2018-05-18 Meeting notes

2018-05-18 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Minute taker?Bethany Greene (Deactivated)

WOLFcon debrief

 Wiki page for Summer 2019 Implementation Cohorts Group: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/COHORT2019/OLE+Summer+2019+Implementation+Cohorts+Group

V1 planning spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PeZFdFNBiJ54m0sfDi5ujawtA4jlx4PdJZE8WiWi0yQ/edit#gid=442463625

Recap of RM workshop:

Discussion of outstanding questions from WOLFcon:

  • How can subscription agent title info be integrated into FOLIO ERM?
  • Making sure we have clear links between Agreement and PO line items
  • Discussion of terminology
    • Glossary of terms on the wiki, but it is large and overly broad
    • Currently with the Product Council
    • How the eHoldings app will better integrate with ERM – currently in progress
    • ERM subgroup is going to be working on some of these questions – on Wednesdays – anyone is welcome to attend those meetings
    • Acquisitions subgroup next step: presentation and review of Vendor interface – Vendor demo should be ready for next week
    • Batch Loader subgroup met twice this week: still figuring out basics about how things are going to come in and where data parsing is going to happen – reviewing use cases in the next few weeks

Action items
