FOLIO Roadmap

Roadmap 2023 →

Releases Covered

18-Month Outlook






Detailed Roadmap (in Jira)

Consortial Support

Detailed Roadmap (in Jira)Detailed Roadmap (in Jira)Detailed Roadmap (in Jira)


Data ImportLinked DataData Export

Compatibility with Metadb

Bulk edit suppression and deletion

Bulk edit of funds

Bulk edit instance notes

Workflow engine integration

Dashboard Extension

SIP2 enhancements

New record types in Lists App

Extended Donor support

Enhancements to claiming workflow

Display addl order info in inventory

Serials Mgmt/ publication patterns, predictive check-in

Independent Acquisitions Units for ordering and receiving

Bindery support

Improvements to Requests workflow

Patron notices enhancements, including reminder fees

Fees & fines actual costs enhancements

User profile photos

Loan comments

Title-level requests for multivolume series and continuing resources

GOKb synchronization re-write

Search implementation review

Performance improvements

Tasklist/checklist support

eHoldings UX and metadata enhancements

Cataloging workflow improvements

MARC Authority control linking and automated headings validation

Search & browse improvements, including relevance sort

Improved in-app reporting

Migration data improved 

Architectural & Workflow improvements

Scaling & performance improvements

File partitioning

Improvements in business logic for multi-holding/item support

Improvements to MARC matching

BIBFRAME monograph copy cataloging workflow (pilot libraries only)

Entity management for authorized access points

Linked data export: BIBFRAME 2.0 and MARC

Bibliographic knowledge graph and integrations with Marva

Search/browse linked data

Performance and scaling improvements

Suppressing fields from export

Direct Inventory Export

OAI-PMH inventory harvesting and performance improvements

Data export support for deleted records

Support for reporting needs

Enhancements across functional areas to allow consortia to work together

Direct Consortial Borrowing (DCB)

InnReach III certification

New Apps




Service Interaction

Serials Management

Direct Consortial Borrowing

Pulls together data using query parameters

Creates lists across apps and record types

Enables work and actions from lists

Supports creation of workflows from FOLIO UI

Supports interaction with active workflows across all FOLIO applications

Supports multiple workflow engine provider implementations

CBS to FOLIO Inventory Synchronization

Supports the data flow from union catalogue to Inventory

Integrates with Harvester Admin functionality

Settings app for cross-app module settings

Provides number generator functionality

Publication patterns

Predictive check-in


Consortial borrowing option that allows system at one library to directly interact with patron from another library, regardless of LMS

DCB Integration

Priorities from FOLIO Institutions

FOLIO SIGs provide one way for those engaged with FOLIO, either through its development or every day use, can express their needs and priorities. In spring 2024, the Acquisitions SIG is piloting a voting process within Jira, where interested individuals can vote on new features they would like to see developed. These features all come from topics discussed at the Acquisitions SIG and are listed on the Acquisitions/Resource Management implementers wiki page. Topics converted to features in Jira may be viewed searching for the tag, "acq-sig-topics."

Link to all features in Jira:

Individuals with Atlassian accounts can vote for features they would like to see developed.

To vote:

  • Bring up the acq-sig-topics list
  • Click the "thumbs up" in the side bar to vote for the issue

Other SIG may choose to follow this model and information will be added to this page as they are developed.

Additional Useful Documents

WOLFcon 2023 Roadmap Update - August 22, 2023

Slide deck from WOLFcon 2023 Roadmap Update

Previous Roadmaps



FOLIO Prioritization and Roadmap Working Group

Working Group Members:

Jesse Koennecke, Convener

Kristin Martin   Chicago
Charlotte Whitt Index Data
Jenn Colt Cornell
Debra Howell Cornell
Martina SchildtVZG/GBV