2019-01-18 Meeting notes

2019-01-18 Meeting notes




Discussion items

Minute takerMartina Schildt

Updates from the PC (meeting minutes)

No full WOLFcon in May–do we feel the RM SIG has issues that warrant a F2F meeting?

no venue for Wolfcon; secondary idea: developer meeting; dates not settled; not too big

1-3 May still on table; developer meeting would be in Ipswich/EBSCO; Chicago as alternative, but then other dates

what goals:

no plenary sessions planned but working meeting; i.e. for ERM implementers to discuss where we are; discuss workflow related issues

votes for more f2f meetings; interest in exchange with EIs; joint understanding or requirements for EIs; training in how to use FOLIO; exchange on how to replace current workflows and how concepts on biggest level come together

acq questions; ERM; how to deal with metadata; discuss full workflows; meetings every half a year would be helpful

an app interaction group is meeting to discuss workflows and relations

walk through use cases; gap analysis; needed functionality needs to be available 6 months in advance (ideally); would be challenging to implement fully this year

question: walk through for ACQ use cases in system possible in May? Dennis: that's the current plan (vendor, orders, finance); but invoicing and receiving still needs work

discussion on dashboards and dashboard app; reach technical convention how to implement

Question: in PC was mentioned that Alabama will go forward with implementation; Michael: this is not officially decided; there are still lots of questions; not sure what is a reasonable timeframe; sceptical about October implementation

test implementation with real life data are happening; experience is build up

please email ideas to Kristin; have in mind that meeting is primarily for developers and POs

EUsage app development update:

  • Demo of code available in Q4 2019 Aster, shows how to harvest data
  • Plans for Q1 2019 (Bellis)

is in concordance with roadmap; Q4 first version released;

available on Q4 installation; not on testing and stable (planned for coming weeks)

difficult to provide test data because of SUSHI credentials being credential

interest in counter endpoints (you can enter; but it is public!)

demo: harvesting progress shows;

mandatory fields: have to fill out valid UUID for vendor as link to agreements app

for new harvester have to start from settings at the moment; manually; but in development

aggregating services implemented; need to create backend code that handles API call → choose service type → harvest stats via aggregator → then choose aggregator

records for each provider needed

in future usable as stand-alone; but cost-per-use needs linkage from agreements; is initially done by agreements; brings together content - order - license

in-app-reports available; needs linkage as well; provider name needs to be entered → no linkage to vendor; comment: would be useful → EBSCO should reach out to Björn to add as aggregator; but: not always clear what the possibilities between FOLIO and external systems are; providers might have priorities in what they want to achieve

Bellis release plans: delete single stored reports; download reports as csv; filter and search usage stat provider; SUSHI 5; upload stats manually (at first: XML, JSON); transmission of SUSHI credentials to aggregators for account configuration; lookup plugin;

in parallel: provide APIs for report questions like cost-per-use (for Q2); visualization to build chart

upload csv in post Q2 release

in discussion with reporting app


  • Demo "Related Invoice" accordion (Mockup)

  • Demo General Alerts Function (Mockup)

    • Discuss Alert Spreadsheet

walk through all modules will follow

demo of related invoice accordion

Feb 1st: demo of orders module planned; demo in next sprint as well as RM SIG planned

invoice accordion on PO and POL level

on PO level any related invoices; total of invoice lines that relate to PO

Invoice number, invoice date (recent at top), vendor, invoice status and expended amount (will have decimals)

on POL level:

invoice number, invoice date, vendor, invoice status, quamtity received, expended amount (will have decimals), pieces info (i.e. Vol. 2)

group agrees that piece info is important

clicking on invoice number links to invoice; but some info on PO for reference

question: is info duplicative if only one POL per PO (both headings = related invoices) ?; answer: figure out during UAT; in actual system 2 different pages for PO and POL

vendor name to indicate whether vendor has changed; credits will be visualised in a different way than payments to be distinguishable

subscription info lives on invoice; comment: having subscription period displayed would be nice

sketch mock-ups updated

discuss post: https://discuss.folio.org/t/defining-a-related-invoices-accordion-for-purchase-orders-and-purchase-order-lines/2307

Alerts related to orders

currently at general level; identified reasons for alerts; no contril over search and filter component; no mechanism yet, but wish to share idea

at PO: exclamation mark indicates alert; hover over shows message; click on POL displays what errors it is (i.e. receipt past due)

will probably include email that alerts person who is responsible

plan for notification center

group's feedback: is pretty straightforward

Dennis asks to add to spreadsheet to identify possible alert reasons; review cases next week

discuss post: https://discuss.folio.org/t/defining-valuable-alerts-and-notifications-that-involve-purchase-orders/2308

alerts could get picked up in workflow

distinction between alert and notification should be made

Björn: is a dashboard app already in discussion for PC?

KM: PC could contact Filip who made original design; clarify relation to To-Do-App

On Jan 25th Kristin is not available to convene RM SIG; Virginia will take care and touch base with Ann-Marie for updates; meeting might be cancelled unless there are any updates (maybe ISBNs)

Action items


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