2024-07-25 Product Council Meeting Agenda and Notes

2024-07-25 Product Council Meeting Agenda and Notes


Jul 25, 2024


  • @Alexis Manheim@Jennifer Eustis @Lisa McColl @Charlotte Whitt @Martin Scholz @Jesse Koennecke @Brooks Travis @Martina Tumulla @Jeremy Huff @Tod Olson @Gang Zhou @Lucy Harrison @Caitlin Stewart @Sean Purcell

  • Note taker: @Jeremy Huff

 Discussion topics









5 min



New PC co-chair!

@Caitlin Stewart is the new co-chair for the PC.

No other updates.

35 min

WOLFCon 2024 PC meeting agenda planning


from 2023

@Alexis Manheim gives an overview of last years planning for wolfcon: each PC member submitted two ideas for discussion at WolfCon, and these were discussed in a retro board format.

@Charlotte Whitt seconds that this was a good method to prepare, and advocated for using this approach again.

@Charlotte Whitt suggests that it would be useful to evaluate topics from last year that can be moved forward.

@Jennifer Eustis Asked what Sub Groups from last year completed their charge. She suggested that this would also be a good thing to review. The FOLIO Product Council Sub Group Supporting Enhancements and Improvements was not completed.

@Alexis Manheim Suggest that the PC might want to have a meeting hygiene review at each WolfCon shoulder meeting.


15 min

SIG Liaisons


SIG Reports Template

@Lisa McColl has volunteered to be a liaison for the Workflow SIG

@Charlotte Whitt volunteered to liaison for the implementers SIG

@Alexis Manheim points out that in situations where we do not have a PC it is possible to have a regular attendee of the SIG agree to bring updates to the PC.

Lucy (GALILEO) has agreed to be the liaison for the Consortia SIG. Martina T. volunteered for Documentation WG.

@Alexis Manheim invite @Jennifer Eustis and @Charlotte Whitt to describe the task of liaison. @Charlotte Whitt says that they actively participate in their SIG, the SIG has a standing agenda item to go over what is happening in the PC, so the communication goes both ways (from the PC to the SIG and from the SIG to PC). @Jennifer Eustis said that her SIG has a lot of subgroups associated with it and she attends some of these. She helps to make sure that communication is effective in general. She mentions that if she cannot be at the meeting, she views the recording.

@Martin Scholz asked if there is a linked data SIG, and @Jennifer Eustis informs him that there is a working group off of the Metadata SIG.

@Jennifer Eustis points out that sometimes the PC is unaware of the activities in the working groups, and we might want to investigate how we can address this.

@Jennifer Eustis Suggests that it might be a good idea for SIGs to do a highlight of new and upcoming functionality. @Alexis Manheim asks if we would need to ask the POs for this info. @Jennifer Eustis says it would be good to think of a light weight way to do this. @Brooks Travis mentions that we used to community sprint reviews. @Charlotte Whitt mentions that we stopped doing the sprint reviews because it was very time consuming for the Developers. She suggests that we could formalize the SIG Demos. @Brooks Travis mentions the release dashboard as a useful tool for tracking the Jira issues associated with a particular release. @Alexis Manheim says that the liaisons could surface SIG demos to PC. This topic could be one we explore in the coming year. @Jennifer Eustis says this may be handled in the enhancements working group.

5 min

Future topics


No other future topics.

 Action items

@Alexis Manheim will review the 2023 WolfCon retro board, and ensure it is ready for 2024 WolfCon planning.
@Alexis Manheim will put a preliminary agenda in place for the WolfCon Shoulder Meeting
