2018-03-23 Meeting notes

2018-03-23 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Minute taker?
Eric Hartnett


  • WOLFCon update
  • Changes to managing the features backlog/development priorities

WOLFCon - We should be getting a preliminary schedule today.

Cate shared some changes to managing the features backlog. Currently use spreadsheet. This will get converted to an epic in JIRA. Eholdings and acquisitions are currently in there but everything else will get added. Possibly PO and member from subgroups will review once they've been added.

ERM Subgroup update: Report from Göttingen

ERM SubgroupStarted with definition of terms; tried to align with FOLIO glossary. Outcome will be published at the end of next week (hopefully). Moved on to discussion of ERM life cycle. Started with pre-order/order. Then Concentrated on scope. Data workflow needs more discussion.  Overall, the work from the group aligns with that done by the group in Boston. Small group meetings will be on Wednesdays from 2-3. Owen's going to take the work and put it together and the group will reconvene in a couple of weeks. Harry Kaplanian had some concerns about the data flow - how is the data going to interact between the different apps? This is a discussion that needs to be addressed, at WOLFCon or before.
Tags Subgroup update

Acquisitions update - looking at data in inventory.

Tags: Subgroup has page (Tags Subgroup). Two meetings a week - 3 so far. Setting out use cases to start thinking about functional requirements, the purposes, and what should be in V1. What uses are tags not robust enough to be used for? These need to be rolled back to the appropriate SIGs. Filip has presented some wireframes. Discussed what records tags would be appropriate for. Will start with finance records and then orders, vendors, and transactions (acquisitions records). POs meet with Cate each week. User stories in JIRA will be turned into workflow for developers. Will involve some changes to Stripes. Cate will be coordinating. Expect to have a first pass ready for developers mid-April.

**Next week's meeting is cancelled. The next meeting will be April 6th.**

Action items
