2018-02-02 Meeting notes

2018-02-02 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Minute taker?Kristen Wilson

 General Announcements

  • Meeting Friday, Feb. 9?
  • Meeting at ER&L?
Kristen Martin 

Feb. 5 meeting

  • ALA is next week, but most people are still available
  • Kristen Wilson will chair the meeting in place of Kristen Martin

ER&L March 4-7

  • Attendees include Kristin, Kristen, Peter, Eric, and Ann-Marie
  • There will be two FOLIO presentations
  • We may plan an informal meeting, but there will be not big public event

Madrid Developers Meeting Update from the SIG Expert front

  • Tags and Workflows breakout sessions
  • Codex and Inventory Search

Martina gave an update about the tags and workflows break out sessions.


  • Mainly about technical aspects of the workflow engine, along with a few functional requirements
  • There is a need for more use cases across all SIGs
  • Also examples of cross-app workflows
  • Next step: Filip will do an update of his sketches and present to SIGs
  • RM small group will meet again and begin discussing use cases


  • Pros — flexible and simple, cons — can be messy without taxonomy
  • We need a way manage the tags somehow: delete, relabel, control
  • Filip will work on some designs for tag management UI
  • Important that tags can be reported on
  • Question: Are tags cross-app? Yes
  • Acquisitions will be used for a model before the tag system expands
  • Question: Will there be one admin area for tags across FOLIO or a separate list within each app? Still TBD

Additional notes and information are located in this Google Drive folder

E-holdings app update and Demo
  • The e-holdings app is avialable at folio.frontsid.io
    • It is available for everyone to use
    • UN/PW is admin/admin
  • Current functionality includes searching, viewing, selecting, and managing holdings
  • Future development includes managing coverage and embargoes, more pagination, search filters, search types (ISSN, publisher, etc.), and security.
  • Question: What does the "patron view" toggle control?
    • Right now, just visibility on the A to Z list
    • There may be a desire to control other displays, such as discovery service, link resolver, etc.
    • These can be considered for future work
  • Question: Has the the demo site has been integrated with the rest of the alpha?
    • Yes, it is in the folio Github repository and the alpha site
    • Some features may be a little delayed because they are deployed to the Frontside site first
  • Question: will there be a link into the native KB interface?
    • Haven’t discussed this yet, but can consider for future development
Inventory search update and demoCharlotte Whitt
  • Charlotte gave a demo of the alpha set up, which includes MARC records that have been converted to codex metadata elements
  • Can search, filter, view, and duplicate records
  • Can add notes to a record and tag a user
  • Charlotte will share a discuss post for additional questions and feedback shortly
  • Question: Is there a place where we can use this system ourselves?
    • Not yet, but devlops is working on it
    • Charlotte will share when available
Codex search update and demo
  • Charlotte gave a demo of the codex search, which searches across a local inventory and a knowledge base
  • Right now there is only one KB, but it will be possibility to have multiple KBs
    • Each KB would be represented separately
    • E.g., EBSCO KB and GOKb
  • It will also be possible to have multiple local inventories
    • E.g., libraries in a consortium, catalog vs. remote storage
  • Can search, filter, view full records
  • Question about holdings status: does this refer just to e-resources from KB or print availability?
    • Right now it just refers to KB resources
    • The terminology for thils filter may be confusing – we need to clarify it's just for the KB
    • It may also be useful to have a separate print availability search
  • Question: How will FOLIO handle resources that have a KB record and an inventory record
    • Sebastian: Codex should be capable of merging two instances that may be the same thing if appropriate metadata exists – we will need to talk more about how to accomplish this
    • There may also be possibilities for synchronization between the KB and inventory
    • Peter: Stressed that inventory can include print and electronic resources, as well as things like IR, ETDs, etc.
    • We may need some integrations between inventory and e-holdings to reduce duplications
    • When GOKb is integrated, FOLIO will also need a way to manage holdings, since GOKb doesn't do that natively
    • We will need to continue this discussion next week

FOLIO ERM update

  • Kirstin put forward a proposal devleop full ERM functionality and integrate it into the FOLIO software and roadmap
  • This was original proposed at Madrid and was approved by the Product Council on Feb. 1
  • The proposal includes funding for a development team that would include programmers, a product owner, and a UX designer.
  • We will also need to pull together functional experts. These will likely include the RM SIG, plus other experts from the German consortia partners
  • SIG members should read the full proposal and prepare for more discussion next week.

Action items
