2018-03-09 Meeting notes

2018-03-09 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Minute Taker?Eric Hartnett


 ER&L update:

  • Workflow presentation - most questions were about storing emails in FOLIO and sending emails out from FOLIO.
  • Possible FOLIO integration with CORAL, another open source project? Would act as a bridge to FOLIO ERM.

Product Council:

  • WOLF Con will be May 7-10. Hotel information will be sent out next week, you need to book quickly.  A spreadsheet will also be sent out to gather the head count.

Tags subgroup:

  • See the wiki and discuss post links on the left


  • See the discuss post links on the left

Fiscal year rollover walk-through

Fund structure: One budget per fiscal year but two budgets can be open at the same time. Funds can be closed/archived if they're no longer needed.

Finances: Rollover is managed from a ledger. Sweeping budget transfers funds into selected fund in the current fiscal year.  Funds are separated by type.

Current plan is to allow the upload of a csv file of allocations.

Need more discussion about batch edits.

Conversation will be moved to a discuss post.

Side note: Subscription to proto.io (prototype application) may be cancelled so prototypes may be moving to another place. Reasoning - it's clunky and slow for designers. It could break a lot of links from discuss posts/presentations/etc.

Action items
