2018-09-07 Meeting notes

2018-09-07 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Minute takerKristen Wilson

 From the Product Council:

  • Recommendation to source a proof-of-concept exploration of workflow
    • This topic will go to the stakeholders group for a decision.
    • The hope is to hire a consultant familiar with Camunda, the workflow tool under considration.
  • Fall FOLIO in person meeting at the Big Ten Conference Center in Chicago, Dec. 4-6.
    • Looking for agenda task force volunteers – those interested can email Kristin Martin or Rachel Fadlon.
    • Not as comprehensive as WOLFcon.

Follow-up from conversations started last week about ERM and knowledge bases

  • Have enjoyed seeing comments and engaging in individual conversation.
  • Coming up with plan for further discussions around workflow for e-resources and intersection of different apps.
  • Discussion started at WOLFcon, may be time to revisit.
  • Ian and Owen are working on developing scenarios for using commercial Kbs within FOLIO.
  • There is also interest in hearing more information about GOKb, particularly regarding how those outside of Germany might be able to use it.
  • The ERM Subgroup has a planned meeting on September 26 to discuss GOKb implementation.
  • They will be sure to follow up with the larger RM SIG to provide updates on that conversation.
  • Owen also shared that there is a small group looking at all systems and services around FOLIO – dataflows, purposes, etc. The outcome of that work can be shared with the SIG as well.
  • Ian suggested creating a document to list questions as they come up, and later fill in answers as they are decided.
  • ACTION ITEMS: Martina will share info about the Sept. 26 ERM call with group.

Historical Data Migration

Go through as a team

  • The group began reviewing the migration document.
  • Kristin Martin shared her experiences with the migration to OLE at University of Chicago.
  • Some key points to evaluate include:
    • Keeping closed vs. open orders
    • Keeping serial vs. monographic orders
    • Keeping electronic vs. print orders
    • The length of time to keep each record type
    • Whether to keep historical data in FOLIO or in an external system
    • Migrating data from an existing ERM
    • Kristin M. will update the document with some information from today's call.
    • Other group members can continue to add responses throughout the next week.
Acquisitions Update
  • The orders app is now in the test environment, and people can begin exploring if they want.
  • Dennis will plan to do a full demo in a couple weeks.
  • The finances app now has sample data.
  • A finances UAT is planned to begin Oct. 1.
  • ACTION ITEMS: Dennis will send out a call for volunteers soon.

Action items
