2022-03-15 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2022-03-15 Acquisitions Meeting notes



Ann Crowley, Beverly Geckle, Dennis Bridges, Dung-Lan Chen, Dwayne Swigert, Emily Robertson, Heather McMillan, Jackie Magagnosc, Janet Ewing, Jean Pajerek, Joanna Cerro, Julie Stauffer, Kathleen Norton, Kimberly Pamplin, Kimberly Wiljanen, Kristin Martin, Lauren Seney, Linh Chang, Lisa Smith, Lloyd, Mark Arnold, Martina Schildt, , Masayo Uchiyama, Michael Phillips, Nancy Finn, Peter Sbrzesny, Sara Colglazier, Sarah Dennis, Scott Perry, Scott Strangroom, Shannon Burke, Steve Selleck, Suzanne Mangrum, Suzette Caneda, Victoria Anderson, Virginia Martin, Winter White 




Chat: meeting_saved_chat.txt

Transcript: meeting_saved_closed_caption.txt

Discussion items

1 min. afterHousekeepingDung-Lan
2 min. afterCreation of video contentDennis
  • First came up in PO meeting. 
  • A lot of people find video content helpful.
  • Identify key functions that it would be useful to have a short video on.
  • Maybe people from this group could work on that list of videos or we could put aside a portion of meetings to talk through this as a larger group.
  • Have their been any videos regarding acquisitions functions?
    • Dennis has a few larger demo videos.
    • Different apps have changed more recently.
  • 2-5 min. videos
    • e.g. how to open an order, approve an invoice, etc.
  • ~9 min. after - Discussion about libraries that have already made videos.
    • How Cornell Law Library has made videos.
    • Comments from many that videos previously made are already out of date.
  • From Julie Stauffer to Everyone 12:11 PM
    I think it would be important to distinguish between performing a task in FOLIO rather than an entire workflow which could be different from library to library
  • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:12 PM
    It's important to indicate on the title of video which release of the video was made for
  • Shorter videos would be easier to update / exchange with new videos.
  • Production value doesn't have to be perfect to be useful.
  • Two ways to come up with original list:
    • Option 1: Get a group together
    • Option 2: Put aside time in meetings together
  • Will be put to a vote in Slack.
  • From Virginia Martin to Everyone 12:20 PM
    should this be coordinated with the group working on documentation?
    • Yes. Should not be siloed. 
24 min. after

Demo of Univ. of Chicago request/notification workflow

Kristin Martin
  • Demo in test system for FOLIO Juniper
    • Chose open order > POL > Inventory link from title
    • In Inventory record > select item (doesn't have a barcode) > new request
    • Requester look-up - looks up user 
    • Pickup service point
    • Request is in place.
    • Back in POL > Actions > Receiving
    • *If they know about request at time of creating order would also add a receiving note. The way FOLIO works this may be a bit redundant now.
    •  In receiving says "Yes" under request column.
    • Once received, indicates that there is a request. Does not say who made the request.
    • In item record there is a link to the request. Not easy to see.
    • Have a hot pink streamer where they put that it is a hold, etc.
    • Once it goes over to circ that is where they print the official hold slip.
  • ~ 32 min. after. Discussion about field in POL: "requester."
    • Requester field is just a text field.
    • Have talked about integrating with requests app.
    • What you see in receiving is based on actual requests in the request app.
    • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 12:34 PM
      Aren’t there privacy issues if you enter the patron’s name in a data element that is retained?
    • From Lisa Smith to Everyone 12:34 PM
      Mich State is using the POL requestor field for the Acq person(s) who has searched and/or placed the order.
    • From Dennis Bridges to Everyone 12:35 PM
      This is the feature that covers creating requests based on POL information UXPROD-2565 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 12:37 PM
  • ~ 39 min. after. Discussion about libraries' workflows using paper streamers.
  • May be libraries where printing is faster, but in other libraries may be easier to just add to a piece of paper.
    • Important to show request information to user. (Whether printing or not.)
46 min. afterStaff slips and work slipsDennis
47 min. afterExport fund and budget information ledgerDennis
  • Export fund and budget information for ledger
  • Why would you be motivated to export your finance information, specifically whether you need transaction data or just the summary totals for your budgets?
    • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 12:49 PM
      I think summary totals
    • From Ann Crowley to Everyone 12:49 PM
      I would be looking for summary data also
    • From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 12:50 PM
      We need summary data and transaction data for different approaches.
  • ~50 min. after. Workflow walkthrough
  • Assumption is you would now want this to include expense class information.
    • In CSV file would see a row for every unique fund and expense class combination.
    • Will allow you to see all of the financial activity per expense class.
    • Could potentially give export option of whether to include expense classes or not.
  • ~ 56 min. after. Detail that exists at each tier. (Fund Level, Budget Level, Expense Class Level)
    • If all of this is being exported, would have two rows for expense class level, but same values at Fund level and Budget level.
  • From Lisa Smith to Everyone 12:57 PM
    Can vendor invoice information be included with the finance exports?
  • From Lisa Smith to Everyone 01:01 PM
    I need to be able to export POL, fund and invoice details all together.

Action items


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