2024-08-16 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2024-08-16 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Aug 16, 2024



Aaron Neslin

Joe Reimers

Okay Okonkwo

Ann Crowley

Julie Stauffer

Peter Breternitz

Daniel Welch

Kimberly Pamplin

Sarah Kasten

Dennis Bridges

Kristin Martin

Scott Perry

Dung-Lan Chen

Lisa Smith

Susanne Gill

Dwayne Swigert

Lucinda Williams

Sven Thomsen

Heather McMillan

Martina Schildt

Timothy Nelson

Heiko Schorde

Masayo Uchiyama

Victoria Anderson

Jean Pajerek

Molly Driscoll



Housekeeping -

  • Reminder - prioritizing acq-sig-topics voting (details here)

  • Next meeting - Tuesday, August 20th, 1 pm Eastern

Business -

PC Update (Kristin Martin)


 Discussion topics












  • Housekeeping -

    • Reminder - prioritizing acq-sig-topics voting (details here)

    • Next meeting - Tuesday, August 20th, 1 pm Eastern


EDI Claiming


  • Discuss EDIFACT claims (Joseph Reimers)

  • Need to review claims before sending them

  • There is going to be a UI component that allows you to view claims and approve them or not.

    • Should that UI be a component of receiving, or have a separate claiming UI? Claiming is a component of receiving, but from a workflow perspective it may be a different person.

      • Martina: For them it’s the same person

        • Susanne Gill (BVB) 8:06 AM
          +1 for Martina

        • Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:06 AM
          I'm ok with either choice

      • Dennis: Is it a different person for online claiming?

        • Martina: It might be different person but would be okay if they have the same permissions

        • Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:08 AM
          But we don't 'receive' electronic

        • Julie Stauffer 8:08 AM
          Our breakdown is serial (ongoing) vs monograph (one-time) orders, but I do not have a preference. Receiving makes sense to me.

        • Kristin: In the ERM group it’s been a conversation too and this is related to agreement lines.

      • Joe: Sounds like there isn’t a strong feeling one way or the other between a claiming app or doing it in receiving. Also sounds like it will be the same person that is receiving that will be claiming so not significantly different permissions.

    • When reviewing claims, assemble a list of late pieces, would you want to review those on a vendor by vendor basis, or just a comprehensive list of all the pieces that are late?

      • Susanne Gill (BVB) 8:12 AM




  • Susanne Gill (BVB) 8:15 AM
    Will we be able to print/send the list in total? Some of the Vendors don't use EDI

  • Joe: Right now working on only EDI. Plan is to eventually will be able to choose an option to send EDI, use an e mail, or download a file.

  • Joe: What information do you need to have on a summary screen of claim?

    • POL number

    • title

    • expected date

    • chron/enum?

  • Susanne Gill (BVB) 8:21 AM
    What is the claim cycle?

    • 1st, 2nd, 3rd email….

  • Joe: Will work on going vendor by vendor, with the summary showing title, pol #, expected date, chron/enum….

  • Dennis: On the organization piece, are their groups here that create more than one organization for a vendor that you might claim across organization records?

    • Martina: That can happen. One record from the mono dept and one from the serial dept.

    • Scott Perry (UChicago) 8:25 AM
      Wouldn’t that be an account?

      • Yes, could be, but some institutions might be different.

      • Pamplin, Kimberly B 8:25 AM
        We do have multiple organization records (monographs/serials/databases), but like Martina is saying I don't think it would impact claiming of print.

        • Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:26 AM


Renewal process group


Dennis: Looking at putting together a smaller group working on the renewal process, workflow, innovation, opportunities for automation and integration, what could add value to that workflow. Invoicing aspect of that important? Save time? Putting out a call for interested people soon.


PC Update


PC Update (Kristin Martin) -


  • Implementers Topic 134


  • Implementers Topic 134

  • Receiving app: "Display on Holding" 

  • Is it possible to set "Display on Holding" to always active somewhere in the app settings = make it configurable in settings?

    Alternative: Would it be possible to check or uncheck the checkbox for "Display" in the process of receiving? Otherwise users need to edit the piece always as a separate step.

    • Molly Driscoll 8:41 AM
      Part of this has been addressed in Q -- the Display on holdings box is now on the Receiving screen. But, I still think it would be great to have it checked by default as a config option.

    • It can be viewed here in Q Bugfest: https://bugfest-quesnelia.int.aws.folio.org/receiving/receive/b46c8114-e068-4bea-ab36-b90b1d53d1ad?limit=50&offset=0&pieces.receivingStatus=Expected

    • The check by default might be post-Q. I'm not seeing that behavior in Q Bugfest.

  • Kristin: Would this address situations where the piece doesn’t have an item record?

    • Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:47 AM
      I'm not sure...

  • Molly Driscoll 8:48 AM
    Here's a link to the Q documentation updates: Acquisitions Documentation: Quesnelia Updates Summary

    • This was captured under the Receiving updates (Updated: Adding a piece/piece details (changes to piece modal and receiving screen))


  • Implementers Topic 135


  • Implementers Topic 135

  • Orders > Order Lines: Make selector a configurable list

  • In the Orders app when creating a POL, a selector can be added in a free text field. 

    For a user it would be helpful to choose one or multiple selectors from a multi-select list. This select list should be configurable in settings.

    Thereby, the input would be standardized which would enable precise searching and filtering for orders that are assigned to specific selectors.

  • Aaron: Is this a managers systems admin role?

    • Martina: Yes, acq systems manager

  • Kristin: Want to point out that when making a change it needs to be communicated to data import. So if you're creating orders from data import, you would be able to pull in this information because we found, like with donor code, these changes were not done in data import and now we can’t use a new donor field.

  • Aaron: Is there a situation where a name is not sufficient?

    • Martina: Not for us

  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:56 AM
    We currently use initials and sometime we have a selector & approver in the same field.

 Action items


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