2018-04-13 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Minute Taker?Eric Hartnett

Discuss Posts of Interest

Package representation needs to be addressed. A flat structure does not work well.

In Vince Bareau's Codex Metadata Model there is a description on Package (see: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5854462 and drill down to the paragraph on ‘Package’)


 Kristin Martin

Subgroup leaders

The draft agenda includes a travel time frames tab to help with trip planning.

ERM working meeting is intended to be a small group but if you'd like to attend, please contact Kristin or Harry.

If you plan to attend WOLFCon, please register so they can get a good headcount for planning purposes.

There is a list of attendees in the draft agenda.

ERM Update
Currently going through user stories and working to determine the scope. Chalmers participated in this week's meeting - their particular interest in displaying license terms to users.
FOLIO Forum, April 18th
Will present acquisitions subgroup work to date (Kristin will do intro and the Ann-Marie and Dennis will present the work).
Tags Update

Subgroup page

Tags will be used to group records into categories and for filtering and reporting. A tag is a label not a note or custom field.

Terminology: Tags are "assigned" or "unassigned" at the individual record level. They are "created" or "deleted" in the central tag list.

Good use cases: providing visual clues; bibliographic local codes; statistical codes; categorize documents; etc.

Not-so-good use cases: Codes that drive functionality; instructor/course number; loan rule categories; cases where custom fields might work better; bookplates/donor codes.

Tags app is centrally administered, and will be a "helper app" similar to the Notes app. The library can turn it on or off at the system level and if it's either on for all apps or off for all apps.

Phase 1: Tags in relation to individual records.
Scope: What tags look like on an individual record; working with and filtering by tags; permissions. There won't be a central list.

Assigning tags: FOLIO will auto-suggest as you type. If tag is not in central list, there will be a "new tag" alert. Since there is not a central list admin in phase 1, you will not be able to delete tags.

Tag permissions: View only; assign an existing tag; create a new tag; unassign a tag.

Tag details: lower case only; no spaces; no characters disallowed except space; will display alphabetically.

Tag filter in left pane. Only tags used on records in the app will display.

Phase 2: Cross-app searching and central admin area

Scope: Central admin focus; description field for tags; searching for tags in central admin and view all records for a particular tag; CRUD of tags; central admin permissions.

Next steps: Developers analyzing Phase 1; user stories for Phase 2; no ETA on when development work will be done.

Questions: Why no spaces or uppercase - this affects readability? It's common not to includes these; can lead to inconsistent tags; to enforce consistency. Ann-Marie will check with the developers about spaces. How is accessibility addressed/when should it be considered when looking at these types of apps? May be a PC question - Kristin will take it to them.

Action items
