • SIG Updates 2022-04-07
      • Still looking for members for Support SIG, meet Monday at 10 AM ET. It would be great to get some implemented institutions or Acquisitions experts there
      • need interim convener for MM SIG this summer
      • Discussed the need to support implemented libraries when doing FOLIO upgrades, but ran out of time for larger discussion
      • WOLFCon - what ideas do you have? Looking to get more details than just brainstorming at this point. How can we take advantage of an in-person/hybrid all-hands meeting?
        • Looking for dedicated individuals to help plan. See slack channel: #folio-wolfcon-planning-group
    • 2022-03-31 Product Council Meeting notes
      • Update from the Priorities for FOLIO Development subgroup
      • See the full prioritization process and leave comments here
      • This would replace the system of institutional rankings in Jira

    Business/Implementer’s Topics

Chat from meeting


Closed Captioning


Discussion items

  • Fiscal year rollover will be discussed soon
  • If you have anything you want to talk about please add it to the implementers list 

PC Updates
  • Kristin out.. Check PC Notes. 

:13Video working group
  • 7 people have volunteered to be on this group. 
  • Need a doodle poll to be sent out to set up first meeting
:15Upcoming UAT'sDennis
  • 3 UATs session coming up related to morning glory
  • should happen in a few weeks
  • Fund export, voucher export, order export 
  • There will now be a specific permission for voucher 
  • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 08:20 AM
    Is this sFTP?
    • Dennis: no, This was a cosmetic change for voucher export. We still haven't done any changes to the way vouchers are exported. 
  • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 08:21 AM
    Great to see voucher export moved out of Settings - thank you!
:25Implementer’s Topics Order and Invoice: Link to vendor Organization record #35Dennis
  • Need to create enhancement. It is possible to do and it does follow the standard we have been setting. 
  • In invoices, the organization name appears in the header. People have said this is difficult to see, it's not easily noticed. Would you be expecting that to be a hyper link as well?
    • no, just when it's in line on the details screen. 
  • From Lisa Smith to Everyone 08:28 AM
    Any way to check the vendor address quickly within the invoice would be appreciated!
    • Dennis: The primary address shows in reference details, but not other address you have for the vendor. 
  • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:28 AM
    Adding the Code would be really great
  • From Scott Stangroom to Everyone 08:29 AM
    where would the hyperlink take you? to the org record or to the vendor site?
    • The organization record in the organization app
  • Sara: Going back to the code: Does the code remain static, and I can change the name and it wont effect anything?? 
    • Yes
    • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 08:32 AM
      This is a good use case for batch edit.
:34Implementer’s Topics on POL: re: Related invoices  #37
  • Sara: For ongoing orders where you receive many things and you pay each time, you want it to show only the piece received on the invoice. 
  • In Kiwi, the piece is no longer displayed there. 
    • This isn't ideal either. 
  • From Lisa Smith to Everyone 08:37 AM
    I'd like to see both the subscription info & comment field to the display!
  • From Virginia Martin to Everyone 08:38 AM
    +1 Sara, we like that Aleph feature at Duke as well
  • From Kimberly Pamplin to Everyone 08:38 AM
  • From Lisa Smith to Everyone 08:40 AM
    Both subscription info & comment are valuable for ongoing orders
  • From Kimberly Pamplin to Everyone 08:42 AM
    We would find the dates (subscription from/to) really helpful as well, but could probably put in the comment field as a workaround.
  • From Lisa Smith to Everyone 08:43 AM
    I'd like to see both fields in both POL and invoice. Related invoices is useful in both Orders app and Invoice app.  We have staff who are heavy 'order app' users & others that are heavy 'invoice app' users.
  • From Lisa Smith to Everyone 08:52 AM
    I'm willing to scroll to see both!
    We have been using the comment field to record what vol# we are paying for.
  • Summary: It's important to have the comment field, but would want to want to have subscription information if it's available. 
  • Owen:  Subscription dates from the order or invoice?
    • Dennis: Invoice
    • :58 Owen shared his screen to share an example where a field has 4 pieces of information combined in one cell. 
  • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 08:57 AM
    Here's the JIRA to "remove pieces column from related invoice accordion" UIOR-817 - Getting issue details... STATUS and it looks like its in Lotus rather than Kiwi
  • From Virginia Martin to Everyone 08:58 AM
    I'd be happy to see this information as Owen is demonstrating now
  • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:58 AM
  • From Virginia Martin to Everyone 08:58 AM
    (regarding subscription period, volume #, etc. per invoice)
  • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:59 AM
    But the Comment field can be more extensive and more free texty ... just FYI
  • From Owen Stephens to Everyone 09:00 AM
    We also sometimes truncate free text fields in MCLs to stop this kind of over run Sara

Action items


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